
He knew what he was doing wasn't what he had planned but damn he really wanted to put a smile on her face. Knowing very well of what his father had told him about Crystal, he wanted so badly to avenge her and put the culprit in jail.

The hurtful memories surrounding the death of his mother still haunted him despite the fact he had another mother who luckily took care of him just like his real mother did. But still he had missed her and he had vowed to put the culprit behind bars.

And now he had found the culprit he felt so hesitant. She knew very well she was the culprit right? Then why does she still put on her innocent face as if she is innocent.

His mind was in total turmoil and he didn't know what to do. He decided not to always acknowledge her presence whenever he saw or came across her. It hurt when he saw how hurt she was when he was avoiding him.

But it was for her own good. She couldn't love someone who would one day send her behind bars.

But why should it be Crystal? Why not anyone else but this shy nerdy fourteen year old? He tried his best to avoid her as much as he can do. He had to get a grip on his sanity and do what needed to be done


For three weeks it was like that, Crystal hurting whenever he ignored her or her presence. She thought he had felt the same way she felt for him but that was not the case. He was avoiding her and she thought it was because she confessed her feelings. She shouldn't least it would have been better.

Her hand was healing and she had even removed the bandages although the scars were still there, making her always remember what she had done to herself.

The state competition drew near and despite the was going through an emotionally hard time, she tried not to think about him or try to hide her desperation. She tried to be strong and fight for what had brought her to this school. Justin should not matter to bad she wanted to believe that.

At least he never asked for his jacket. She could sleep so soundly since she had his jacket. It brought her peace and she had never been much better. It made her forget her fear and move on with her life.

And it felt good.

The much awaited competition came and as usual, Crystal did her house chores and made it to school quite early. She didn't see him when she had reached the school and she tried her best not to make him matter.

She kept herself busy before she had heard the school bell. She carried her bag and made her way to the bus which was already in the field.

"Hey" Someone called from behind. Looking behind her, she smiled when she saw Henry. They had been reading partners for quite some time now, making them friends. Henry is a nice guy and she liked his sense of humour some times that is....when the situation in which they must have found themselves in was not that serious

"Good morning"

"Hi Henry"

"Are you ready for the competition?"

"Yeah i am, are you?"

"I won't lie i am somehow nervous"

"Now you are making me nervous Henry"

"How are we going to kill this nervousness then?"

"You always have nice ideas, suggest one"

"But you are the brainiard here, deduce one"

"I am not gonna"

"Then we stay rooted in between the claws of nervousness"

"At least we are on the same page"

"Hope you slept well?"

"Yes i did...because that is the only way i will be rid of you"

"Oh! You want to get rid of me Crystal?....not a chance! I'm your nightmare"

Crystal chuckled as she used her hand to hold her stomach. She loved arguing with him. He was impossible. She shaked her head as she turned back to her front, the bus in her view.

"Let's go before the bus leaves us"

"Won't it be a relief? At least we would not go and the nervousness will be gone"

"You're impossible"

"Fine! Don't say i didn't warn you. Shall i carry you to the bus my lady?" Henry asked, a sly smile on his face.

"I politely refuse young Mister. My legs ain't at all immobile"

"This way then my lady" He said again, making her chuckle. She didn't see the smile he had on her face when he saw her smile nor the happiness in his eyes when he saw she was happy because he made her happy. His emotions were vulnerable for a second but he hid it as they made their way to the bus, his eyes on her.

It is not yet time...he had to wait for the right time.

Meanwhile, there was someone behind them who clenched his fists so hard that it turned pale. He didn't like the way this boy was looking at Crystal. He couldn't help it but feel like making him headless. No one had the right to touch her except him even if he ignored her. He closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes staring daggers at this boy who was walking so close to Crystal.

He shouldn't feel like this right now....he can't be jealous right now. But he couldn't help it.

That guy had no right to be close to her. No one had that right.

Only he had the right.

Justin walked to the bus and entered, not helping but noticing they were sitting together checking out a book. His heart ached when he saw how happy she was....with this boy. He wanted to be the reason for her smile. Damn he shouldn't be acting like this. Didn't he want to avoid her?

"Justin come sit close to me so we can revise" Martha said as she smiled around him. He rolled his eyes and resumed staring at them and a minute later, he entered the bus and walked to where Henry and Crystal were sitting.

"Hey you! Get up from here. I want to sit here. He said, not minding the surprise on both their faces. He saw this boy had put his hand around the chair Crystal is sitting, as if telling him Crystal was taken.

But Crystal is his....he couldn't help it but say that in his head. "Mine" He said in his head again, clenching his fists tighter.

"But i was here first"

"Didn't you hear me? Get up from here this instant"

Henry seemed angry but he tried to hide it. He smiled at Crystal and then got up, going to the back. Justin sat on the chair beside her and even went as far as putting his hand on her shoulders.

"Justin....your hand" Crystal said, trying to get his hand off her.

But it was impossible, his grip on her was strong.

And then he leaned towards her, taking in her scent. He missed her and right now, he didn't mind showing everyone she was his. No one had the right to get close to her except him. He didn't know why he was acting this way but he didn't like any boy or man close to her.

"You don't like my hand on you? But you didn't say anything when that boy put his hand around you" He said with disdain.

"He didn't put his hands around me Justin"

"But you seem comfortable"

"That is not your business. You ignored me all this while and now care? I don't understand"

"If you don't want me to care then stop making me jealous"

"You were jealous?" Crystal asked, her eyes widened.

"You want me to say no?" He smiled, gently pinching her cheeks.


"Yes. I don't want to ever see that boy close to you like that okay?" He said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"And why should i listen to you?"

"Because you are special to me sunshine. Now no games okay?"

"I still don't understand you Justin"

"I hate sharing what is mine dear"

"I am not your property"

"Shh" he put his index finger on her lips, not wanting to hear anymore. His hands left her lips and cuppled her cheek.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about so don't stress yourself asking me. If you like your friend then tell him to stay away from what is mine. I want to respect your feelings Crystal"

"I don't like you calling me that, i am not your property"

"I don't care what you think dear but trust me, you won't like to see the outcome" He smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her cheek. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction. He loved how he affected her.