Testing Reality

It was the weekend and I decided to go to the Greenwood Cemetery to try out my powers. I woke up early so I was there and found a secluded spot while it was still morning.

"Something small first. How about some claws from the flying dream?", I determine my test.

I though about manifesting the claws and after I felt some dream energy get used and then my right hand became an avian humanoid claw.

"Awesome...", I say to myself.

I got rid of the claws at no cost and then re-activated them at no cost.

"Cool, guess I only to manifest it once and it becomes a part of me.", I say in awe.

I then tried out the wings. They popped out easily and I already knew how to use them. I was about to do a test flight when I thought about manifesting something to makes sure I won't get seen. I decided to manifest invisibility. Doing so took most of the remaining dream energy. I also manifested body durability so I can flight maneuvers with just my body. Now I am out of dream energy.

I think, "I should really name the energy and not call it dream energy all the time."

I thought about a name on the spot.

I come up with a good name, "I'll call it Ima. Short and simple, easy to remember. Now for my flight."

I used my magnificent brown wings with golden wingtips to propel me into the air. I was fast. I was very fast. Flying throughout the whole city took no time at all. My max speed was just shy of the sound barrier. Since I was invisible, no one noticed a winged kid flying all over the place above their heads.

I landed after flying for an hour. I was still very excited, but it was lunch time and I wanted to spend some pocket money on some street food for today. When I got to a street vendor I noticed I had regained some Ima. Although it was only a small amount.

While I was sitting on a street bench eating my little lunch meal, the bank down the street got its alarm tripped. Looking over, I saw two guys running out with duffel bags. They were also running my way.

I decided to stay out of it because of all the cameras watching on the street. Even if I went invisible now they will still be able to backtrack the video and get my face. They turned down an alley near me soon followed by some cops. Said cops were then blasted out of the alley by a shockwave. Then a 4-door sedan sped out with the robbers inside.

Cop cars took off after them.

"Well, if I go into one of the old alleys with no cameras I can go invisible there and take to the sky to watch the show."

I did just that. Soon I had a bird's eye view of the whole circus on the ground. The robbers were using shockwave guns behind the sedan they apparently crashed into a small general store. They were blasted cops and cars all over the place. No one has died yet though.

Roof hopping towards the scene, I spotted a hero coming to assist the police. The hero was powered. He was a local Atlantean hero called Absorbo. He had the power to absorb energy into his body to be used in various ways. He is not a bulky hero, but not lean either. His hero costume was a skin-tight steel gray morph suit with a long horizontal slit around his eyes so he could see.

Absorbo jumped and landed in front of the robbers who shot him immediately. Abosrbo of coursed absorbed the shockwaves.

"Bad move...", Absorbo clearly stated.

Absorbo then boosted his speed and swiftly incapacitated the robber before they could fire another shot. They were disarmed, cuffed and taken away shortly after.

Absorbo left the scene like usual, he climbs a building and goes rooftop hopping.

"Why rooftop hopping of all things when you don't even have an agility/movement-based power?", I questioned in a low mutter.

I flew back to the orphanage in the early afternoon after taken a fun stroll through the city. Now that I can fly, I can walk to parts of Atlanta that were too far away previously and still be back in time.

Night came and I was dreaming once again.

"What should I focus on developing now?", I asked myself.

I think I should increasing my intelligence through Ima as well. I then though up a dream about me being an unprecedented genius. Then I dream walked some of the orphans again. Of course I appeared as Sandman.

Next I spend some Ima to increase my intelligence according to the IQ scale. First I got to spend some Ima on a small power that can measure IQ. It only took a small portion and now I am able to know my own IQ and can even scan someone else to know their IQ. Now, my aim was IQ of 400 and photographic memory. First I spent ima on the photographic memory. That took a 6th of my ima reserves. Increasing IQ took all my Ima and it only rose to about 140. My previous score was 118. Now I am beyond the range of gifted, but still not up there with the giants in the 200's.

"Increasing intelligence takes a crazy amount of ima.", I say in amazement.

I just spent the day regular. Practicing flight, hanging about, playing some games with the other orphans and getting ready to go back to school tomorrow which is a Monday.