The Lucky Principal?

Barbara's heart races up as she hears Amon's declaration. Just these few minutes between them had rocked her world, so she can't imagine what else she is going to go through when she is trapped with the beast on his own turf.

She walks out of Amon's office with his cum still inside her. Every time she moves her feet, she feels her thigh slip past each other making her feel a little uncomfortable, but she decides to ignore the feeling, as right now, she is in public.

Barbara sees her son just standing there leaning his back against the wall. She can't help but wonder if she would have ever met Amon if not for her son's stupid actions.

She doesn't want to accept it, but she is glad that her son did something stupid, allowing her to meet Amon and become his lover. She is a lonely woman who has not felt the touch of a man for over a year now, so getting attention from a handsome, strong, young man, who fucks like a beast, would make any woman like her melt.

A good fuck has completely changed her priorities. She came here to save her son from facing the consequence of his actions, but now, Amon has somehow become more important to her.

Putting the thought to the side, she approaches her son with a stern face. Though she is not angry, she still has to put up an act because it would look very suspicious if she doesn't punish him for what he did.

Brian saw Barbara walk out of Amon's office and his face instantly turned pale. He has been anticipating the conversation he is about to have with his mother, and he knows it will end very badly for him.

And the angry look on her face is not helping his mind to calm down one bit. He just stands there and lets Barbara glare at him.

"Young man, you need a lot of explaining to do!" Barbara lashed out at him in anger and it caught the attention of students walking past them, but they are too busy with their own shit to care about what is going on here.

But some of them still stopped to check out what is going on. Some guys, on the other hand, just stood there to admire Barbara, as she is a very, very alluring figure.

Brian is very embarrassed as no teenager wants to get scolded in public, so he builds up his courage and speaks back to her.

"Mom, can we please continue this somewhere else? Everyone is watching," Brian says in a low tone.

Barbara pauses and looks around before huffing angrily and walking away as Brian follows right behind her. And since his mind is filled with thoughts of him getting in trouble, he doesn't see a trail of sticky liquid flowing down Barbara's legs.

He doesn't notice it, but some sharp-eyed boys do see it as they continue to check her out and they know what it is. They couldn't help but stare at Barbara with wide eyes wondering who fucked this bombshell of a woman.


While Barbara walks out of the college with her son angrily, somewhere else, a sleazy old man is having a time of his life.

This sleazy old man is none other than the principal and right now he has Caroline on his table with her breasts out and his mouth on it, sucking on her nipples and groping her breasts.

Caroline is looking down at the old man with disgust as she is being taken advantage of by this sleazy old bastard, but she hates that this old man is making her feel good.

The old bastard is very skilled with his mouth and is making her nipples erect from pleasure. She is also very sensitive there, doubling her pleasure.

Even her pussy is getting wet because of it. But her overwhelming anger easily overshadowed her horniness toward this old bastard.

She can't help but curse her bad luck.

'How the fuck did this bastard get all those information from?' she thought as everything that led to this very moment flashed inside her mind.

*10 minutes ago*

Caroline knocked on the principal's door because she was just called in by him.

"Come in," she heard the principal's voice and entered the office.

As she walked in, she saw the principal sitting in his chair, looking at something on his laptop. The old man then lifted his head and looked at her with a big slimy smile.

Caroline didn't like the smile on his face but didn't express it. "Come in, come in," he said, while rubbing his hands together.

Caroline felt something was not right, but she still walked further and sat down and looked at the old man.

"Why was I asked to be here?" she questioned.

"Well, we have an enormous problem, Miss Caroline," the principal said while putting on a serious face.

Caroline frowned. "What do you mean? Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Indeed, something very wrong has come to my fruition, and it is related to you. Care to explain?" the principal asked.

"Explain? Explain what?" Caroline questioned again.

"Miss Caroline, look, I am being very lenient with you right now. It's better if you acknowledge your wrongdoing yourself before I take serious actions against you," the principal said sternly.

Now Caroline is worried because she knows she is in trouble. She is not innocent, as she has done many illegal things to earn some extra money on the side. She has also manipulated the system to benefit her in many ways, so she doesn't know what exactly the principal has over her.

Her best option for her right now is to stay quiet and let the principal himself tell her what he has on her. If she speaks out right now and she admits to something completely different, she will be in even bigger trouble.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Caroline said and continued to act innocent.

The principal smirked seeing Caroline trying to put up an innocent act. He couldn't help but thank Amon for providing him with such a great opportunity to take advantage of Caroline.

"Then what is this?" the principal said, turning his laptop and showing all the files which has all of Caroline's shady business documented in them.

As soon as Caroline's eyes fall on it, her eyes expand in shock as these are files that were on her computer. She didn't understand how this old bastard has it with him.

"How? From where did you get this?" she asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter from where I got this. What's more important is that you used your influence and power to take bribes from students and teachers to manipulate exam scores. This is a serious crime, Miss Caroline," The Principal reminded Caroline.

Hearing this, Caroline's mind goes into overdrive, but it is just chaos, as she couldn't think of anything. The documents on the principal's laptop are crucial evidence against her. She knows she is severely fucked right now.

"You know what this means, right? You will not only lose your teacher's license but also suffer jail time," The principal said and adding more pressure on her.

Caroline is blank as she couldn't think of anything. She had already imagined herself in a prison uniform.

The principal smirked at seeing Caroline going through a mental crisis.

'Now, I just need to strike when the iron is hot,' the principal thought and rubbed his hands with excitement.