
New day and I'm waling Violet, "Hey, uh, I know I said that we will look for a place today, but I already did. I did last night. There wasn't anywhere viable within the academy so I went 3 kilometers underground and hollowed out a circular space 1.5 kilometers in diameter."

Violet stares at me, "Well, I'm not surprised you couldn't find anything within the grounds. I'm slightly irked since we were supposed to search, not just you, but whatever. I can understand how you'll be able to get to the hollow, but how am I supposed to...….oh, I get it now. You want to build a teleporter based off what we'll design for the special design project. Good idea. How will you get the required materials though?"

I say, "I can use Ima to materialize things. The less complicated, the less Ima it costs. So poofing some materials into existence won't be too hard. As we can use technomancy to assemble it all."

She asks, "I guess materializing a teleporter cost too much then?"

I nod, "Yes it is. Since a teleporter is a machine that uses the laws of space, it'll take a lot to just poof it into existence. More Ima than I can currently gather. It's much better to just poof the materials."

Now that we got a plan. We spend the next couple of days designing a teleportation system. We designed teleportation pads we'll use to teleport too. We made a wristband that could be activated to teleport us to whatever pad we want. We decided not to turn in this design though. We turned in a design for a two-way teleportation system that uses two pads. The wristband-pad system is too impressive for some first-years like us too make and would give us more attention. More attention means more work, and we're comfortable as we are.

As for Bas, he was still being the mighty dragon during this time. Only a few other first years could actually take him in one of fight class matches. Most notably Roman, the broody Vampyr who has became Bas's rival in fight class at this point. Bas always wins though. His wins are mostly because of us though since he relies on instinct to fight. Roman is more of an intelligent fighter. Without Violet and I supporting him with tactics and strategy, he wouldn't win every time like now. Not to say instinctual fighting is bad, but you need a lot of experience in fighting before you rely solely on instinct. So, we're essentially his training wheels.

A few days after later we turned in our project. We got perfect grades of course. After dinner the same day in our student council office. I materialized the materials for our teleportation system. We had a bunch of supporter crap around the office already, so no one would ask questions if they walked in. Using our technomancy, we built the wristbands and pads within a few minutes according to our design. We disguised the wristbands to look like regular accessories.

I went underground to put a pad in the hollow. Once I did that, I teleported to the pad in the office. We had added signal blockers so space fluctuations from the teleportation wouldn't alert anyone in the academy. Normally, it'll be impossible to get the materials required for the blockers as they are highly guarded secret materials, but not for us.

Teleporting back, "Oh ho, it worked great. No discomfort at all."

Violet smirked, "Of course we it worked perfectly. Two geniuses with technomancy built it. Speaking of genius, what's your IQ at now? I'm at 265 IQ now from the last power-up."

I smile, "I just reached 280 IQ."

She hums, "I'm catching up. The superspeed is also raising my IQ steadily. I'll catch up soon."

I giggle a little, "Well, come on now. Time to see our new lair." I activate my wristband.

She activates her waistband soon after. She looks around, "Wow, this is a lot of space."

"Indeed it is. We have the rest of our school days to fill this place up. You can run freely here. We can make a lab here for you too make whatever you want. No one else can get here too. It's a perfect lair.", I say excitedly.

She smiles, "Yes, it's a great place for us, but we're not calling it a lair. That is just a little.., cringe. We'll just call it the hollow."

My smile cracks and heart sinks when she calls the name cringe, "Ok, it's the hollow now. Let's return to the office. We still have some council work to do."

Violet laughs a little, "Let's go then."

We activate our wristbands and teleport back to the office to do our council work.