Taking Out The Simp

The owner of the dealership knows that he has lost a very good slut to Amon, but he isn't going to make a huge scene about it. Though he will miss that pussy, the benefits that he is about to gain are much more significant.

As he walks around his dealership to find one of his workers, he sees the beautiful blond woman that Amon spoke about. She seems to be talking to some chump who is trying to fawn over her.

The owner immediately notices the status difference between the two as one is a rich, spoiled girl and the other is a loser who is trying to impress the beautiful rich girl.

Being just a small car showroom owner, he has no say in the relationship between a rich brat and her servant.

But right now, he has a task that needs to be completed. He dusts off his suit and approaches the duo.

As he gets closer he hears the man speak. "Claressa, you need to be careful, guys like him only want you for your body. On top of that he is just a poor man, he is beneath you." hearing this sentence the owner almost burst into laughter as he already figured out what must have happened.

His VIP client must have approached this rich brat and her simp got jealous seeing her give him some attention.

"Ken you should keep your thoughts about my life to yourself. I don't think I need to remind you that you are a nobody," Claressa lays out her spiteful words.

'Shit, this rich brat isn't holding back any words,' the owner thought. He could also see the anger flaring up on the simp's face, but the rich sassy girl doesn't give a shit about how he feels.

"Claressa, you got me wrong, I don't mean t-" The simp quickly swallows his anger and tries to backtrack on his words but the owner decides to step in and save the simp from making more of a fool of himself.

"Excuse me, miss" he calls Claressa, grabbing her attention along with her simp.

She turns her head to look at the owner and raises her brows, questioning his motive. This man is too old for her taste. She is getting ready to reject the old man if he displays even a single sign of interest towards her.

"Who are you?" she asks a question both she and her simp are thinking.

"Dear customer, I am the owner of this fine establishment," he introduces himself.

"Oh, is my car ready?" Claressa asks thinking that the owner is here to inform her about her car.

"Actually, I am here to deliver a message from someone," the owner says.

"A message? From whom?" she asks curiously.

"It's from Mr. Khufu, the person you were talking to before, the big handsome man," the owner gives a detailed description of Amon so that Claressa can remember who he is talking about.

But how could Claressa ever forget Amon as he has made a very deep impression on her?

"What does he want?" she asks folding her arms below her breasts while raising her eyebrows in curiosity.

"Mr. Amon wanted me to tell you that he is gifting you any car you want from this showroom, you can select any car you want and it will be yours, free of cost," The owner says with a smile while rubbing his hands.

Claressa's eyes go wide as she hears this. "Are you serious?" she asks doubtfully. "I am as serious as I can be," the owner says.

'Looks like he is not some brokei after all,' Claressa thinks and turns her head towards her simp. "Looks like you were wrong. I don't want you here anymore. You can leave." She says to Ken and brings her attention back to the owner.

"Claressa, you can't do this..." he says but her words fall on empty ears as she completely ignores him. The owner looks at the simp and back at Claressa and sees that he is ruining this brat's mood. So, like a good little bootlicker, he springs to action.

"Is this man bothering you, miss? If you want, I can get him thrown out of the premises." The owner asks.

"Can you do that?" she asks, well more like tells him to do it while also seeming that she doesn't mean it.

The owner gets the clue and quickly calls for security to drag Ken out of the. "Claressa, this is too much, even if your family is more influential than mine, doesn't mean you get to humiliate me like this," Ken shouts as he gets dragged out of the showroom while Claressa completely ignores him.

"Now that the nuisance is out of the way, let me help you with all the paperwork," the owner says and guides Claressa away with him.


Back inside the owner's office, Dana is doing her best. With both her hands on Amon's cock and its tip inside her mouth, she is doing her best to please her new master.

She continues to bob her head up and down with Amon's cock hitting the back of her throat, but she still has some extra surface to work on so she uses her hands that are holding the remainder of the shaft and with the assistance of the saliva dripping down her from the mouth, she starts twisting and turning her hands.

As an experienced slut, she knows how to suck a dick but with how big and full Amon's dick is, she needs to put in extra work.

"~fuck~" Amon moans as he experiences great pleasure from Dana's exceptional blowjob. But he believes she can do better.

"Take it deeper," he orders making eye contact with Dana as she is looking up at him with his dick in her mouth.

Dana hums, listening to Amon's order, and starts increasing her pace. She starts taking his cock deeper down her throat. She feels her throat being expanded by his thick shaft.

But being an experienced woman, she doesn't gag or choke on it. She takes it fully down her throat.

"~good~ just like that," Amon says as he places his hand on her head and starts guiding her head to the pace he likes.

The sound of Dana getting her throat fucked fills the office, but no one is there to enjoy the sight.

"Enough," He says, making Dana stop. With his dick still down her throat, she looks up at Amon asking what he wants to do next.

"You know what to do next," Amon says.

Dana lets out a muffled sound and takes out Amon's dick from her mouth causing a pop sound as her saliva drips out of her mouth. She gets back on her feet and pulls up her skirt, revealing her dripping wet pussy.

Amon smirks seeing this as he is about to break this bitch.