A Night

The rest of the week passed by uneventfully. All of our academies students passed these quarter-finals matches. A great improvement from our previous records. I hadn't been idle in gathering Ima either. I eventually gathered enough from the week to finally boost my space power to class 6 from class 5. Once more I got a qualitative change. My sense of space has vastly improved. I could teleport nearly everywhere on Earth now I think. Truly a great power. It would take me years to reach this level if I was a regular powered. I am not one though. A boon I appreciate. 

We three have also made it a pastime to sometimes spy on Roman and Selena. It's entertaining to see him getting whipped by a girl. Other than that, we trained. Violet and I were already working on the the Model 3 project. It is ambitious though, so it won't be done in time to use in the tournament. The model 2 dragon frames are already overkill enough though.