Spoilt Princess

Claressa is a third-generation rich girl, living a very comfortable life from the massive amount of fortune her grandfather made, which was further increased by her father.

To this day, she has never known what it is like to lack money. She got everything she wanted from the time she learned how to ask for things. This, of course, made her extremely spoilt.

She is, after all, her father's precious princess.

Today she is here to buy a new car because her current car has a fender bend on it and she got bored driving it for a few months now. Right now she is looking for something new, something that she can show off to her friends/underlings.

She came here along with a "friend" who very willingly decided to sacrifice his time to please her.

This friend is what people call a simp. Falling head over heels for a girl who is not going to entertain his fantasies even for a second. She just uses him as an effective means of getting her menial work done because she knows she can exploit the feelings he has for her without giving anything back other than acting as if she cares about him, but just as a friend, and that is enough for someone like him.

Today his task is to find the best car suitable for her. It needs to basically have everything that can impress the general masses because their admiration strokes her ego.

And the supercar in front of her is the one he chose for her. She likes it. It's cool looking, is expensive, and definitely has a presence, but she would have liked it if it was pink. But it doesn't matter because she can get it wrapped.

She takes out her phone to click some pictures of the car when she suddenly hears a strong masculine voice calling her.

Claressa expects it to be another guy trying to hit on her because it is a very common occurrence in her life, other than being from a wealthy family, she has also been gifted with very good looks.

A lot of guys approach her daily to flirt with her and ask for her number, and she rejects all of them because none of them are ever up to her standards.

During such scenarios, her "friend" Simp also comes in handy because he can act like a barking guard dog to chase away these wannabe Casanovas.

Deciding to reject another man and maybe even humiliate him for even thinking about approaching her, she turns to look at the man only to get stumped.

As soon as she lays eyes on the man who just called her, she draws a blank because this man is different from anyone she has ever met. He is tall, big, powerful, lean, muscular, and incredibly handsome. His eyes are extremely beautiful, something that a woman could get lost in forever if they continue to stare.

But being a woman who has a lot of arrogance, she quickly recovers and doesn't fall for Amon's charm but she would be lying if she said she isn't interested, it is not every day that such a fine specimen of a man approaches her.

Claressa takes her time to examine the man in front of her. How good is his hair kept, is his skin well taken care of, are his clothes expensive enough? Other people might not care about these things, but she does. She is a member of a billion-dollar empire and anyone she associates with has to be better than the rest.

As her sharp eyes study Amon, she finds his physical appearance perfect, his hair is perfect, his skin is perfect, and his hands look clean. The only disappointment she has is his clothing. They are as ordinary as it can get.

This makes her wonder if this man's social status is high enough. But she decides to still give him a chance because of his looks.

"Yes? Do you need something?" she asks while maintaining eye contact with the big man in front of her.

"I don't need anything. I just came to speak to you," Amon answers. "Speak to me? Why?" she asks curiously. "Do I need a reason? I saw you. You look good enough, so I decided to see if there is anything here?"

Claressa didn't like what she heard from Amon. She is someone whose beauty is well-known around the world. Massive beauty brands have approached her to be their product ambassador.

But to this man, she is just good enough? This hurt her ego.

"Just good enough?" she asks with a raised brow. Amon smirks. He knows what he is doing.

"Don't get me wrong, you are good-looking," Amon answers. "But?" Claressa asks. "But what?" Amon questions back.

"There is always a but after someone says 'Don't get me wrong'," she says, trying to figure out what this man thinks about her.

She wouldn't have been this bothered by his comment if not for her finding him attractive. Being a spoilt brat, she has always gotten whatever she has desired, so now that she finds this man attractive, she wants his validation and recognition.

"There is no but. I found you attractive, so I approached you. Do I need any other reason?" Amon answers.

He decides to divert her attention from the good enough comment, but he knows he is not successful. The matter will remain in the back of her mind because she is very fickle.

But Amon doesn't care. What matters to him is her looks. He doesn't care if she has the shittiest personality. She is just a woman waiting to be converted to one of his cum dumpsters.

Claressa doesn't know what to do. She likes that this man finds her attractive, but the fact that she is still just good-looking enough haunts her mind.

She looks at Amon and is about to speak when she gets interrupted. "Claressa, is this man bothering you?" A man with brown hair walks up to Claressa and stands beside her.

Amon looks at the man. He seems to be around the same age as Claressa and is a little taller than her, 5'8 5'9, well it doesn't matter. He is an insignificant human.

"Who is this chump? Your boyfriend?" Amon decides to act a little rowdy. She will appreciate this on a subconscious level because she is similar. She is a person who likes to look down on people who are inferior to her, and her "friend" Simp is inferior to her.

He might belong to a prominent family, but their status is nothing compared to hers alone, let alone her whole family.

Birds of the same feather flock together. Subconsciously Claressa will now have a better opinion of Amon because she too looks down on her so-called friend. Psychologically, people tend to like people who are similar to them.