Semi-Finals Begin

On the way towards the freshman coliseum, I asked Violet if our upperclassmen passed the quarter-finals. I ask, "Violet, did any of our upperclassmen get knocked out from the quarter-finals." Violet lists them, "Julia Gunngrave's unit from sophomore grade. Kalia Crescent's unit from Junior grade. Ibis Lancer's from junior grade.  Akard Tepula's unit from the senior grade. These are the units that made it. The rest were knocked out."

I hummed in thought and said, "I am somewhat aware of Kalia's strength, so I am unsurprised. Julia is an obvious elite from doing the fun fights with her. Ibis and Akard are the ones I'm surprised about. Neither made it to the semi-finals last year. This is good though."

Bas agrees, "We also have Alan, Roman and Galavan that made it through too. Our academy is doing well this year."