
The was The villain I am after is called Combo. A powered with the ability to teleport, and make physical clones of himself. He has proved elusive as if any clone escapes, it can become the primary body. Resulting in Combo giving heroes the slip.

Combo himself is only a class 5 villain. He mainly does terrorist attacks with his clones, using bombs. He some assassinations under his belt too. The HA has gotten fed up with sending class 5s, 6s, and even 7s.  Combo escaping class 7 heroes is a testament to his craftiness. 

He will not escape me though. 

I change to my hero appearance and teleport to his last known location, Puerto Rico. A territory of the United States of America off the East Coast. A large island in the Atlantic Ocean. For decades, the island territory has been an entry point for illegal contraband. Most famously illegal drugs. Even now when it is nearly 2083, the territory hasn't been fully secured against organized crime.