Chapter 15: Baby's Awakening

Scarlet groaned as she found herself on the floor of the hotel she broke into, she shook her head as she got up feeling woozy and dizzy. She stumbled as she crashed onto the bed as she tried to get back up, only to fall over and drag the blanket down with her.

"W-What the hell is going on?" Scarlet asked herself as she shakes her head again. "I feel like I drank at least twelve gallons of Bloody Mary.."

Baby laughed. "Oh, you mean you don't remember? I told, I was taking over from here."

Scarlet sat up as she felt like vomiting as she threw the blanket off of her and tried to once more walk, only to stumble over her own feet and fall face first into the shower as she had cut the hot water on. Getting soaked in the process. "Oh yeah...but why do I feel drunk and tipsy?"

"Why? It's simple." Baby said as he slowly started to take over Scarlet's body. "I've replaced your source of power with Ki...but seeing as you're no longer able to communicate anymore, I have full control."

The mirror in the bathroom had shown a reflection of Scarlet, but something was off. Normally it would take at least a day or two for Baby to change Vegeta's appearance to his liking, but how he changed Scarlet's appearance was rather quick. Snow white hair, fully blue eyes with the read lines above the eyes and chin. Any Grimm feature on that had been on Scarlet's face was gone.

"Perfect. Now then, it's time to cause havoc, but first." Baby said as she flew through the ceiling. "I'm going to make sure no one survives." She glanced down as she had sensed a trace a memory in Scarlet's mind as she smirks. "Ah...I see, so you've seen ki attacks. That will save me the trouble of explaining."

As Baby floated there above the hotel, the cops from yesterday had shown up as they had surrounded the hotel. Guns pointed at Baby, she stuck her hand to the side to where they were at as she fired a ki blast.

The blast hit the cars as it caused an explosion. Baby laughed as she started to power up, terrified by what just happened, the rest of the cops fled. Baby glanced over and grins widely as she threw her hands in the air. "I wonder.." Ki energy started to collect above Scarlet's head as Baby glances up and smirks. "So I still can do it, how interesting."

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they glanced up seeing the black sphere form in the sky, once it was big enough Baby laughed loudly. "Eat this every last one of you!" She flung her arms forward throwing the sphere. "Revenge Death Ball!"

Baby's death ball flew down towards the street as the buildings started to tear apart. Baby laughs more as she grins, feeling her ki strengthening in Scarlet's body. "With this body, I can finally have my revenge!"


The death ball exploded causing a shock wave through the street, as it had created a giant crater. Baby smirked as she flew down to the street, glancing around she noticed Alucard.

"Well, looks like I was right." Alucard said. "I had a feeling you were behind this." He noticed something was different about Scarlet as he hadn't seen her in this form before. "Decided to change your style so you wouldn't be found, nice try."

Baby cackles. "You're a fool. She's no longer in control of this body, her body is mine now...the tuffle race will once again rise up from the ashes."

Alucard was confused as he cocked an eyebrow up. "Tuffle? What the hell are you talking about, the way I see it. You're just another terrorist who wants attention, but let me tell you won't live long to get that chance."

Baby grins widely as she puts her hands together. "We'll see about that." She started to charge up a Kamehameha, it looked similar to the color of the death ball.

"Oh how cute, aren't you just an adorable snack." Alucard said. "Thinking you can harm me with magic."

"I have news for you...this isn't magic." Baby said as she threw her hands forward firing the Kamehameha wave at Alucard.

The wave went straight towards Alucard as he simply moved out of the way. "Yawn, what was that?"

Baby teleported in front of Alucard as she almost kneed him, but Alucard grabbed her by the throat. "We'll meet again, I expect a better challenge when we do." Alucard flung Baby across the street as he disappears.

Baby stopped herself mid air as she glances around. "Damn it, I had him right where I wanted him. No matter, by the time we meet again, the whole city will be in ruins." She smirks as she flew into the air. "Not that it matters now, I could always get more tuffles to rise up. But I would have to leave Scarlet's body in order to do so.."


It was raining as the sun had already gone down, the perfect time for more vampires to come out of hiding and for Alucard to have his meet and greet with Baby Scarlet, although by the time each wannabe vampire had risen from their slumber half the town was in ruins and shambles.

Some of the vampires started to wonder what had happened as they were soon all shot where they were standing as Alucard shot them in the heads. "It seems my hypothesis was correct."

"I've been waiting for you." Baby said as she snickers. "From Scarlet's memories, vampires only come out at night. And I thank you for taking care of those pest by the way, shall we dance until we're no longer standing?"

"By all means, let's dance until we drop dead." Alucard said as he grins. "But don't cry when I make you leave that body."

Baby dashed over to Alucard as she punched him in the face, not knowing that she needs a special type of weapon to cut and damage him, but Baby left Scarlet's scythe at the hotel. Alucard frowns as he shot Baby in the face and kicked her back.

Baby stumbles and due to Scarlet's immortality the wound healed up as Baby laughs. "Not so cocky are we? This body is immortal."

"Oh yeah, so am I." Alucard said. "Unless you manage to make it to where I can't, then I'll give you some credit on that. But...seeing as you're just a parasite in that girls body. You're not gonna be much fun."

Baby flew forward as she bashes her head against Alucards making him bleed a little, Baby then smirks as she fired a ki blast at him knocking him a few paces back as Alucard was knocked into the wall smashing into it. He ended up dropping his guns, Baby walked over as she chuckles. "What's wrong did you drop something?"

Alucard started laughing as he grabbed Baby by the throat, and slams her down as his glasses fell off his face. "You actually made me bleed, for a second you had me scared. But now the real terror is about to start."

(Yes I know Baby's a he, but I felt like it would be much more better if I changed his gender to fit Scarlet.)