A Different Woman

The rest of the day was normal, as nothing much happened. With Amon's shift coming to an end, he decides to head home. On his way out of the college, many female students bid him goodbye, and some of them were bold enough to ask him out for a drink, but he rejected them because they didn't meet his standards.

Though these girls are in their prime and throwing themselves at him, making them easy picks. His standards for women have increased tremendously after living in the modern timeline.

He drove out of the college and was about to head back to his house when he saw Shiana walking out of the school.

Amon stops right next to Shiana and rolls down his window. At first, the sudden appearance of a car next to her surprises Shiana, but seeing that it is Amon, she becomes happy.

"Get in" Amon orders. Shiana smiles and gets in. As soon as she is in, Amon grabs her and pulls her for a kiss. His lips lock onto her, and his tongue invades her mouth.

The sloppy sound of their tongues twirling and smacking against each other fills the car. After a minute, he lets her go, leaving Shiana flushed.

"I missed that.." Shiana says with a seductive look on her face. "Then get to work and I might reward you some more," Amon states and starts driving the car. Shaina lets out a sly smile and bends down towards Amon's pants, unzips it, and pulls out the Godzilla sleeping underneath.

Feeling his thick, warm, big, but still flaccid cock already made Shiana wet her panties. The image of her getting railed by this very cock played in her mind and she can't wait to get fucked by it again.

She moves her hands up and down his flaccid shaft and tries to get it hard. And as blood flows into his cock, it starts to get hard. Now with a hard cock in her hand, Shiana doesn't shy away from taking it in her mouth.

She kisses the tip of his cock and then licks it, slowly dripping it with her saliva to lube it from top to bottom. Once she feels that it is properly lubed, she puts it inside her mouth and starts sucking it like a lollipop.

She twirls her tongue around the head of his cock while moving her hand up and down the cock's shaft to stimulate the whole thing properly. Amon lets out a low grunt from the pleasure.

Since Shiana is doing such a good job, he decides to reward her as well. He brings one of his hands towards her ass and pulls her skirt up to reveal her smooth, thicc ass.

He rubs his hand on her soft ass making it warm before smacking it, not hard enough to cause her pain but not soft enough that she doesn't feel it at all. The slap leaves a palm print on her ass causing her to flinch while she still has his cock inside her mouth. Though she felt the pain, she doesn't stop sucking. In fact, she takes it deeper into her mouth and down her throat.

She chokes herself on Amon's cock, trying to please him more. Feeling the effort that she is putting in, Amon decides to reward her some more. He inserts his finger inside her pussy and starts stimulating her inner walls.

Shiana shrivels up as she feels Amon's big, strong fingers inside her pussy. A moan escapes her mouth, but it is muffled by his cock. Though she has experienced Amon's touch multiple times, she can never get used to it. It feels like the very first time, every time.

The pleasure makes her stop moving her head and enjoy the sensation running through her body.

"Now, now, don't stop just because I decided to reward you," Amon says as he continues to twirl his finger inside her pussy. Not wanting to disappoint Amon, Shiana continues with her work to please her master.

She starts moving and takes it all in, deep down her throat again. It doesn't matter if she is choking herself with his massive cock. She is not going to stop. Right now, the only thing that matters to her is Amon's approval.

Impressed by her dedication, Amon decides to reward her with an orgasm. Using his thick strong fingers, he simulates her G-spot and ramps up her sensitivity with her powers, making her squirt within a few seconds.

Taken with intense pleasure, Shiana can't help but release Amon's cock from her mouth and moan out loud. She shudders in pleasure and starts squirting, messing up the passenger seat. But it doesn't bother Amon, as he can get it cleaned in an instant whenever he wants.

Amon smirks as he lets Shiana calm down, but as soon as she does, he grabs the back of her head and puts his cock back inside her mouth for her to continue sucking on it.

Knowing her assignment, she takes his cock deep down her throat.


On his way to Shiana's house, he takes the same route he took when he dropped off Megan at her office.

He stops at the traffic light waiting for it to turn green while he enjoys Shiana's mouth on his cock.

Unbeknownst to him, a black car appears and stops right beside him. Amon turns his head and finds the car familiar. He has seen this car before.

The window of the black car rolls down and Amon sees a middle-aged man in the driving seat smiling at him. Amon recognizes this man. He is the same man he talked to when he dropped off Megan while she was in the midst of pleasing his cock with her mouth. Just like Shiana right now

Amon acknowledges the man with a smile of his own. "I didn't expect to meet you again," the man says, but then notices Shiana's head bobbing up and down. "And the lovely miss as well. Nice to meet you again," he says, thinking that it is the same woman from their previous interaction.

"Nice to meet you too, but this is not the one from that day," Amon says grabbing Shiana's hair and pulling her up. "This is my other lover, Shiana. Say hello to my friend"

The middle-aged man is surprised. He didn't expect to see a different woman. 

Shiana's face turned completely red as she was suddenly exposed to a stranger while she was performing a sexual act on her master. She tried to turn away but couldn't, as Amon was holding her. She pitifully looks at Amon, begging him to not embarrass her like this.

Seeing Shiana try to avoid being seen like this makes Amon smirk. "Looks like she is a little shy," he says and puts her back to work on his cock. Shiana, though embarrassed, can't help but obey him as a new feeling arises in her heart.

The excitement of knowing that something is watching her sucking on Amon's cock makes her hornier

The middle-aged man was shocked to see this. He has never seen a man as bold as Amon. Never in his life, he would ever do such a thing. Now he wonders who this man is and where he came from.