Christmas 2082

Christmas day, we all ate breakfast together before going to open presents. Mr. Dolovich was recording the whole thing as it was family tradition to do so.

To Samson, I gave him a rare Ki martial art manual that I used Ima to create. As the martial is a original creation of mine. I may not have the knowledge to develop one, but I had the imagination and Ima to make it work.

To Cedar, I got her a bottle of Stardust. Also made through Ima, as going to space would have taken too long.

To Khorne, I gave him a magical bone whistle. As for it's effects, he'll have to figure it out for himself.

To Hawken, I gifted him a 2 stacks of comics/manga. All age appropriate of course. No Highschool TxT for him. He has to age some more before he can become cultured.