Fight Class Announcement

A few days pass and Violet, Bas and I are lined up with the other students of fight class for an announcement.

Fight Class Instructor Major Pane is making the announcement. He announces, "Listen up students. As we are past halfway on our school year and the National Academy Tournament is coming up, we'll have some fun. We'll be going on a field trip." Major Pane announces with a huge grin as students start getting excited. His grin becomes a little crazy as he inhales some air.

He then exhales a slightly crazed shout, "We'll have a field trip to an infested zone! I'm going to throw you lot to the monsters and see how you do! Hahahahahahahah!" He calms down a little and continues with a relaxed grin, "Don't worry your pretty heads though. No first year has ever died to the monsters. At least not directly." He mumbles the last part. He then hands it over to the fight class supporter Instructor to explain the details.

The fight class supporter instructor is responsible for teaching us supporters how to aid our hero in battle. Her name is Miss Felamaine, retired from the field at 26 and took a teaching job here with her 8 years of professional experience. She gives the details, "As you all know, over the course of history, many villains have created monsters to fight heroes and wreak havoc."

I think to myself, "So this is the cover story for the dimension breaks. The hero association blames the monster appearances on the villains. It's not a bad plan. Not entirely false either as I also overheard from the secret meeting that Leaguers capture monsters."

Miss Felamaine continues, "Some monsters escape, or are actively released by the villains. Then life finds a way sometimes and they reproduce somehow. When this happens, the zone where monsters that reproduce and are inhabiting are called infected zones. Named such as the monsters are essentially an ecological disease for our natural ecosystem. They eat every living thing besides the plants, but there are exceptions to that too. We control certain infected zones so they can be used for training and material harvesting. Monsters tend to consist of desirable biological material, such as hide, unique organs or biological substances. The infected zone you all will be going to is a class 1 zone" She pauses to let the information sink in.

As the students start to murmur is fake coughs to get their attention back. Everything gives her attention again as the last time someone disrespected Miss Felamaine, Major Pane had them run for 16 hours straight with no food or water; while he shot stun bolts at them. I was a demonia student too, so their expression was funny. She explains the rest," A class 1 monster will be good practice for all of you. All of you are upper class 1 fighters at this point with a few at class 2. There will be zone rangers present all around the zone that have the job of keeping the monsters in control and doing their best to keep trainees alive. Therefore the risk of death is miniscule. Be warned though, stupidity is still very capable of getting you killed. You all will receive another brief from me on the way there. You will all assemble here after classes on Friday by 5 p.m. packed and prepped. Dismissed."

Bas, Violet and I are walking out towards our common room. Bas says excitedly, "Yes! We're finally going to get some real hero action. Even if it's training against some weak monsters, heroes still fight monsters."

I comment, "To you, my dear overpowered dragon hero, they definitely are but worms." Bas shies away a little at my comment, getting a little prideful from the praise. Him being a dragon, it's normal. I propose a plan for the trip and some goals, "Since a young dragon as yourself is naturally a high tier level 2 with abnormal defense, strength and vitality; we should focus on more than just slaying monsters. We should work on making it efficient. We've been in your ear for the matches, but monster extermination is a different game. We should work on teamwork and efficiency."

Violet nods in agreement, "I agree. There isn't too much to worry about with Bas and the rangers around. Since we have 4 days to prepare for the trip, I think Faas and I could whip up some combat support equipment to help Bas fight. We could also test it comfortably in the field."

I'm interested in the prospect, "Excellent idea Violet. We should get to brainstorming and R&D immediately so we can have it ready in time for the trip."

Bas smiley says, "I really lucked out getting you genius pair as my supporters. I'm working forward to the new toys. I'll let you all get to it. I'm going to the training rooms to sharpen my claws for the poor monsters, haha." He then jets away towards the training rooms.

"Hmmph, let's see if the council dumped any more logistics work on us. We finish it then go to the hollow and get to work. Since I gathered and used so much Ima to turn it into a proper lab and training area the last few days, it's time to put it to some good use.", Faas says.

"Lets get to it then dream boy", Violet replies.

We get out of the sight of our peers and teleport to their office to get any council work out of the way. Why walk when you teleport?