Moving On

I must say that middle school is extremely dreary. I finished 6th grade easily. I also got to experience a lot of interesting dreams since a lot of students have chuunibyou-syndrome. I regret entering the dreams of the 8th graders though. I am too young for they're unnecessarily vivid and thirsty imagination.

Due to my outstanding academic performance, the principal was calling me to her office since the school year is about to end. She be beckons me in as soon as I knocked on the door.

"Hello Faas. You academic achievements in the school are the best of your class. Perfect scores in every class. The results of the IQ also put you 214 IQ. You are a little genius. Which is why we want to send you to a hero academy. Even though you have no magic talent or powers, your intellect will allow you to excel technologically. The hero support course in the academy is always looking for geniuses like you. What do you say? If you agree, you'll skip 7th and 8th grade and immediately start the academy as a freshmen."

I decided it best to accelerate school. I would finally be able to leave the orphanage too.

"I accept."

She fills out the paperwork and sends me on my way. I'll be leaving to the academy in a remote area near Olympia Washington. Academies tend to be in remote areas so students can use their powers and magics without worry for the most part. My departure will be a week before classes begin.

"Before I go, I will deal with Cape Man.", I say lowly with a tingle of hate.

I will enact my retribution....

I found Cape Man's home in a week. I then dream dived him as Bogeyman. He was actually a married man with two daughters. He also had a side family where he had another son.

"Foolish. This will end up biting you in the ass Cape Man. Although they may not get the chance.", I say as I start to chuckle at how easy it'll be to exploit this.

I take a look at his dream. He is king of Atlanta, loved by all and eagerly served by beautiful woman of all ages. Including grown-up versions of his daughters.

"Disgusting...", I said in a disgusted tone.

Perhaps the nightmare curse is too little. I need to think of something worse. Ah, how about I make him powerless. I wonder if I have enough Ima to do it.

I try to take away his flight, strength and durability. I ended only permanently weakening him by 2% using half my Ima. I try again after reaping some Ima from the dream. Now weakened by 4%.

"Not enough...", I lament in anger.

I then end up using the nightmare curse. I also make the dream time as slow as possible. I make him relive every collateral damage incident he ever did and made him feel the anguish. The nightmare loop made him generate more Ima for me. Then I had an excellent Idea.

"How about a recurring curse where Ima from the nightmares is used to automatically weaken him?", I thought with glee.

I decided to make that curse as I had the Ima to do so. Then I cast the curse on Cape Man.

"Now he will weaken until he loses his powers as the nightmares torture his mind. Then the curse will continue to weaken him. Making him age fast and eventually die. This will be his retribution. I will take his power, his looks, his mind, his body, and finally his life." I said all this very satisfied with my revenge.

Before I leave the nightmare, I appear all my Bogeyman glory to terrify him myself all night.

Coming back to the orphanage, I was refreshed. I was satisfied with my work. In the coming days, I watched the media as Cape Man was falling from glory. I saw his life fall apart. He ended up homeless. He died a crazy old man within a month. It was blissful watching his descent into nothing but a broken, rejected man. Then I turned away from all thing's Cape Man, never looking back.

Since it was still the middle of Summer. I just did my usual and enjoyed the feeling of having no weights on my shoulders. I especially enjoyed being Sandman and bringing awesome dreams to children. I've actually become sometime of an urban legend in Atlanta with how many dreams I dive in. Bringing nightmares was also fulfilling in a different way too. Criminals no longer want to sleep, which is hilarious to me. My dream entering range had also increased to about 100 meters radially.

The time quickly approached to leave for my new home. The Hero Academy Auxilium Potentia.