Im just gonna end it with this

(The battle with all for one)

Its been about a year since i have joined U.A, deku went rogue but came back? all confusing, so im sitting on my couch inside a U.A dorm, until suddenly... *BOOOM* *CRASH* i heard a loud boom and screams, i look outside the window, only to see thousands of villains and tomura shigaraki(afo) above them.

I quickly put on some high resistant pants for fire protection and stretchy materials. i hop out of the buildings window without a shirt because who needs a shirt when you're escanor?

I landed on the floor with cracks forming under me, silencing everyone. i turned towards AFO and say, "a shame really... i was hoping to enjoy more time before i killed you, pitiful creatures like you need to be put down, don't they? all for one..."

All for one looked at me and rushed at me, i started transforming and caught his hand, i then turned up the heat to burn his hand. i then did a Divine Sword Escanor, which formed a large and deep burning cut on afo's chest.

I then use Ray Of Heat, turning his body into a pile of burning flesh, and of course, he heals back to normal...

"sigh...when will you just die?"

I then transformed into The One, i appeared in front of him in a instant, he tried to decay me, but i reappeared behind him. i then said in the most dark and unforgiving tone i could muster, "this is the end for you, such a pity..."

Afo slowly turned his head, and he saw a giant escanor towering over him, i then yell, "VOLCANIC, ERUPTION!" i then condensed all of the heat i could make, made it able to melt everything within a 100 meter radius into my fist, it was a good thing everyone ran away, they knew what i could do now. i then threw the punch directly on AFO, completely melting him into oblivion, there wasn't anything left as eruptions that looked like tiny volcanoes erupting emerged all around me, this attack kills the opponent, but looks flashy for others. i then turn off The One and start to head back into my room, all of the villains were dealt with by the security systems and the heroes, i didn't need to intervene.


5 years later, Escanor Age: 21

Its been five years since i restored peace in the world, me, momo and nejire all got married 3 years ago, we have been living a great life so far, no villain attacks in the U.A grounds.

Everyone was happy for us since we told everyone we were dating after the sports festival.

We are planning on having kids, im excited to see if they would inherit my 'quirk', i really wish they will, we lived happily ever after.