
It did not take long before they had reached the location. From afar it depicted a serene environment surrounded by perks of mother nature. The building stands tall, big and shiny even when it would be viewed from a far distance.

It really was a big place, accommodating three story building and a field. A big colorful, multi-story building standing in the middle of the vast land.

The gate was fashioned from black iron, quite seen in story books, artistic and pretty, showing the name of the school in concrete bold letters, RIVERDALE HIGH. The fence itself is many shades of brown, having been renewed a piece at a time over the years.

Well it is quite known that this school is very old. It has been there for around fifty years. It has prepared many good persons, making the school building have a long history. It is good that it is being cared for but the school's administration.

It reminds Crystal of seaside homes, all painted different pastel hues. Her mind suddenly wondered what the place would be like without a fence, an expanse of different backyards - a patchwork quilt of flowers, grass and vegetables.

But still she wouldn't deny; it was a welcoming of sights adding more beauty to the environment.

It has wide spacious rooms. The classrooms of my school are large and airy. The boundary wall also looks very beautiful.

Coming down from the bus as soon as they had entered the school environment, everyone followed the Principal who had accompanied the students to the school.

They were led into a big hall filled with people and students alike. They were led to a seat and were asked to sit down according to their respective classes. Crystal sat with Henry while Justin sat with Martha.

Henry, who didn't like the way Justin had held Crystal back at the bus asked her as soon as they sat down.

"What were you and Justin talking about?"

"It's...its nothing. He just wanted to ask how i have been coping with....with my studies" She answered, looking away. She hated it when she lies because the person who she is lying to will always find out she was lying but luckily, Henry believed her.

"But why did he put his hands around your shoulders then?"

"I...i don't know. You could ask him if you want to"

"I rather not....that guy is a beast. I wonder what girls see in him anyway. He is just a pathetic rich kid"

"You don't have to insult him Henry"

"I am's the truth Crystal"

Crystal sighed as she looked away. She really was not in the mood of arguing with Henry. Right then she was confused. She didn't know why Justin acted that way back in the bus.

Was he really jealous?

It felt good when he has said she was his but she could not understand why he avoided her. He really was confusing.

"Crystal are you okay?" Henry asked, holding her chin up. She smiled at him, assuring him she was fine. But in her head, she was praying right then that Justin's attention wasn't on them. Goodness knows what he would do if he saw his hands on her chin.

Politely pulling down his hand away from her chin, she sighed out of relief when she had seen her wasn't even on his seat.

But Justin was leaning on a pillar close to them. He bit his lips, watching how Henry looked at her. That's it! He has had enough.

Walking to where Henry and Crystal sat, he took her hand and made her stand up leading her to God-knows-where.


But he didn't answer. He held her hand but not too tight as he led her to wherever they were going. Entering a class which had no chairs but was rather empty, Crystal wasn't given a chance to look around as Justin had pinned her to the wall.

"How many times do i have to tell you not to let that boy touch you?"

Crystal who was in a shocked state was snapped out of it by his question.

"You were jealous again?"

"I should have known, you were doing this intentionally"

"And what if i am doing it intentionally? You ignored me for three weeks and now you just claim you are jealous?"

"And so? Any problem wrong with that sunshine?" A sly grin appeared on his face.


"There is no problem being jealous if another person plays with what is mine?"

"I am not your property"

"I didn't say so did i?"

"You are frustrating me"

"Oh! You look more beautiful when you are frustrated baby. Can i frustrate you more?"

"Why are you like this? Why can't you just let me be?"

"I can't let you be. You know why? Because you are just not anyone"

"Not just anyone?"

"I love you Crystal. You know i do don't you? I know you wanted to get on me intentionally just because i ignore you. I love you no matter what Crystal. No matter what"

Crystal's heart skipped a beat when she heard those words. He loves her? It seemed as if some weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Despite the fact that she told herself that she would not be so anxious of an answer from him, she didn't know how to feel or what she was feeling at that moment.


"I could say it over and over again for you to hear if that would make you stop attempting to make me jealous. I love you and you are mine okay? No one else"

Her blushing was a kind of flowering, the sort of pink that brings champagne roses to the imagination. He kissed her head again and she watched him heave a sigh as he touched her hair. She couldn't help it but she reached to touch his face. She loved it when he looked at her....with those eyes, it made her feel so complete....

So whole.

Today she was happy, but she didn't think anyone can tell. It's under the surface and mixed with some anxiety. She was not used to the combination, it's truly odd. Happy seems to take her up but anxious seem to also bring her down, so in that combination she simply focused on the task at hand.

Perhaps it's like that for everyone starting something new, pleasure at gaining forward momentum and fear of the change. She gave in all her best to the written examination and hoped that her school went to the next stage.

It was six pm when they had left the school, hoping to be back the next day if they had passed the first round.

Throughout the ride back Crystal couldn't help but constantly smile when Justin seemed to always want to touch her. She wondered at his possessiveness and when it even started.

They had reached their school at 7pm and it was getting late. As soon as she came down, she made her way to the gate but before she reached the gate, someone stopped her from behind.

"Its late Crystal, i can't let you go alone"


"I'll drop you off okay?"

"You don't need to...."

But before she could protest, he was already dragging her to the car. She couldn't help but admire the car, not even knowing the brand it is. But she could tell it was a very expensive one.

"Crystal" Justin called as soon as the car hit the road. He dragged her closer, making her rest her head in his chest. Stroking her hair, it made Crystal feel


"Remember i always love you no matter what i am ever going to do to you. Don't ever forget that" He said, making Crystal look up.

"I...i don't get"

"I don't know how to explain this but soon you are going to understand. I promise whatever i do to hurt you i never meant it"

"Justin....i don't....."

"Shh no more"

He nestled her in his arms, not giving room for any more talk. He couldn't help but feel broken when he knew this might be the last time....the first but last time he would hold her this close. He had to treasure this moment....

Because it might be the last.

He brought her closer as he put his chin on her shoulder. He wanted some much to cry but he couldn't. He had to be strong because it would take a lot to see her hurt. It would break him but he had to be strong.

Crystal could not understand why he seemed off but she felt there was something bugging him. She also knew that he would not tell her even if she asked and so all she could do to comfort him was hug him so he would feel better.

They reached her destination and he let her go, not after giving her a kiss on the cheek. He watched as she entered the house, not taking his eyes off her.

"I'm sorry Crystal....really" He whispered, his eyes not leaving her back as she made her way into the house. His heart broke when he thought of what he was about to do.

"It was for her own good" He consoled himself as he looked away, resisting every urge to get out of the car and pursue her....stay with her...hold her....

Never let her go.

It was hard for him to look away but it was for her and hid mother. He was a monster and she deserved more.....more than him.

A tear trickled down his handsome face as the car making it way out of the compound. It would be hard for him but he had to be strong.....for her.


Mr. Maxwell sighed as soon as he saw his son enter the mansion. He didn't stand up but rather watch as he walked, his hands in his pocket.

"Father" He called, walking to him and bowing his head.

"I hope you are ready for what will happen next" He said, reaching out for his pipe which was on the glass table close to him.

"As long as you keep the would not hurt her"

"Fine! But you would be the one to conduct them and make sure it goes smoothly. I do not want any mistakes"

"I will take care of everything. You don't need to worry father" Justin said as he bit his lips, trying his best not to break down at the moment

"Son you are home" He turned around as Mrs Maxwell made her way to the sitting room, playfully ruffling his hair as soon as she reached him.


"How was the competition?"

"It was fine. Surprisingly not that hard"

"Go freshen up then, i will send your food to your room" He smiled at his mother and made his way to his room.

But as soon as he was in his room, he dropped his bag and opened his window, climbing down the building with ease. He had to clear his head....he would go crazy if he didn't.

He ran towards the woods, as fast as his legs could carry him. He didn't look back and when he felt he had ran enough, he shouted with all his night as his knees met the damp soil, transforming into what he was.

A beast.


Crystal was in her own world....happiness taking over her as she did all her night chores happily, preparing herself for sleep. She lay on her bed, nestling his jacket. She felt happy and contented. She closed her eyes as she went quickly to sleep.

Tomorrow was another day.