The Prey Mother

Knowing Caroline's outcome, Amon couldn't help but have a huge smile on his face as he makes his way back to his office but as he arrives in front of his office, he sees a familiar face standing alongside a very beautiful busty mature woman.

The familiar face is none other than the kid who Amon caught snooping around Caroline's computer and the woman standing next to him must be his mother.

She had missed the meeting he had arranged for her previously, so she is here now.

The kid named Brian has finally brought his mother with him and Amon is very pleased with this development, if he had used his all-seeing eyes to check out how Brian's mother looked, he would have called her earlier by any means, but it is not too late.

Amon checks her out from head to toe and can't help but have the desire to bend her over and have his way with her. She is a very busty woman with big breasts and a thicc ass and fine legs.

On top of that, she also knows how to dress very sexily as she is only wearing a tight-fitting singlet dress that is also very exposing, and it is doing a very hard job covering her breast.

(Picture here) -

And it is not only Alom who is checking her out, even the boys walking in the hallway can't help but glare at her breasts with their jaws wide open. Brian, on the other hand, is very uncomfortable with his current situation.

Not only did he get caught trying to steal from a teacher, but he also had to bring his mother to get him out of trouble, and now every person is just eyeing his mother like a hungry animal.

He knows his mother is insanely hot. Even he is not immune to her charms, as he sometimes spies on her when she showers or while she is changing her clothes, so seeing her get attention from every man makes him feel very jealous.

He is both nervous and pissed off at his situation right now. If he hadn't thought of taking revenge for the humiliation he suffered, he wouldn't be in such a state right now. He could only curse his idiocy right now.

Brian's mind is in turmoil, so he doesn't notice Amon walking towards them, but his mother is clearly looking around waiting for the teacher that called her here.

She still doesn't know what her son did. Whenever she tries to ask him what he did, he would avoid her like a plague. Even on their way here, he stayed completely silent.

She knows her son is very timid and innocent, so she didn't push him too much and decided to learn directly from the teacher.

Like every mother, she has no clue as to how much of a degenerate her son is, and today; she is going to learn everything.

Though she thinks her son is timid and innocent, she knows that she would not have been called here if he hadn't done something serious, so she dressed up for the occasion.

She decided to dress up sexy and show off herself to be easy on the teacher's eyes so that he will be lenient with her son for her sake. At the end of the day, she loves her son very dearly and she will go to any length to protect him in every way possible.

As she looks around in search of the teacher, she sees a very handsome, tall, strong-looking man walking towards her. She looks at him and can't help but feel attracted to the hulking figure that is approaching her.

Her heart skips a beat as she sees the man looking directly into her eyes. As their eyes met, she could tell that the man was already having thoughts about her. Those eyes are that of a hunter's and she knew she is the prey.

Just this single feeling made her body tremble with excitement. She has never felt like this before, not even in her college days when she was wilding out with guys, throwing herself at every other dude to get fucked. Never did she feel such.

This man in front of her is completely different from those college dudes she hung out with. When she came here today, she liked the attention she was getting from all the college boys and it reminded her of her own college days.

But right now, she doesn't care about anything other than the hunter that is approaching her.

Amon approaches the mother-son duo and stands right in front of the mother, towering over her with his hulking figure.

She raises her head up and looks at Amon and feels a primal urge to just submit to this peak human specimen.

She then sees the man look at Brian, who doesn't meet him in the eyes, and looks down, clearly intimidated by his presence. As a mother, she wants to step forward and protect her precious son, but even she doesn't have the courage to stand up to this man.

"I am Amon Khufu, I am a teacher both here at the college and high school," Amon introduces himself and puts his hand forward. Brian's mom quickly collects herself and puts her hand forward as well and introduces herself.

"My name is Barbara Dillons. Nice to meet you, Mr. Khufu," Barbara says while putting up her most charming smile. She has already flipped on her seduction switch and now it's a game of who caves in first.

"I am a little disappointed that you didn't make it to our scheduled meeting last time, as time is very important to me. I hope this won't happen again," Amon says in a stern voice.

Hearing him, Barbara almost feels like she is being schooled by her own teacher. She just nods her head and agrees with him, "Don't worry Mr. Khufu, it won't happen again," Barbara says.

"Good, so do you know why you are here?" Amon asks and looks at Brian. Barbara also looks at her son and then back at Amon and shakes her head in denial.

"I don't know anything. Brian didn't say a word. What did he do?" Barbara asks with concern in her voice. Amon didn't expect Brian to not explain his situation one bit to Barbara, but this is good.

With Barbara not knowing anything, the deeds of her son will hit her harder and she won't have time to think it through like she would have done if he had told her beforehand. This might allow him to take advantage of her.

"You didn't tell her anything?" Amon asks Brian, but he doesn't do anything but keep silent and looks down. Amon wants to smirk seeing this as it is turning out better than he expected.

"Let's talk inside," Amon says as he looks at Barbara and Barbara nods her head.

Amon opens his office door and walks in and Barbara follows right behind him alongside her son. Amon walks up to his desk and sits down, and then gestures for Barbara to take a seat as well.

Barbara sits down across from Amon while her son Brian just stands to the side with his head still down, not wanting to look at either Amon or his mother.

Amon takes his time and puts down his files and looks into his drawers to just waste more time. The room is silent and because of this, both Barbara and Brian get very uncomfortable.

The silent atmosphere made both of them nervous, but Amon doesn't bother to speak, he continues to fix his documents and arrange his desk.

Unable to handle the uncomfortable silence, Barbara finally speaks, losing the mental game without even knowing that she is being broken down by Amon from the very beginning.

"Mr. Khufu, what did my son do?" she asks and nervously looks at her son, but he doesn't even look at her.

Amon finally brings his attention to Barbara and looks directly into her eyes, but doesn't speak. This makes Barbara more uncomfortable as she feels more pressure from him.

Knowing he shouldn't drag this out any longer, Amon finally speaks.

"You know, your son is very bold," Amon says. "What did he do?" she asks again.

"Your son came into the college campus and decided to speak his heart out and asked my colleague to be his girlfriend," Amon says with a smirk on his face.

Hearing Amon, Barbara's eyes almost bulge out of shock. "YOU DID WHAT?" she exclaims as she turns to look at her son, but Brian stays in the same position. He doesn't dare to speak.