First Day of the Academy

Putting the fairy murder at the back of mind for now, I attended my first class of the first day. Going into my freshman homeroom, I was greeted with stares. It wasn't just regs in my class either since it was homeroom. It was a mix of all the various supernatural races too besides the powered and regs.

The regs that were in the class with me were visibly trying to stay away from the supernaturals. They took all seats near the powered.

I thought, "Now I can see why I got such a good offer to come here. Kids these days don't like supernaturals, despite their above average intelligence."

I sat next to a sentient who promptly introduced himself, "Yo, I'm Basladuun, a dragon, nice to meet you."

I did not expect my deck neighbor to be a dragon of all things. From everything I've heard, dragons are the embodiment of overpowered.

"Hello Basladuun, I'm Faas Pantera, nice to meet you. May I call you Bas?", I greeted back.

Basladuun smiled widely, "Of course, henceforth you are my first friend!"

I'm glad I was able to make a friend so easily. I've been focused on just getting stronger for so long, I wasn't sure if I remembered how to make a friend.

The homeroom teacher was an elf. His name was Kekanriel. He was tall, blonde, snooty, prideful, and always reading a book while telling us to do whatever we want as long as we're quiet. He teaches magic theory, magic I, magic II, and water magic.

I spent the short homeroom talking with Bas. We hit it off real well, despite him being 14 and I being 12. I noticed his vivid imagination too. He, unlike most of his kind, actually wanted to be a hero. He kept telling me all the ways he's going to save people and defeat evil.

"I'll have to visit his dreams later.", I mused

Homeroom ended and I started heading to my first hero support class. The other regs weren't very talkative.

The teacher walked and starting giving instruction, "Hello class, I'm David Huntsman. I am a powered with the ability of cognitive acceleration. An ability suited for hero support. My job in the field was to analyze villains and monsters to give tactical and strategic direction. This isn't the only thing we do though. We make the equipment, repair it, manage it. We keep a lookout for threats, we do the logistics, we provide the information. We help heroes train, we keep them in top form and help them improve however we can. That is what we do and we do it in pairs. Only solo supporters are extremely experienced and professional ones. Other than them, we work in teams of two. So I'll be assigning each of you a partner."

"Faas Pantera, you're partner will be Violet Sunrise", the teacher said.

Violet was the one who moved over to me first. She was on the tiny side, brown hair, hazel eyes, and somewhat of a serious personality it felt like.

"Hello Faas, I'm Violet, I hope we get along and become good partners.", she said as she extended her hand for a handshake.

I shook it with a smile, "A pleasure Violet, happy to work with you."

Satisfied, she smiled back.

Looks like she was proper and not so serious as I thought. Mr. Huntsman then begun an introduction to villains and monsters. He said we'll be learning all about them.

He summarized that we'll be learning fabrication, invention, monsterology, villain justice, strategy, tactics, analysis, and much more.

Lunch is at Noon sharp, so we'll released 10 minutes before so we can get to the cafeteria comfortably since the campus is large.

Violet was with me all the way. Even though her professional attitude towards interaction made her a little stiff, she wasn't bad company. She was also a certified genius with a 200 IQ. We did the days classwork very well. We two always finished first among our classmates today.

After we our food, I saw Bas sitting alone and made my way over.

"Hello Bas", I said as I sat down. "This is Violet by the way, my Reg partner, be nice."

with a toothy grin, "Hello Bas, and no problem. Hello Ms. Violet, I'm Basladuun, but you can call me Bas as my friends do."

I was a little surprised at how Bas greeted Violet. He was still a little "loud", but he was much more reserved and even stood up tog greet. I guess he still has manners when it comes to girls.

"Hello Bas, good to meet a friend of Faas, I hope we get along", Violet say back with a mutual smile.

Bas and Violet actually got along pretty well. How he immediately put on a polite attitude with Violet when talking with her was starting to irk me though. The guy was absolutely unreserved with me, even when we first met. But I don't hate it, I just find it funny I guess.

Lunch is only 40 minutes. Practical classes start at 1 p.m. in the afternoon and last until 4 p.m.. For regs like me in the support class, we watch the hero students train. We learn hands-on how to make and maintain equipment, and how to use support equipment.

After all that we got the rest of the day off until classes start again at 8 a.m. the next day.

After classes were over, I was heading out to sneak about and see what I could sniff about the fairy murder before dinnertime.