Caroline's Unique Situation

"Something happened between you and Mr. Howards?" Amon asks hiding his smile. Hearing the old bastard's name, of course, causes Caroline's anger to flare up again.

She snaps her head towards Amon and looks at him fiercely. Anyone can tell that Caroline is burning with fury right now and it is not a good time to speak to her.

But this is Amon. His mortal prey does not intimidate him.

"This has nothing to do with you," she growls in anger and if this was anyone else, they would have apologized and ignored her, but Amon will not have it.

"I might not have anything to do with me, but you don't have to yell. Keep in mind that you are just an acquaintance. I am not your friend. I do not appreciate you raising your voice toward me. I hope you understand," Amon says looking directly into Caroline's eyes.

His gaze, as fierce as a tiger's, digs right into her soul, forcing her into submission.

All the blazing anger inside Caroline gets extinguished, and it is replaced by the feeling of compliance. Her whole demeanor changes in an instant. She instantly becomes submissive and lowers her head as she isn't able to look him in the eyes.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice," Caroline apologizes as she feels like she has just been scolded for causing mischief by an authority figure, but she is also feeling something else.

Her heart just skipped a beat as she found herself being attracted to Amon very much right now. The aura of dominance and superiority that he has around him has her heart in shambles.

'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I finding him so hot right now? Control yourself, Caroline. You are in no position to be attracted to another man when your life is on the line,' Caroline thinks, as her main concern right now should be finding a way to deal with the principal.

The thought of her husband doesn't cross her mind even once as she thinks about herself getting pleasured by a disgusting old man and finding herself attracted to her co-worker just a few minutes apart.

If not for her current situation, she might have even flirted with Amon right now.

"Good, I hope you keep this in mind," Amon says and looks away from Caroline with a smirk on his face.

Caroline lifts her head and takes a glance at Amon once again and starts to admire him. Her husband is good-looking, but he cannot compare to the stature and radiance of Amon. Amon is definitely the most handsome and hottest man she has ever seen in her life.

'Snap out of it Caroline!' she thinks again and looks away while blushing.

Too bad, her thoughts about Amon instantly fade away as the memories of the old man taking advantage of her resurface and ruin her mood once again.

She brings her attention back to the documents on her computer. She doesn't know how these documents got leaked, but it is useless to think about it now.

She had kept these files as a receipt for herself and also a source of blackmail for all those rich and influential parents who bought their children's degrees through her, if it is ever needed.

But now, all this is useless. These files fell into the wrong hands and now her whole career is in danger. She thinks for a few minutes before hitting the delete button.

She cannot risk getting these files leaked again.

After deleting all the documents, she finally takes her time to think about how these documents could have gotten leaked. She turns her head and looks at Amon, wondering if he is behind it, but her suspicion of him is pretty low, as he has no motive for hacking into her computer. Amon has nothing to gain from blackmailing her.

It is not for monetary reasons because he is very rich. And even if he did hack into her computer, why would he give all this to that old sleazeball instead of using it himself? In fact, she wouldn't have minded it at all if it was Amon who took advantage of her.

Caroline once again finds herself picturing herself with Amon sexually and she can't control her thoughts. She completely replaces the old principal with Amon, forcing her to perform sexual favors for him and finding herself willingly doing everything he orders her to do. Making her feel very horny right now.

'Shit, I need to clear my head,' Caroline thinks and brings her attention back to her shitty situation.

Amon has no reason to pick a fight with her and ruin her reputation or her life, as he has just been here for even less than a month.

She tries to remember every person that she is not on good terms, but there aren't many who would go out of their way to cause her harm. Even though she is cold to others, she has never escalated a situation with anyone and has not made enemies left and right.

Other than hatred, the only motive to steal from her is to use her, just like how the principal did.

With that in mind, she brings down her suspect list to two people. First is the principal, who is, of course, the prime suspect, as all her documents are with him. Now she needs to figure out how he got his hands on them.

The only other person she can think of being involved in this is that high school student who asked her out a few weeks ago.

He is the only person who should hold a grudge against her as she did humiliate him in public and it was very brutal. No one wants to get humiliated like that, but she doesn't know if the boy has the balls to actually do it.

She brings her attention back to Amon and thinks about asking him if he has seen anyone other than her snooping around in their office.

"Um...." she voices out but can't find herself calling his name to get his attention, but it was enough as Amon still heard her so he lifts his head to look at her.

"What is it?" he asks. "Um... Did you see anyone in our office snooping around?" she asks with a little hesitance.

Amon looks at Caroline, a little surprised by how fast she was able to pinpoint the culprit behind her stolen documents, but of course, she has no idea that he is the mastermind. He shouldn't have expected any less from her, as she is a cunning woman.

"No, I have not. Did you lose something? Is it the reason why you are so pissed?" Amon asks.

Caroline sighs in frustration and nods her head. "Forget about it, I will figure something out," she says and gets up from her chair and walks out of the office, not only to go and find this student but also to get Amon out of her head.

Amon smirks once again as he checks out her perfect ass from behind. He knows what she is planning to do right now, but too bad for her. Amon has already planned a path for her which will lead her directly to him.

She will willingly throw herself at him and he is going to make her addicted to him, like every other woman in his life.


Not wanting to stay in the college building anymore, she exits through the entrance and quickly makes her way toward the high school building as she wants to confront this kid and check if he has anything to do with her documents leaking.

Her arrival instantly catches the attention of all the high school students, especially the boys, as they can't help but get enamored by her stunning looks and features. Her perfect body, heightened by the one-piece black dress she is wearing, makes her look like an untouchable existence.

Every boy she walks past is left with their jaws dropping. Caroline soon makes her way toward the teacher's office as she wants to figure out the name of the boy who asked her out and that is only possible with the help of a teacher who works here.

She knocks on the door of the teacher's office and walks in to find a beautiful woman wearing a white shirt and black pencil skirt.

The beautiful woman lifts her head and looks up at Caroline, finding her somewhat familiar.

"Yes, how can I help you?" asks Shiana as she feels she has seen this woman somewhere but can't remember where.

"Sorry to bother you but, I need your help. My name is Caroline Smith and I am the math professor at our college. I need some information about a student who studies here."

Shiana suddenly remembers Caroline as she had seen her at the founder's party held last year. The reason why she remembers Caroline is that she had become the center of that party's attention, as every influential member of the board was hovering around her.

It is not because Caroline is more beautiful than Shiana. If you put both of them in the same room and ask a hundred men to point out who is the more beautiful one, it would be a very close call, as it would depend on their preference.

The reason Caroline became the center of attention at the party was that she had worn very skimpy clothes while Shiana just wore a simple dress and completely turned away everyone who approached her.

Back then, she perceived Caroline as a slut. She didn't expect she would meet this woman here at the school.

"Oh, do you know the name of this student?" Shiana asks.

"I do not, so I was wondering if you could help me," Caroline answers back.

"Can I ask the reason why you want this student's information?" Shiana asks as she doesn't want to get in trouble in the future.

Caroline sighs and approaches Shiana and sits down.

"*sigh* This is embarrassing to talk about, but this student came to the college campus and asked me out right in front of all those college students. At that time, I couldn't do anything but chase him away, but that day continues to haunt me as rumors about me dating young students started to float around.

I just want to talk to this student and properly discipline him. Maybe call his parents in to tell them about their son's behavior," Caroline explains.

Shiana remembers hearing something like this that happened a few weeks ago. She heard a student from here went and asked out a college teacher, but Shiana just dismissed it as a stupid rumor as they didn't receive any follow-up from the teacher involved in this rumor.

She didn't expect it to be true. Now she pities Caroline as she understands that these rumors can be devastating to one's mental health.