A Life Changing Decision

As the owner exits the office room, Amon brings his attention to Dana as she stands in front of him with her hands held together in front of her stomach, waiting for Amon to say something.

Amon decides to not speak a word and just stares at Dana. Feeling his intense gaze on her body starts to make her fidgety, she twirls around with her fingers and moves her hips from side to side occasionally.

The silence continues for another minute before Amon finally decides to speak.

"Do you know what you have signed up for?" Amon asks and leans back on the couch with his arms spread wide open. A smirk appears on his face as he asks this question.

Dana stands there wondering how she should answer before just giving him a nod.

"Oh, do you? Then tell me, what did you sign up for?" Amon asks as his stare gets more intense. Dana lifts her head, locks eyes with Amon, and starts speaking. "I signed up to be trained by Mr. Amon," she answers.

Amon smirks "I think you don't understand... Come here," he calls her to get closer.

Dana nods, walks up to him, and stands right in front of him. "Get on your knees," he orders. Dana doesn't question him and quickly gets on her knees right in front of Amon.

Amon looks down at Dana as she looks at him with anticipation. He moves his hand forward and caresses her beautiful face before slowly bringing it down towards her neck.

He wraps his big fingers around her fragile neck as Dana gulps down involuntarily. She feels his hand getting tighter around her neck, but it is still of no concern, as she can still breathe. In fact, the pressure is perfect, making her a little horny.

"You know, I have a very sensitive nose. I can smell everything that is on you and is happening to you," Amon says, increasing the pressure around her neck a little more. He then pulls her closer as he brings his face further towards her.

"Let me tell you what you signed up for..." he says as he brings his thumb a little further up and gently rubs her lips.

"From this very moment, you have signed up to be mine. Every fiber of your being, your body, your mind, and your soul. All will belong to me now. From now on I am your master, and you are my slave..." Amon says.

As Dana hears Amon's words, her heart starts to beat faster, she starts to feel fear and some excitement. All this talk about being his slave starts to scare her. She realizes that she is about to sell herself to the man in front of her.

"I don't..." she tries to say something, but Amon stops her before she can speak any further. "I know the type of woman you are, Dana. You think I don't know what you want from me?" he asks.

Dana goes silent instantly as she hears this.

"I know you are a social climber. You are looking for a man who you can leech onto for the rest of your life so that you don't have to work a moment in your life You want those expensive handbags and shoes, designer clothes, luxury cars, the lifestyle that a rich person lives.

I know you are a slut who opens her legs to anyone that can provide you with all these things."

Dana starts to get nervous as she realizes Amon knows her intentions. "But you are one lucky girl," Amon says with a shift in his tone, a tone that is not so serious or demeaning as in the previous sentence.

Dana is taken aback as she expected Amon to start degrading her for being a slut

"I don't care if you are a gold digger. I don't care if you are after my money, because money doesn't mean shit to me. What I want is your unquestionable loyalty towards me. My words should be your law, and if you follow everything I say to the tee, there is nothing in the world that you will lack." he pauses and lets Dana take it in.

"Now you have two options. One, get back on your feet and walk out, which will grant you the freedom to do anything, but our relationship will end right here and now. There are no second chances.

Or you use that mouth of yours to serve your new master and completely submit to me and I promise you will be taken good care of for the rest of your life." Amon stops speaking and lets Dana make her decision.

Dana, on her knees, starts to ponder everything that she just heard. Her heart can't seem to calm down, as this might be the biggest decision she makes in her life.

The man in front of her is what she has always wished for: handsome, extremely rich, someone she can rely on. But for her to get what she wants, she needs to give up on her life, and her freedom, everything about her life will become his to decide.

If she decides to walk away, she might have her freedom and she might find another person she can leech off on, but those are all just ifs.

Right now, she has what she needs. Amon has everything that she has ever wanted. She starts to wonder if her freedom is worth a lifetime of luxury.

She looks up at Amon and sees him casually leaning on the couch with a smile on his face.

'Think girl, think, this is the biggest decision of your life,' On one side is freedom, and on the other is her dream lifestyle at the expense of freedom.

After racking her brain for a few minutes, she finally decides what she wants. Dana moves a little forward and puts her hands on Amon's thighs.

"You have made the right decision," Amon says. "Now get to work," he orders.

"Yes master," Dana answers. This is what she wants. Passing this chance is the stupidest decision she can make.

She brings her hands upward towards his pants' button and unbuttons it. She looks up at Amon once again as he nods his head and gives her permission to continue forward.

She puts her hand inside Amon's pants and pulls out his big, fat, flaccid cock. This thing looks intimidating as it is, but Dana knows the monster that she is about to confront.

She takes a deep breath one last time and gets to work.