As escanor was about to rip her apart,time seemed to stop for momo, she looked around and every thing stopped, even escanor, she continued to walk around, she thought it was all a dream, she walked until she got to the corpse of all might, she looked at how destroyed he was, she went back to escanor who was still in the same spot, she knew this was a dream, escanor wouldn't ever do this, but she somehow felt it was real, she had spent the battle like this, so she knew it wasn't a dream, until, something happened, escanor was moving back, everything looked as if, it was being rewound, all mights nezu was slowly forming back together with escanor right there, aizawa getting his corpse reformed, all might not getting launched, his face slowly regaining its posture, soon, everything was back to normal, she saw everything that went by go back to the day escanor and her came back from the quirk tests. she saw her body going back towards her bed and lay down, closed her eyes.
The next day i woke up and took a shower, i went down to eat breakfast with momo, nejire and my parents, i had a crazy dream last night, i decided to tell them, "hey guys, i had a really bad dream, i killed everyone in my class and all the teachers, and even all might..."
"i did too..." momo said, "i didn't!" nejire blurted out, i smiled at nejire's antics and patted her head, i went towards my room to get changed.
Me and momo got changed and headed to school. once we got to school we saw a bunch of reporter's, we walked past them while they tried to get us to say if we knew any thing about all might, we got in our class and sat down, aizawa came in and told us to pick a class repesentative, ilda suggested we do a vote, it landed on izuku and then momo in third, everything happened like cannon, we also did the hero training thing, obivously my team won. we did the rest of the classes and went home.
the next day we got to school and we were notified that we would do a rescue training, we went to get our costumes on and got on the bus, frog girl told everyone dekus quirk reminded her of all might but someone pointed out all might doesn't break his limbs every time he uses his quirk.
we finally got to the USJ and everyone explained the rules and how quirks can kill, momo thought that she was having deja vu, escanor too but he already knows what happens, the lights flickered and purple mist appeared, tomura shigaraki comes out of the portal with kurogiri and then nomu, the fodder units are laughing while saying we were done for, some guys in the crowd just looked at the women with lustful eyes, so i of course went down, must to the protest of my teacher, i entered the one form and began to break their limbs at super sonic speeds.
after that was done in just about a few seconds, tomura ordered nomu to kill me, i just used divine sword escanor and it cut him in half, everyone was astonished, but i punched nomu away and out of USJ, i quickly made my way towards kurogiri, and knocked him unconscious, i then made my way over to tomura shigaraki, (menacingly) "you better be thankful thre are others around, or else i would have already snapped your neck and put you through hell before you die"
after that all might appeared a few minutes later with a frown, but saw everything was dealt with so he asked me, "what happened? i thought there were villains!" he said, "don't worry, i dealt with them all!" i said with a small smile, all might was glad he had a student he could depend on, and maybe a future symbol.