Chapter 1: Story of my Life

*This will be kind of short as it's just the intro*

**Flashback time**

I was born as an average Joe. A certain Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. The odd thing is, I hardly had any presence during my early years in Junior and Senior High. The same kind of presence concealment as Kuroko's innate or inborn ability.I then went on the same traditional path as everyone. Thinking that if I went against the current, the moment I would go ahead and do so this river of life would drown me out - as only some exceptional ones can attempt and actually succeed to go against the current and eventually bask in the greener pastures beyond the river.

Thus, I tried to follow what most Asian Parent does, get their child to graduate College and get a good job out of it; though to be honest, bachelor's degrees don't guarantee that you'd get a good job to your liking and passion or even enough to sustain a good enough lifestyle. But as reality goes ever unchanging and unpredictable, I didn't even get past high school. And no, let me stop you there. I wasn't hit by truck-kun, nor was I stabbed by what seemed to be a robber like in that original Slime Anime (I'd know as I watched a decent amount of anime, especially isekai to know the common tropes).

MoThe thing that killed me was actually a space-time phenomenon known as a Wormhole. Yes, they exist apparently, and that of accident caused the end of me, or more precisely the end of my life as Martin, and the start of my life as an unnamed slime. I was casually walking home and as I bid goodbye to my friends, I was accidentally dropped into some said space-time wormhole. "I Apologize for this mishap, it seems that there was a tad bit of oversight over on my end, as that wormhole should have been opened to another Earth from a different universe, as only the humans of that universe could manipulate the wormhole into one that could withstand human flesh. Your Earth has not yet unlocked that kind of Technology yet, but somehow a calculation was made wrong and thus it locked onto a different universal coordinate."





"and who are you again?" asked Martin, who was now currently a floating blob of light-based particles of which we can call it as a soul (of sorts).

"I am the one. The creator of all. A god-like existance capable of much authority for at least this multiverse... and to apologize for my mistake you can reincarnate into a random world similar to the earth, but with a different reality, together with wishes 3."

"I can't believe this... I was supposed to follow the path, now... it all seem surreal."

"Hurry and choose your wishes young one, our time is limited."