Dream Walking

Night has come...

Asleep, I tried using my book to go into another orphans dream. The experience was odd. Wall sized pages flew around me. They were showing me active dreams of the orphans. As an experiment, I tried being specific. To my delight I could do a search for a specific person.

I hopped in a dream of the boy next to me. He was 5 years old and dreaming he had strong awesome wings and was flying through an endless sky full of fictitious birds. Clouds with grandiose trees growing on them. Currents of water flowing through the infinite sky. Going into the dream myself was an amazing experience. When I entered the dream, I too had gained wings on my back and was already flying.

I was some sort of humanoid avian creature. I flew around for a little while enjoying the dream. Then I used my book to extract whatever energy the book will collect for me. Little lights that matched the environment started gathering around me. They then went into me forming a spiral around me. It only took a second to get the energy.

It may sound odd, but I felt my "imagination" get stronger.


I felt more in control of myself within the dream too. Now I will try to store the dream in the book. The book came out and opened to the first page. Then a beautifully painted picture was filling the page. A title written at the top of the page, "Endless Flight".

"I think this may be the greatest superpower in the world.", I say in awe of my new ability.

I am immensely happy right now. I started to walk into some other dreams. Aliens, magical beasts, magic, princesses, knights, and just plain meadow running was all I experienced.

Until I came upon a nightmare. A young girl of 6 years was having a nightmare. She was dreaming about how being returned to the orphanage. She has been adopted 4 times already. She's been here since she was 3 years old. She was eventually returned anytime. In her nightmare she was seeing the adoptive parents. Replaying each time they brought her back and spouting excuses to the headmistress about why they couldn't keep her. They would kind words, but then their shadows started talking. The shadows would say how a troublesome annoying child she is. How no one will keep her.

She was just sitting on a lone chair crying. I decided to help the situation. This was too sad for me to see. I changed my appearance firstly so I won't be recognized. I had my body become the size of an adults and made it out of light particles. Then I put a golden sleeping cap on my head. I floated down to the girl, who's name is Saya.

I stood next to her.

"Don't cry Saya, I'll make the nightmare go away."

Using the book, I absorbed the energy of the nightmare which was red and black instead of colorful. Then I exerted control and made the nightmare end. We were now in a white space with Saya sitting in a new and comfortable chair.

She looked at me and asked, "Are you an angel?"

I chuckled with an answer, "No, I am not angel." Now I though about what I should call myself. I should call myself Sandman. The myth fits perfectly. "I'm Sandman. I chase away nightmares and bring happy and amazing dreams to little girls like you."

"Wow", she went. "Can you give me a happy dream too?", she asked.

"Of course I can Saya.", I said gently to her. While thinking about what to dream up for her, I could also feel her imagination too. "Interesting...", I think to myself.

I took a peek at her imagination and what she thinks of. Apparently she loves the ocean although she has never seen it. From this I say to her, "I got the perfect dream for you Saya."

I then filled everywhere with water, then light, then marine animals, and expansive reef with plants. Saya was now floating underwater, amazed that she can still breathe. When she tried moving around, she was happy how easy it was to move in the water. Her eyes sparkled with all the marine life and seeing the beautiful reef.

"This is the best dream ever!", she was very happy. "Thank you Mr. Sandman!"

"No need to call me mister, you can call me Sandman.", I glowingly smiled at her.

"Okay Sandman, I love the dream. Thank you for chasing away the bad nightmare too! Are you going to leave now?". She asked at the end a little fretfully.

I lightly chuckled as I looked gently at her. I say, "Yes, I have more children to visit tonight. Though this dream will be my gift to you. If you have a nightmare again, think of the ocean and you will come here again. If not, you can still come to this dream whenever you sleep by thinking of the ocean too."

She smiled brightly, "Thank you Sandman! This is the best gift ever! Well, goodbye then Sandman. I hope the other children will have happy dreams too.", she waved goodbye at me.

"Goodbye Saya." , I said as I floated away and then faded into the water and out of the dream.

I woke up soon after to greet the morning.