
Violet and Faas were now alone in their office once the people left the student council area.

Violet turns to me, "Explain..."

I sigh a little, "Okay, I awakened late and had already been registered as a regular person in the records. So, I just stuck with that and hid my abilities. Which are very complicated and would take a long time to explain. The short version is, I can enter dreams, store dreams in a book, gain power from dreams, manipulate dreams, virtually only limited by my imagination and dream power."

She stares me down as I giver her my best smile, "Hmph, fine. That just means I have the most exciting partner in the academy. Maybe the whole world if you work hard enough. You're probably the reason I've found myself being.....smarter?"

I reply, "Indeed, it was I who increased your IQ. It was mostly out of kindness though, totally wasn't experimenting with you a little."

"Totally....well, I benefitted a lot anyways. But, since you could boost my mind, I'm sure you can give me some useful abilities. I'll be asking for some later as compensation for lying to your partner. For now, take me to my room Dream Boy.", Violet said with some playful haughtiness.

She finishes off shyly, "If you're cool with that, that is."

I could only be the gentlemen, "As you wish Violet. I got no problem making my partner better. We'll be stuck with each other for the remainder of our school life after all."

I picked her up in a princess carry and we went invisible. As a seemingly mentally unshakeable girl, she didn't fluster at all. I had gained material phasing right then and there too so we could just go in a straight path. No more being stopped by walls. I don't know why I didn't get the ability earlier. We arrived quickly at Violet's room and I phased inside. She also didn't have a roommate, convenient for us.

I let violet down. She then said teasingly, "Okay Faas, the evening was fun. Now I got to get my beauty sleep. So stop being a little scoundrel in a lady's room and shoo."

She waved her hand to shoo me off.

"Haha, okay Violet, I'll shoo now. See you tomorrow.", I leave promptly. I have many things to think about now.

While gaining a real partner wasn't expected, it is a nice surprise. I've read enough novels to know that having a good partner can make things easier. Not having anyone usually doesn't end well. Perhaps she will be that sort of person for me. Enough of that though.

I didn't head straight to sleep though. I took to the skies and flew fast to Tacoma city which was north of Olympia. I wanted to expand my territory a bit. I arrived real quick and had plenty of time to reap some Ima. Everything went well for the first few dozens of kids. It wasn't until I entered the dream of a slightly older boy as he was 13.

I felt an ominous aura within the boy's dreamscape. The dreamscape wasn't broken or anything though. I sent out my senses to find the source. What I didn't expect was to be sensed back.

I was in my sandman form when I was attacked from the back. I defended against the strike with Sleepyhead, my trusty staff. We began exchanging blows, "This fucking ugly asshole!"

He was indeed ugly. Its face was an amalgam of grafted malformed faces. Its skin was red and super wrinkled. Its clothing was a tattered cloak.

It spoke to me, "You made a fatal mistake entering this dream boy. I will claim your soul along with this child's to add to my cairn. Fear me, the insidious Heisythfor!"

"I've thought up things much scarier than thou. Much nicer looking too, I bet you won the ugliest motherfucker in the universe award this year, hahaha."

We continued our fight with martial skills. That is, until Heisythfor started using what I can only describe as terror magic. He was materializing terrible looking weapons and abilities that would be the stuff of nightmares. I just didn't know where he was getting the imagination from. That is until I remember him mention a soul cairn.

"Must be the sicko version of my book. He must be taking the souls for nightmare fuel, not just recording the nightmare.", I muttered. I brought out my own dream "magic". It wasn't really magic, since it was essentially a superpower, but it looks like magic.

"I won't be as easy to defeat as you think. I'm in my element foolish creature."

While it sent a barrage of bloody spears towards me, I washed it all away with a wave of glistening ocean water. I sent a murder of crows to peck at him in retaliation. I sped to him for some close combat. This time, I used my golden sand to knock him around as I was beating him with Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead seemed weirdly effective too.

It tried to put up shields of blood to protect itself, but my sands overwhelmed his defenses tyrannically. He was beaten down and defeated in a short time from then.

I think about my current style of fighting, "Know what, switching to Bogeyman to use the Sack is troublesome. It is the same thing for Sleepyhead. Since I got time and Ima, plus this guy is out cold; I'll change some things real quick."

I made the sack capable of switching between black and light gold colors. I gave it the ability to change size too. For Sleepyhead, I added the ability to change color from golden brown to black. Then I added some barbs and thorns to the ends.

Then I threw Heisythfor into the sack to be digested and went home. I won the fight easy, but I really did use a lot of mental energy to fight him. So my brain was tired essentially. That is how it is against dream entities of that caliber it seems though. This thing was always trying to enter my dreamscape and take me out from the inside. It's attacks weren't light either.

"Can't wait to see what the sack tells me about this ugly creature later.", I said as I flew back home.