Special Class

After the dangerous happenings on the field trip, Prof. Hussein had everyone take a special class. Everyone, as in every student that was in the fields trip.

We were all to meet in a classroom in the basement. The Headmistress herself will be teaching it.

Zoe, Roman, Alan, Ludic, Galavan, Violet and I were now sitting in this classroom. We waited patiently until Headmistress Dantalion walked in.

She was not alone. As Prof. Hussein was also with her. Along with an male Angelica.

Headmistress Dantalion speaks, "Hello students. Welcome to Demonology 101. A course taught to only a few students, and always in the Junior year at the least. So having you Sophomores take it is quite abnormal. We also separated you all from the other course takers. The reason for this is because we don't want them to distract you, or know what happened. So keep this class confidential. Joining us today are your Professor and Prof. Alaric."