Fast Friends

Feeling pity for Caroline, Shiana decides to help her as she would want someone to help her as well if she finds herself in a similar situation.

"I am sorry that this happened to you. Wait a minute, let me pull up the database," Shiana says and quickly accesses the school's database through her ID and shows it to Caroline.

"Sorry for wasting your time. It will take a while for me to identify the student. I hope I am not being a nuisance right now," Caroline says with an apologetic tone.

"No, you aren't. I understand the situation you are in," Shiana says.

Both of them then start going through the school database to find the student that asked out Caroline by just looking at the photos of the students.

After spending 15 minutes with each other, Shiana and Caroline became fond of each other as they realized that they have a lot in common.

Their interest, their likes, their dislikes, the majority of them are common, and because of this, they hit it off.

As they continued to talk, Shaina got curious about someone as she missed his touch very much, even though it has only been a day or two since they met.

"By the way, you work with Amon, right?" Shiana asks. Caroline is taken by surprise by the mention of Amon.

Part of the reason she came here was to get Amon out of her head. She didn't think she would get reminded of him here as well.

"Amon? Yes, he is my colleague. Why do you ask?" Caroline asks curiously as to why Shiana asked for Amon.

"No, nothing, I was just curious, that's all," Shiana replies while blushing and bringing her attention back to her computer.

Caroline can clearly see Shiana blushing as she tries to avoid the question, and she is not dumb to not notice it. She can tell that Shiana likes Amon.

She then remembers that Amon is also a teacher here at school and a colleague of Shiana.

"Are you both perhaps in a relationship?" Caroline can't help but ask out of curiosity.

"No... We are just... lovers," Shiana says and then looks at Caroline. "What about you, are you two also...?" Shiana asks, knowing Amon a little. He will never let a stunning-looking woman like Caroline go untasted.

Caroline is stunned by Shiana's question. She has never been asked such a question by a woman about their own lover.

They might just be lovers, but there should still be a feeling of possessiveness. But it looks like it is completely nonexistent in Shiana.

"No... We don't have anything between us! Why do you think so?" Caroline asks.

"No, it's nothing. I just assumed it might be possible because you are very beautiful and he is very handsome. Workplace attraction is a very common thing," Shiana explains, and tries to end this conversation. She didn't want to put Amon at a disadvantage.

Caroline thinks about what Shiana said and thinks it is logical, but the idea of a woman being ok with her lover having another lover is still unique to her.

"Can I ask you something?" Caroline asks.

"Sure, go ahead," Shiana replies.

"Does Amon have lovers other than you?" Caroline asks as it was something natural to ask seeing Shiana's behavior.

"I have not met them, but yes, he does have a few lovers," Shiana replies. "I am really surprised to hear this. Don't you feel uncomfortable or betrayed knowing this?" Caroline asks as she can't picture herself sharing her man with anyone else, even if he is just a lover.

"I don't know. If it were anyone else other than Amon, then maybe I wouldn't be ok with it, but it's different with him. When you are with Amon, you just lose control. It's not like he is forcing anything, you just accept it as it is. I don't know how to explain it," Shiana explains, still clueless as to why she is giving so much control to Amon.

From the very beginning, Amon has never hidden the fact that he is with other women. Instead, he blatantly acknowledges their existence and further proceeds to tease them right in front of her.

Caroline is also baffled by hearing this, but she is not one to judge. She doesn't care if Shiana has a sharing fetish, but she feels a little connected to Shiana. Even though they just talked for a few minutes, she wants to make sure that Shiana is in a healthy place.

"I see, well it's not my business to get involved in your relationships," she said and brought her attention back to the computer in front of her.

Shiana looks at Caroline and wonders if she is lying or not. Knowing Amon, she figures that he must have his eyes on her and might have already made his move on her.

Shiana believes that Caroline is hiding the fact about her having an affair with Amon, as she is a married woman. And she doesn't blame her, as she would do the same if she were in her place.

No matter how good her husband is, he cannot compare to Amon.

Shiana decides to not continue about the topic with Caroline, as it is Amon's business on how he handles it.

She then also brought back her focus on the computer as they both searched for this student. After a few minutes, Caroline finally made her stop scrolling as she found her culprit.

"It's this boy," Caroline points out.

"Him? That's Brian Dillons, a quiet kid, but I have seen him daydreaming during classes, but that is all. Never acted out," Shiana says.

"It's him for sure. Can I talk to him?" Caroline asks.

"I am afraid you can't. He left early today. His mother picked him up. They gave no particular reason as to why they left early," Shiana answers.

Caroline frowned as she heard this. She really wanted to talk to this boy and figure out if her suspicion is right, but with him not being here, she has to put her thoughts on hold.

"How about you inform me if he is here tomorrow or not? If he is, then can you give me a call?" Caroline asks.

"Sure, I can do that," Shiana says with a smile.

"Thank you," Caroline thanks her and bids her leave.

As she walks out, she takes one last glance at Shiana. 'So her and Amon, huh?' Caroline thought and she could picture Amon and Shiana together as both of them are very good-looking.

She could see Amon and Shiana together, but also felt a little jealous for no reason. 'Why am I feeling jealous? Did I really fall for him?' Caroline questions herself as she walks out of Shiana's office and makes her way back to college.


Back in college, Amon is giving his last class for the day while also observing his class. He noticed that the number of female students has increased in his class as some of the new ones switched their primary and secondary fields to attend his classes.

Amon has a general idea as to why this happened. It is because of him. By now, the whole college knows about the handsome male professor who is great at teaching.

Amon's popularity is at an all-time high, and many young college girls have fallen in love with his aura. That strong, smart, charming, rich man is almost every girl's type. Many of them couldn't help but fawn over him.

He is also very happy with this development because sooner or later, he will be able to get his hands on a few of them and bear the fruits of his "labor"