[Bonus chapter]Field Trip Prep

It is Monday night, Violet and I have just completed the council work quickly. We're now in the Hollow. Using an accurate replica of our council office terminal, we start designing new toys.

I ask, "First project?" I can see Violet thinking for a second before coming up with something.

She says, "We both know Bas has good instincts, but that can only make up for his poor situational awareness so much. He needs a heads-up-display(HUD). I think we should design some contacts that can provide a HUD for him."

I agree, "Great start. We can use living glass so the contacts don't bother his eyes. We can use the laser circuitry method to make it into a motherboard and a screen. We can the light frequency of the motherboard circuitry so he doesn't see them. We'll use a class 5 clear quartz crystal processor as the core. It'll take some Ima, but it's worth it. I have a feeling I won't be getting sleep anytime soon."

Violet scoffs with a smirk, "No you won't. I need you to create the materials. Also, let's name the project Sentinus Eyes." She named the project after the Roman God of sight. It is aptly named.

I agree, "Good taste. Next project, we need a way to keep track of his location, gauge his health status, sense enemies, targets of interest, get geographical data, and environmental data. I propose a body attachment. A circular plate 2 cm in diameter and 0.5 cm thick. We can have it attached through molecular bonding forces. It'll have an invisible setting and an emergency energy shield to protect itself from getting hit. Shield may only pop up three times depending on the force blocked. It'll be able to send us his location and body data. We can make three to go along his spine. Three should be enough to provide all the data we need. Project name can be Seer's Discs."

Violet likes the name, "Not bad taste yourself. A fun idea. I would to also build Bas some technology based Tek Armor, but it'll too much time. That project wouldn't be able to be finished in time for the field trip. I'll still log it as an active project for the future. What should we name it?"

We both say at the same time, "Tek Basladuun."

Project Sentinus Eyes was completed Tuesday night. We spent Monday night designing everything. We had to be precise with our calculations since any living material requires perfect number when you use them for complicated things. Living glass is among the hard living materials to work with as it shifts all the time to conform to form by given orders. As eyes move a lot, living glass will move a lot to make sure the wearer is comfortable. Tuesday night was just materials and assembly. The project also improved our technomancy of course.

Project Seer's Discs took a little longer. Making sure it wouldn't explode was the tricky part but we got it down. We nearly worked during the entire night on Thursday to make three. Now we had all the tools we need to work on teamwork and battle efficiency.

On Friday, we took them with us to the fight class. Even though we leave for the trip on the same day, we still have the afternoon fight class.

We give Bas the new gadgets in our fight prep room.

After putting on the contacts and discs Bas says with amazement, "Wow, I don't even feel them. The discs even went invisible! I'm seeing some cool things too. You two are are even designated as my supporters. It tells me my location, temperature and everything. This is all information from the disks?"

Violet explains, " The disk provide situational, medical, environmental, and environmental data to us. They help you with situational awareness, objective focus, tactics, and strategy. The discs also allow us to communicate with you through sending body vibrations that translate to sound in your brain. We can also text you through the contact lens."

I add, "We essentially know everything you sense and a lot more now. We communicate with you much better as we don't have to say everything anymore. We can have the HUD on your contact lens help us with giving you tactics and strategy during a fight"

Bas exclaims, "Awesome! I don't even have to wait until the field trip to try these things for real. Good thing I'm up to fight next, hehe. Here I go, get ready guys."

As Bas walks out, we go to our supporter station. We link our station to the discs and contact lens. Bas's opponent is a fairy. They're fast, cunning, and tricky to catch due to their speed. We put our new tools to work.

As the fairy starts flying around fighting with quick attacks that barely damage Bas, the discs start calculating the flight pattern. We display a rough predictive of the fairies flight path to Bas through the lens. We could do better, but we don't Bas to become reliant, we only want to help Bas train his instinctual fighting as that his where his talent lies. With the help of the lens, his instincts made up the difference and he was able to catch the fairy. Wearing a toothy grin while holding the fairy's leg, he pulls the fairy in and gives her a solid left punch to the face. The jaw was obviously dislocated after the punch and Bas won the fight. The fight class doctor fixed her up quickly though. It was as if she didn't even get punched by a dragon.

Throughout the next matches, Bas's new level of fighting prowess was displayed in full. With the technology making up the lack of experience in instinctual fighting, he was able to show his full capabilities and potential. He was now a different fighter. He became a stronger fighter. He didn't lose even once today. Bas always loses at least once to one of the other powerful sentients. His arch enemy is the Rock Giant. Who he beat phenomenally well today.

Fight class ended and we all went back to our rooms to collect our stuff for the weekend field trip. We gathered at 5 p.m. with everyone else, ready to go soon after we got our stuff.