Chapter 16: Scarlet vs Alucard Pt1

The air was still as Alucard had slammed Baby down into the ground smirking like the vampire he is, he stares into Baby's blue eyes as he cackled.

"The real nightmare begins for you parasite, I'll be sure you leave that girls body. Even if I have to force you out myself!" Alucard said as he steps on Baby pushing her into the ground.

Baby snarled as she couldn't move her body, her arms were pinned into the ground as she glared at Alucard. "Get off me worm, filth like you shouldn't be able to keep someone like me down this easily."

Alucard smirked as he picked his gun up and pointed it at Baby. "Are those your last words?"

Baby grins as she shot a ki blast from her mouth at Alucard as the blast blew up in Alucard's face, knocking him back. Baby took this chance to kick Alucard away from her as she managed to get free, she stood up and glared at Alucard. "I'd give you credit for trying to send me six feet under, but sadly for won't get much of a chance to do that."

Alucard's face heals as he scoffed, charging blindly at Baby. He reached out and grabbed her face taking Baby by surprise, Alucard slammed Baby into a few of the buildings as he then threw her towards the windows. The glass shattered as some were stuck in Baby's body as she tried pulling them out.

"What's the matter? I though you knew how to use that body?" Alucard asked. "Or was I mistaken, I thought a parasite like you would have complete're nothing but a body snatcher waiting for the right moment to slither into a body and make it yours." He slowly approached as he stepped on broken glass.

"Stay away." Baby said as she fired ki blast at Alucard. "I'm warning you."

"Or what?" Alucard asked as he dodged the blast. "You'll take over my body? Please, like I'll let a parasite like you take over." He reached down and grabbed Baby by the neck. "Let me help you get out of that body."

Baby couldn't move as Alucard grabbed her by the neck again, he started to bash her head against the broken glass as Baby yelled in pain. She couldn't do anything, it was like fear and paralyzed her.

Blood splattered everywhere in the room and on the broken glass and window as Alucard had let go and flung Baby into a bookshelf causing it to fall over on her. "What happened to all that power you had before? Did I strike fear into you that badly."

Baby trembles as she pushed the bookshelf off of her, blood dripped from her head and arm as she spits some to the side. "I'm not done yet!" She charged up a small death ball in the palm of her hand and flicked it towards Alucard.

Alucard noticed this as he let it hit him. Which was a poor choice on his part, once the death ball had touched him. It blew up half of his body and half of the building, causing it to crumble and fall onto Alucard.

"Fool." Baby said as she laughed. "I am the strongest Tuffle to ever live, I am the fear!"

Alucard laughed. "All bark and no bite, you're going to be nothing but dog food."

Baby was taken back for a moment as she blasted the rubble that had fallen on Alucard. She noticed he wasn't there, glancing around she noticed glowing eyes in the darkness. "H-How?"

Without saying anything, Alucard shot Baby several times. Knocking her back as his shadow stretched out forming into a dog, it snarled as it charged at Baby.

Baby startled and frightened, fled Scarlet's body leaving the Grimm girl laying on the floor. Baby growled as he noticed what he had done and fired multiple ki blast at Alucard and his shadow dog. "DIE!!"

Alucard snapped his fingers as the dog avoided the blast and jumped at Baby, biting into the Tuffle's neck. "You've made your mistake in fleeing your vessel, and now you're nothing more but food."


The air was silent as Scarlet regained consciousness. She winched a little as she noticed glass shards stuck in her body, she slowly yanked them out as her body was slowly healing. "What the hell happened?"

"Oh, you're finally awake." Alucard said as he turned to look at her. "That parasite is no longer within you."

Scarlet glanced at Alucard. "Baby's gone? What did you do to make him leave?"

Alucard just stood there glancing down at the Grimm girl. "I tricked him into leaving your body. Fear struck him like a nail being hit with a hammer."

Scarlet tried to sit up but couldn't. "Why can't I move...?"

"I may have had a field day." Alucard said. "Shot you a good chunk, so you might feel like you're numb and paralyzed." He was about to jump out of the window as he turned to face her. "Once you're fully recovered, I wish to face you as who you are. And not a vessel for a parasite, Baby proved to be annoying rather than being a fun challenge."

Scarlet tried to grin but couldn't. "Damn, you really did do a number on me didn't you? Fine by me then Drac, I'll face you.."

Alucard snickered as he left the building, leaving Scarlet laying there on the floor. Scarlet glanced up at the ceiling wondering what went wrong with Baby's possession and why he didn't bother go all out on Alucard. Not that it mattered, she lost a fight she knew she wouldn't win on her lonesome.

"I guess I sometimes over think on winning easily." Scarlet said. "Facing Dracula to the death." She then snapped out of her sad talk as she grins. "What the hell am I saying? I'm the daughter of Salem, I'm immortal!" She quickly sat up and snickered. "Alucard wants a fight? I'll give him a fight he'll regret."

Since Scarlet no longer had Baby to control her body, she had her semblance back as she no longer needed the ki Baby had used when her semblance was replaced with it. But since they were split, Scarlet cracked her body popping her bones back in place. "Now then, let's see where you ran off Alucard." She sniffed the air as she couldn't really get any idea of where a scent was. "Hiding your scent are we...that won't help you."


Alucard was sitting in his chambers swirling a glass of blood around as he took a small sniff from it as he grins. "I see police girl was busy while I was gone dealing with that parasite, though I do wonder. How long it would take for a interesting girl like her to get back to full health?"

"Master." Seras said as she knocks on the door. "You have a visitor...although, the guards Lady Integra had set on watch duty are missing."

Alucard grins. "So, she's here." He stood up as he threw his hat off. "Police girl, if something happens to me, you're in charge of taking care of Lady Integra." He walked out through the door as he slipped pasted Seras, not saying much more on what he meant by all that. He had a wicked grin on his face as he went outside.

"What does he mean by that?" Seras asked as she tilts her head to the side. "Surely he's joking."

Once Alucard was outside, the wind blew as his jacket moved to the wind. Scarlet stood there a few feet from him as she had her Nevermore wings, and Nevermore claws she glared at him as she grinned widely. "I want to thank you for removing that parasite from my body, frankly I only wanted to give Baby a small light of hope for a new host to take over. But seeing has my body wasn't really made to host such a parasite due to our source of power we had, it was clear to me that I needed to get rid of him."

Alucard smirked. "By all means, you're welcome. But question, how is it that you were able to find this place?"

Scarlet tilts her head. "Mr. Anderson really, he was coming this way to fight you. Got in my way when he noticed me."

"Oh? My arch enemy...well then, I'm surprised he hadn't shown." Alucard said. "Only he knew how to make sure I was dead." He glanced around seeing if there was any trace of him leaving a trap for them both, not seeing anything he turned his attention back to Scarlet. "Where is he now?"

Scarlet spat Anderson's glasses out of her mouth. "I ate him, in one bite." She snickered as she threw Anderson's blades to the side. "Throwing holy water on me thinking I'd melt."

Alucard would clap his gloved hands together. "I'm impressed, not a single sight of indigestion. I would thank you fro getting rid of my problem, but you've ruined my fun from doing that." He pointed his pistols at her. "Let's settle this like the monsters we are."

Scarlet cackled as she spun Black Rose around and took a step forward as she licked her lips. "By all means...let us fight to the death Alucard!"