Anything For My Son

Barbara can't believe her son did such a thing. She always saw her son as someone innocent and timid, someone who doesn't like to get into trouble, but now he has done something really stupid.

If it was just any other girl, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but he decided to ask out a teacher, that too, from the college. Being a mature woman, she knows how rumors can ruin one's career, especially a teacher's. it doesn't even have to be true, but a rumor about a teacher dating a student can ruin their career.

Knowing that her son almost put a teacher's career at risk made her very angry with her son.

Seeing that her son has no answer for her made her even more frustrated.

"Mrs. Dillons, there is more." Before this blows up, Amon interferes and drops the bigger bomb to completely put Barbara's mind in turmoil.

"There's more?" she asks with concern.

"Indeed, the problem is not him asking my colleague out. No one will try to mess with her. It is what your son did after he got rejected by her," Amon said.

This time Barbara didn't speak, but with every passing second became more and more concerned for her son.

"Since your son was rejected in front of many students, he felt embarrassed and wanted to get revenge on my colleague. Can you believe that? This boy thinks he can ask out a teacher right in the open and when she brutally rejects him, he blames his situation on her. Is this what you taught your child?" Amon asks while raising his voice, almost projecting some anger and because of his deep strong voice, it made a strong impact on both Barbara and her son.

Now even Barbara felt embarrassed and lowers her head in shame as her upbringing is now being questioned.

"Your son thought it was a great idea to break into mine and my colleague's office and snoop on her personal computer to find evidence to blackmail her." Amon finally drops the biggest bomb.

Barbara can't believe her ears as she looks at Amon with wide eyes. "You are lying," she says softly, as she can't comprehend her son doing such a thing.

"If you don't believe me, ask your son. I caught him in the act, red-handed," Amon says and looks at Brian. Barbara also turns her head and looks at her son.

"Is what he said true? Answer me, Brian!" Barbara almost raises her voice but still maintains her composer in front of Amon.

She sees Brian just looking away in shame, not willing to answer her. Barbara knows what this means. Her heart feels heavy, as she has never been so disappointed in her son. She felt shame just sitting here talking to Amon about her son's behavior.

Amon, who is watching this play out, can't help but smirk. But Barbara is too disappointed in her son and Brian is too ashamed to notice this.

Barbara finally brings her attention back to Amon and puts on her most sincere face.

"Can you please forgive him? He is just a kid. His actions are just from his impulse reactions. I am certain that my son can't stoop so low," Barbara tries to plead for her son.

"Look, Mrs. Dillons, this is a very sensitive matter because your son did find something that could potentially put my colleague's reputation at risk. Because of this, I have kept this information to myself and have not spoken about it to even the victim, my colleague. If she finds out what your son did, your son's future is over."

"Now I am facing a dilemma. If I don't bring this situation to my colleague, I will be doing her injustice which is morally wrong. But I also know that your son's future is at risk and that is why I called you here," Amon said and put on a concerned face.

Barbara's face got pale as she heard this. The more she thought about this, the more she realized that her son really fucked up. If not for Amon keeping it a secret till now, her son's life would have been ruined.

He won't be able to get admission to any other college after a remark about his actions gets recorded in his personal file.

Knowing the severity of this situation, she is also very glad and appreciative of Amon for protecting her son. Her opinion of Amon has now reached sky-high.

"Brian, go outside. I need to talk with your teacher alone!" she commands in a stern voice.

Brian doesn't complain and walks out of the room while Barbara follows behind him, but she doesn't walk out. Instead, she closes the door and locks it with its latch, and approaches Amon's desk again.

But this time, she has a certain flair in her steps. Her hips sway from left to right as she carries an allure.

Just looking at her, Amon can read her intentions. She wants to use herself as a bargaining chip to save her son from inevitable doom.

She stands right next to his desk, put her hands on the table, and bends down a little, showing off her massive knockers to Amon and she has no intention of hiding them. She even uses her hands to squeeze them slightly to make them pop out a little more.

"Mr. Amon, can you please forgive my son? I would be very grateful," she says and her words are not very different from before, but her tone has completely changed. Instead of the concerned tone that she displayed before, this time, her tone is very sultry.

"As I said before, Mrs. Dillons, this is more than just me forgiving his actions, it's about my morals and fairness towards my colleague," Amon replies back with a smile but he also doesn't hide his intentions as well, he is staring right at her massive exploded cleavage without a hint of concern.

"Just Barbara," Barbara said, trying to change the dynamic between them, from formal greetings to an informal and casual exchange.

"Barbara, I cannot forgive your son. I will have to inform my colleague and the principal about it," Amon says with a smile.

Barbara looks at Amon and she knows Amon won't budge until she puts something up first. She can already feel his hungry gaze on her and now she needs to make a decision.

And it is a very easy decision for her. For her son's sake, she will go to any lengths.

She steps up right in front of Amon and bends down bringing her cleavage right next to his face.

"Please, do it for me... If you ignore my son's actions, I will do anything for you..." she says and runs her finger down Amon's chest feeling his muscles.

She can't help but bite her lips as she feels his strong, hard muscles.

Amon smirks seeing this. This woman is more forward than he expected, but this is good. He is going to enjoy the little time he has with this bombshell.

"Anything?" he asks and touches her inner thigh with his hand. Barbara feels his hand on her thigh but ignores it and smiles cheekily at Amon. "Anything~," She says sultrily.

"Hmm, this is a very hard decision," Amon says and traces his hand up her thigh and enters the forbidden zone and directly touches her pussy, and starts rubbing it with his finger.

"~Mmnnnn~" Barbara lets out a moan and squeezes her legs together as she feels Amon's finger pressing and rubbing her clit over her panty.

Barbara's face flushes up, and as she looks at Amon, she sees his expression and feels a little annoyed as Amon is still putting on an act as if he is still thinking. Pretending that his fingers are not doing anything to her pussy right now.

"What happened? Your face looks flushed," Amon says with a cheeky smirk on his face as he looks at Barbara. Barbara is annoyed, but she bites her lip and decides to go with the flow.

Since she is the one who initiated this interaction, she has to be the one to complete it as well.

"It's nothing, I jusTTTTTT!!!!!!!" As she was trying to answer Amon, Amon suddenly jams two of his fingers into her pussy, which is now soaking wet, and starts ravaging it.

"~AAAANNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG~" Barbara moans out loud with her mouth wide open and grabs onto the wrist of Amon's hand that is inside her pussy. She tries to push it out on reflex as the pleasure assaulting her body overwhelms her.

She has never felt anything like this before.

"What is it? You don't look so good. Maybe we should end our meeting today and continue it some other day," Amon says while he wreaks havoc inside her pussy.

"~NOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ Let's continueeeee~" Barbara moans out loud as her whole body starts to shake violently.

She cums with just his fingers. No one has ever made her feel such.