Desecration of the Sacred Space

A group of cars departed from the New World City Police Station, racing through the highway with incredible speed! Detective Lewis was driving the car in front, with Detective Harry sitting right next to him and Commander Niko Larsen sitting in the back seat, wearing a pair of sunglasses as he stared at his phone screen.

"Are you sure about the location?" Detective Harry turned his head around in an uncomfortable position from the front seat of the car and looked straight at Commander Niko Larsen's face as he spoke. "Is that accurate?"

"I assure you, Detective. My gadgets are extremely reliable." Commander Niko Larsen nodded his head as he waved his phone in the air. He still had a beaming smile on his face which made Detective Harry a bit more uncomfortable. He didn't know why he felt that way. After all, the man was simply smiling at him, wasn't he? Or was there something else?