A Quickie?

Barbara feels her whole body tense up as she anticipates Amon's next move. She continues to swallow her saliva in anticipation.

Amon looks at the stunning milf laying on her back right in front of him on his desk, ready to get devoured by him.

Seeing her tensing up, waiting in anticipation for him to make his move makes this even more exciting for him. The only reason he is not diving directly into her is that he wants to savor her.

Amon grabs her legs and spread them apart to open up the cave's entrance, which is still hiding behind her transparent thong. He then runs his hand up her legs and towards her pussy. He slides her thong to the side and glides his finger up and down her pussy, feeling its wetness.

"~Mnfff~" Barbara moans softly as she feels stimulated by his simple touch. Amon then brings his attention to her upper body.

Her massive breasts are asking for his attention as they almost pop out of her dress being pulled down by gravity.

Amon grabs her thighs and yanks her closer to him, and places his cock right above her abdomen. Barbara looks at it and sees it reaching beyond her belly button. Seeing this, she realizes that this thing might completely destroy her. Not only is it very long, but it is also very girthy.

She can't help but clench her pussy as she imagines what this monster will do to her.

Amon then brings his hand toward her breasts and starts fondling them. He squeezes them, twists them, pulls them, pulls and twists them till they naturally slip out of her dress, revealing themselves to their full glory.

Amon looks at it and licks his lips. Her perfectly smooth breasts with her dark nipples inviting him to suck on them. He flicks them with his fingers and plays with them for a few seconds before pinching and twisting them.

Barbara can't do anything but helplessly moan as she feels her breast being fondled in such a manner.

Amon then brings his mouth toward one of her breasts and starts sucking on it while also using his tongue to flick and put pressure on it.

"~AANNN~" Barbara continues to moan as pleasure continues to drive her mind crazy, forcing her brain to release more endorphins and oxytocin, making her hornier.

Amon stops as he has enough of it. Though he likes sucking on breasts, he loves receiving pleasure a little more.

He then brings his attention to her lips, which are still waiting to be tasted. Amon raises his head and brings it right above Barbara's and looks directly into her eyes.

Barbara feels his strong gaze and turns her head to the side, feeling nervous. She feels like a young teenager again, being shy to look her crush directly into his eyes when he tried to kiss her for the very first time.

She doesn't know why, but this felt good.

Amon grabs her face and forces her to look back at him. Barbara's eyes flicker as she sees Amon close in on her lips and she finally feels them.

She feels his soft lips touching hers as he kisses her. She then feels Amon enter her mouth with his tongue and dominate her insides.

Barbara tries to fight back, but she soon realizes that she is fighting a losing battle and gives up, letting Amon have his way with her.

She starts to lose herself as Amon continues to aggressively make out with her. Saliva builds up inside their mouth making the kiss very sloppy and wet.

After enjoying the kiss, he stops and lets her finally breathe. Barbara takes a gasp and glares at Amon with teary eyes. She felt she was going to run out of breath if Amon had continued kissing her.

"Finally, it's time," Amon says with a smirk and grabs his godzilla, and starts rubbing its tip on her wet cunt.

Barbara bites her lower lip in anticipation as she feels the entrance of her pussy being stretched every time Amon's tip presses against it, but every time, Amon just moves it away, frustrating her a little.

Her pussy, on the other hand, continues to leak more fluids, lubricating her inner walls for better penetration. She has never felt this horny in ages and can't wait to get fucked.

Seeing the tip of his cock completely drenched in her pussy fluids, he knew it is time to finally put an end to all the foreplay and feast on the main course.

He presses the tip of his cock against her cunt once again, but this time; he pushes forward and easily enters her pussy because of how slippery it is, but it doesn't mean Barbara doesn't feel it.

"~AANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~" She moans out loud in shock as she feels her pussy being stretched like never before and his dick is reaching places that nothing has gone before.

This is a completely new world to Barbara as pleasure hits her instantly, but Amon doesn't give her time to even process it.

He holds her to her thighs tightly and starts slamming his cock in and out of her pussy like a piston. The sound of flesh hitting flesh drenched in sticky fluids starts ringing around the whole office as Barbara begins to moan like a feral animal.



Barbara is overwhelmed as she feels all the weak points inside her pussy being stimulated. Her g-spot is being rubbed by the cock's shaft, her walls are stretched leaving no gaps, causing all the nerve endings inside her to be stimulated at the same time, and the cock's tip is smashing against the entrance of her uterus and pushing it further.

But it doesn't end there. Amon uses his hand and starts flicking her clit with his thumb while he continues to fuck her. Now she is being stimulated both inside and out, adding more to her pleasure.

She can't handle it anymore and experience a powerful orgasm, making her squirt out of her urethra.

Amon also decides to end it quickly and picks up his pace and releases his load inside her pussy as he grunts in pleasure as well.

The only reason Amon didn't go wild on her is that she needs to walk back and she can't do it with weak legs.

Amon pulls out his cock causing his cum to spurt out of her pussy as it continues to pulsate from the pleasure she experienced.

He looks at Barbara and sees her being a tired mess, breathing heavily while her face also shows her being lost in the feeling of pleasure she just experienced.

Amon slaps her breast, waking her up from her state, and smirks at her. Barbara sits up and brings herself closer to Amon.

Amon grabs her neck, pulls her closer, and kisses her for a minute before letting her go.

"I will keep my promise and not tell anyone about your son's action, but he will still be suspended for two weeks. As for you, I am not done with you. I only stopped because of time constraints. I want you at my house today to finish off what we started." Amon orders.

Barbara doesn't say a word and just nods her head. She can't believe she just agreed to visit someone's house she just met a few minutes ago, but she also just got fucked by this man and it was the best fucking she ever received. So she wants more of it.

Amon smirks and takes her phone and inserts his contact and address inside it while he lets her fix herself.

Barbara works quickly and easily fixes her makeup and hair, looking just like how she walked in with her son. But if one looks at her carefully, one can see small differences in her.

"You can leave," Amon orders.

"Thank you. I will call you when I get there," Barbara says.

"Good, and bring something to eat and drink along the way. Trust me, it's going to be a very long night, and you will need the energy for it," Amon says with a smirk. Barbara can't help but smile sultrily as well as she waves goodbye and opens the door before walking out.