Broken Dreams

Successfully sneaking away. I went dream dive mode to poke around some heads. Why wouldn't I wait until they are asleep some may ask. That is because I can make them daydream. Even 10 seconds of daydream can allow me 10 minutes to poke around their dreamscape.

I've already dived into a lot of vampires, fairies, and shifters. Thus, I will dive into the heads of other factions. The detective said it was a mix of attacks from the mentioned races that killed the fairy.

I go into detective mode, "The person is out of his mind because he left the fairy in plain view and attacked in broad daylight. The killer is strong because he didn't get caught. The killer also knows the grounds well because he wasn't found and left no trail to follow. Supernaturals are too naturally prideful of their race to try and gain abilities of another. Those snooty elves definitely wouldn't at least. Demonia for their pride, angelica for their annoying goody two shoes ways. That leaves the magi and the powered. Regs won't have the means."

I visit the magi first, which includes the teachers and staff. I was able to gleam through them all pretty quick in real world time. They were clean. The magi were eccentric, but had strong ethics.

Next, the powered. I will start with teachers and staff because I think it is really unlikely a student will have the guts to gain supernatural powers. I cleared the staff, but one of teachers was instantly suspicious.

Professor Henry Heinrich of ability theory and application was the suspicious teacher. He thought powered how to think outside the box. How to use their powers in the best ways. Helped powered find out how their powers work. His ability was what he called the mind library. He can record and understand all knowledge he comes into contact with, given time of course. When entering his dreamscape, it was literally broken into shards.

Imagine floating islands inside a swirling blue and red void. A void the should only be visible when watching the dream from outside of the scenes. When I enter the fractured scenes, I can still look and see the void. I've only seen a much tamer version of this when I dived into the nightmares of those prison inmates. The ones that had a few screws loose had an island or two broken off.

I shift through his scenes and come across some mad scientist things. The guy dreams of becoming a perfect supernatural hybrid. I dig some more. He used his ability to try and find a way to combine vampire and shifter DNA. DNA that is magical in nature and that regular science couldn't deal with. Hence the crazy bastard made a deal with a demon. His plan was to succeed, kill the demon when it comes to collect, be free, be powerful, and be famous.

Now he's falling into insanity and can't handle the natures of the three races. He's very being is in conflict with itself. Normally, I would use a nightmare curse to kill this guy in way were he doesn't rampage and hurt nobody no more. That won't work this time though, the dreamscape is too broken for it to work as intended with 100 percent surety.

I decide, "I'm going to have to fight him myself then. Fine by me, time to test my metal. He's getting sacked by the bogeyman tonight."

I exit the dream and go back to my room. I wait until the dead of night. During the witching hour I change into Bogeyman and go invisible as I walk to his lab. The lab has no cameras I can detect, but it should be fine as I'm looking like Bogeyman.

He's still in there, just shaking in his chair. I use technomancy to lockdown the room without giving an emergency signal. Then I use shadow magic to silence the area so no sound leaves the room.

I wanted an actual fight, so I take off my invisibility right in front of him and swing my sack into the side of his head. He is sent flying into a wall. He is much weaker than expected, but I still expected him to be weak. The conflicts within him has compromised his strength.

With a smug posture I greet the poor man in my nightmarish voice, "Hello, I'm the Bogeyman."

The hit knocked out the last bit of sanity he had apparently because he went ape shit. His body began to look like an abominable mix of vampire, shifter, and fairy. He charged me wildly.

He was using everything he had, shadow magic, blood magic, body shifting, fairy magic, and speed. He couldn't catch up to my black sand coated movement. So I decided to play. I would appear around him and give some good swings of the sack. I hit him with some shadow arrows. I made a club from his spilled blood and bonked him awesomely. I even used fairy prank magic to make him slip on the floor and run into the heavy end of my sack. My otherworldly cackles resounded in the room.

After my cackling I say deviously, "Time for you to go in the sack now Prof. Heinrich."

Beaten until he couldn't move, Prof. Heinrich was sucked into the sack easily. While the sack was digesting the mad professor, I set the room and fished for evidence to leave behind. By the time I found the evidence and set it up nicely for whoever discovers it, Prof. Heinrich was digested.

"What a rush!", I exclaim. The feeling was good feeling.

It was different from when I sacked the dream demon. I didn't just get knowledge of Prof. Heinrich. I got tons of Ima.

"The sack devoured all of his dreams and added them to the book...", I comment on how convenient the result is.

I got a huge ima boost. I was filled to max capacity it felt like.

I describe my ability out loud with a smile, "What a tremendously tempting, and marvelous ability."

I leave the scene. Bogeyman has done his work.