Caught In The Spider's Web

Feeling that the time is right, the principal decides to strike. "You know, nobody has to know about this. It can stay just between us," the principal said.

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Caroline lifted her head and looked at him with a frown. Just seeing the smirk on the old man's face, she could tell that he was considering taking advantage of her.

But she also knows that this might be her only chance to get out of this situation. The documents on the old man's laptop cannot be leaked, no matter what happens. Her whole life depends on it. So she needs to listen to what this old man says.

"What do you want?" Caroline asked while frowning. "Hehe," the old man chuckled and stood up from his chair and walked around his table, and approached Caroline. Caroline didn't like seeing the old bastard approaching her, but she knew that she didn't have much of a choice but to just wait and see what the principal had in his mind.

The old man stands right in front of Caroline and runs his finger down the side of her face with a lustful expression on his face. "You know what I want, my sweet miss Caroline. I want the same thing I have wanted since the very first day I saw you," He said and licked his lips.

Caroline ground her teeth in anger as she felt the old man's rough hand against her face, but she held herself from not bursting into a rage. "I am not having sex with you!" Caroline stated while growling in anger.

"Hehehe, that's a pity, but I would like to take my time with you so you won't be having sex with me today. Today I just want to fool around and taste you," the principal said while feeding his eyes with the untouchable dessert that he has been craving for years.

He wanted to just throw her against his desk, spread her legs, and fuck the shit out of her, right here and right now, but he has been restricted from doing so by Amon.

He couldn't explain why, but he is deeply terrified of Amon and he will never go against him, no matter what happens. The old man feels very lucky that Amon at least allowed him to have a taste of Caroline. Someone who has been craved by many men.

So, wasting no further time, he ran his hand down her face to her body and started fondling her breasts, squeezing them as if they were stress balls. Caroline is not enjoying this. She is filled with anger as she can't believe she is letting this sleazy old man take advantage of her.

She could only blame herself, but not being careful enough. She feels disgusted seeing the expression on the old man's face.

Feeling bored with just playing with them from the outside, the old man grabbed her dress and yanked it down, making both her perfect breasts pop and bounce out.

Seeing the perfect set of breasts in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but lick his lips once again. Without wasting a second, he put his mouth on one of her nipples and started sucking them.


We are back to the present as Caroline is filled with anger, embarrassment, and horniness. She doesn't want to admit it but the old man knows what he is doing and it is making her horny.

But just when she thought this was it, the old man ran one of his hands down her body and started rubbing her thigh before going in and rubbing her pussy with his fingers.

Caroline flinched a little, as she didn't expect this. The principal got excited as he felt Caroline's pussy getting wet. He stopped sucking on her nipple and looks at her with a cheeky smile.

"You are getting wet. Don't worry, I will take care of it," the old bastard says with a cheeky smile and tries to go for a kiss, but this attempt disgusts Caroline, so she turns her head away.

The old man is offended that Caroline doesn't want to receive his gift, but just laughs it off. "Fine, then, I will kiss you somewhere else," he says and suddenly spreads her legs before bringing his mouth towards her pussy and starts going down on her.

"~Mfffnnnnnn~" Caroline can't help but moan as she feels the old man's disgusting mouth on her pussy, licking and slurping the ins and outs of her pussy. She hates to admit it, but this old man is a lot better at eating her out compared to her husband.

In fact, her husband rarely eats her out as he doesn't like it. With very little experience with cunnilingus, she can't help but get lost in pleasure in this new experience and press her crotch against the old man's mouth unintentionally.

The skilled old man enjoyed every second of his mouth tasting Caroline's pussy and within a few minutes, he bared results as he made her orgasm.

"~Annngggggggggg~" she moans out loud as she experiences a strong orgasm leaving her breathing heavily after it.

The old man pulls his mouth away and wipes it with his hand, revealing a sleazy smile.

"Few more of this and you will be begging me to fuck you," the old man states. Even though the old man did give Caroline a very good orgasm, she still hates this man from the bottom of her heart, and this statement from him just made her hate him even more.

"You wish! Trust me, as I say this, I am going to destroy you for taking advantage of me like this," Caroline flared out in anger.

"Hehehe, you don't understand how deep you are caught up in the spider's web," The old man says while making Caroline just glare at him as she has nothing on him right now.

Seeing her pissed-off face makes the principal happy. "You can go now, but remember to come back here tomorrow at the same time," the principal says and walks back to his chair.

Holding back her anger, Caroline fixes her dress and storms out of his office, leaving a very happy old man behind. Consumed with anger, Caroline doesn't realize that the old man didn't take much advantage of her, even though he could have pushed her for much more. She has no idea that the spider that the old man talked about is not him but someone else.


Back in Amon's office, he feels a little disappointed that he had to send Barbara away, but he also notices that Caroline is making her way to their office and she seems extremely pissed.

Amon knows the reason for her anger but he doesn't know what the old man did, so he uses his power to see the past and sees everything that happened between the principal and Caroline.

Amon smirks 'The old man did really well,' he thought as the principal made this situation even better for him.

By doing what the old man did, he has completely pissed off Caroline making her want to retaliate even harder. The angrier she is towards him, the better it is for Amon.

The old principal might not know, but he is just a scapegoat for Amon to get his hands on Caroline. Caroline bursts into the office angrily and storms towards her desk, sits down on her chair, and starts going through her computer.

Amon stares at her with a smile before finally speaking out.