A Better Trainer?

Claressa's Simp didn't know what to say from the sudden verbal assault he received from the man in front of him.

He is furious about being called a chump by this man, but he also can't help but feel a little happy for being assumed as Claressa's boyfriend.

Claressa, on the other hand, is visibly disturbed by what Amon just assumed. Her body physically cringes from just the thought of dating this simp.

The simp notices this and feels his stomach twist a little, but Claressa decides to sprinkle more salt on his wounds.

"Him, never, you wouldn't catch me dating him even in my worst nightmares," Claressa says, and she is not afraid of being blunt about it.

Her simp might be useful, but he is not the only one. Being a very beautiful woman, she has many in line who are willing to replace him.

She doesn't care if she hurts his feelings, it's not like his feelings hold any significance to her. He is completely replaceable

"That's good, hey you. Move it. Don't you see I am speaking with her," Amon says to the simp while shooing him off like a dog with his hands.

This pisses off the simp even more. He cannot take out his frustration on his queen, but that doesn't mean he will keep his mouth shut in front of a man.

"How dare you! Do you know who I am?" he growls angrily at Amon.

Amon doesn't acknowledge his question and turns to look at Claressa, further discrediting his existence "If he is not your boyfriend, why is he bothering us?" he asks her.

By doing so, Amon is playing to Claressa's ego, pointing her in a position of being in charge. Now she must take action and keep her simp in check.

Claressa looks at Amon and back at her simp.

"Ken, what are you doing? Are you trying to embarrass me? Leave us alone for a moment," she quickly takes action, just like Amon thought she would.

"But," The simp named Ken tries to speak but is cut off once again. "Ken, I said, leave!" she says sternly.

Ken glares angrily at Amon as he makes his exit. He is too much of a coward to go against Claressa.

As Ken the simp leaves, Claressa brings her attention back to Amon.

"So you were saying?" she decides to continue to conversation.

"Ah, where are my manners? My name is Amon, Amon Khufu, nice you meet you, uh?" he pauses with a questioning tone, hinting her to say her name.

"It's Claressa," she answers back. "Well, nice to meet you Claressa. Look, it looks like you are busy and so am I, so how about we exchange contact info and continue this some other time?" Amon suggests.

Claressa thinks about it for a second and decides to give Amon her contact info. Though she likes Amon's physical appearance, his comment about her being just good enough is still in the back of her mind, and she is not going to let it slide so easily.

She has met some tough men but they all crumble, as she is too beautiful for them to miss out on, so she plans to do the same with Amon.

Done with exchanging contact info, Amon resumes his talk with Claressa when they are suddenly interrupted.

"Excuse me, Mr. Amon?" Amon hears Dana's voice from behind.

He turns and sees Dana standing there with her hands held together over her skirt, waiting respectfully for him.

"Dana," he says. "Sir, the documents are ready," she says. "That's good," he smiles at her and brings his attention back to Claressa.

"I am going to leave now, I will call you when I have time," Amon says and walks away with Dana. Claressa stands there bewildered.

No man has ever left her hanging as such. She has always been the one to dictate the conversation and decide when it needs to end.

But this man Amon is completely throwing her off, he isn't mesmerized by her. She seems to have no control over him, and now he leaves without even giving her a chance to speak.

Just who is this man? She can't help but question as she watches him leave the with saleswoman. She also can't help but notice him checking out the saleswoman as she tries to flaunt her assets.

Claressa would be lying if she said the saleswoman is not good-looking, but she is definitely way better-looking that this slut who is blatantly trying to sway her hips and show off her assets.

'All men are pigs,' is the only thought that comes to her mind as she watches Amon get touchy with her.


Amon and Dana enter the owner's office and see the owner waiting for them at his table.

"Ah, Mr. Amon, I heard that you wanted to drive out from here in the car. We don't do that very often, but for a special VIP customer like you, it is possible," the owner says with a big smile on his face while rubbing his hands.

And why wouldn't he be happy? Amon alone has contributed to more than half of this month's sales and big fish like Amon tend to buy a lot of cars.

But more than Amon being a loyal customer, the owner seeks a relationship with Amon, whether it is just as an acquaintance or a "friend". Knowing a person of Amon's status is very beneficial to someone like him, someone who is rich but is nothing but a small insect compared to the heavy hitters of this city.

So it is in his best interest to maintain a good relationship with Amon.

"Francis, I am pleased. And I especially like the customer service here," Amon says as he wraps his hand around Dana and squeezes her breast. "~Mmnnn~" Dana can't help but moan as Amon's touch is electric.

Francis, the owner, sees this but doesn't bat an eye. Amon is a wealthy man and in this city, wealth stands over everything. Even officials at the highest level can be bought with money.

So an insignificant girl like Dana is nothing. Amon can order her to get on her knee and suck him right in front of him and he wouldn't bat an eye.

"Ah yes, Dana. She is indeed exceptional. I personally trained her, hahaha," Francis laughs. Dana just stands there embarrassed as she remembers her early days in this dealership. She performed a lot of sexual favors for Francis to get multiple promotions and pay raises.

"Hmm, she is good, but she can do better," Amon suggests. "Hahaha, of course, If someone like Mr. Amon trained her personally, she might become much better," Francis suggests jokingly.

"It is indeed an interesting thought... Let's ask Dana herself. It is, after all, her decision to make, so Dana, how would you like to be trained by me?" Amon asks Dana as he uses his finger and starts twirling her nipple over her shirt making it stiff in the process.

"~Mnnfff~" she moans as her nipples start to get stimulated by Amon's electric fingers. She squirms and clinches her legs together as she starts to leak down there. Getting hornier by the second.

"I am asking something?" Amon questions her once again and this time in a more authoritative tone.

Understanding that she needs to speak, she looks up at Amon, "I would be very happy to learn under you, sir," she says.

Amon smiles, he then turns his head to look at Francis without losing the smile. "Looks like this one belongs to me now," Amon says and pulls Dana a little closer while squeezing her breast. "~mmnnn" Dana moans again.

Francis looks at Amon and then at Dana. He also smiles, but he is trying his best to hide his displeasure. 'I was only suggesting the idea as a joke, but this asshole took it literary. And look at this slut, willing to jump ship even after I took such good care of her.'

Dana is one fine woman who has been his very good toy for quite a while and now it is being snatched by Amon.

But Francis is a smart man. There are many good-looking women out there. If he can gift Dana to make a better connection with Amon, then so be it.

But It will be a hassle to find an employee who is at least as good-looking as Dana, but also open to performing sexual acts. A golddigger just like Dana.

"That's great. I can't be more happy for Dana," Francis says.

"So how about we get this over with," Amon says and walks up to the couch kept inside the office to take a seat.

Dana and the owner follow him to the couch. The owner sits down with the papers while Dana just stands there waiting on them as Amon begins signing the papers.


"This is the last one," the owner says as Amon signs on the last dotted line. "And that's it," he says and collects back the papers.

"Now you just need to pay," the owner says. Amon takes out a special black card that he created with his power, which has unlimited money in it.

The owner sees the black card and realizes that the card in Amon's hand is not an ordinary one. The card is so rare that only less than five hundred people have it in their position all across the world.

His hands can't help but tremble a little as he tries to take it. "Wait," Amon stops him. "What is it?" he asks as he snaps out of his thoughts.

"There is a lady outside named Claressa, blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a pink dress. She is here to buy a car. Tell her that she can buy any car she wants, there is no limit. Tell her it's a gift from me," Amon says and finally hands over his card to the owner.

The owner is surprised by what he just heard, but he isn't going to question it. And why would he? He is making a lot of money today.

He gets up from the couch with a big shit-eating grin. "I will go a prepare your car for you,"

"Good, then I shall begin Dana's training right here and now. It will take about an hour or even longer. I hope I am not disturbed," Amon states with a firm tone.

Francis nods his head and looks at Dana. 'Looks like this slut is about to get used, just like she deserves. Too bad I won't be here to watch it. Well, who cares?' The owner thinks.

"Well, I will be leaving then," he says and exits, leaving Dana all alone with Amon.