Breaking Down

"Glory to Hasurik!" The group cheered loudly once again, and this time, the enthusiasm seemed to be back to the height that it was before.

The group was then led by Garry once again, and they reached another layer inside the cavern, and this time, the eyes of the crowd widened, as expressions of shock and confusion filled their faces.

"What the hell are those things?" Linda asked with a disgusted expression as she placed her hand over her mouth and asked. Even the Chief was shocked by what he just saw. "Did you have any clue what these things are?" Peter asked Chief Henry, who shook his head and gulped down the saliva in his mouth as he stared at the dozens of large egg shaped objects that filled the area. "What in god's name was going on down here?"

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Henry slowly moved forward as he stared at the giant egg-like structures with confused and intrigued expressions on his face, and the crowd followed him close behind.