Chapter 33: A mother's wrath

The rift had opened as Scarlet was standing in the middle of a opened field as she breathed in smelling all kinds of new smells of people, and had also smelled Salem's scent. The Grimm girl scoffs as she knew her mother wasn't going to be thrilled to see her.

"Run for it!" A petite girl in red and a wizard hat ran by as three more followed behind her. A blue haired girl, a blushing kinky girl and a boy as they all passed Scarlet.

"Megumin wait up!" Kazuma yelled as he almost trips over a small rock.

Scarlet watched them flee towards the hills, as she turned around slowly as she heard snarling. The moment she turned around a Alpha Beowulf was towering over her, drool was dripping from it's mouth as it glared at Scarlet.

"Oh aren't you just cute?" Scarlet asked sarcastically. "KNEEL!" She barked loudly as the Alpha Grimm stopped snarling. Scarlet watched as the Beowulf lowered it's head towards her, she smirked and petted it's head. "Tormenting guild members, and making sure they don't go anywhere near I correct?"

The Alpha Grimm didn't do anything to harm Scarlet, that is not until it had started to get darker. The sky darkened as a black mist came flying towards the field as it seemed to have crashed behind the Grimm girl. Scarlet stopped petting the Beowulf as she turned around gripping Black Rose tightly. "Hello....mother, I'm surprised you're alive. I thought I had consumed you whole back then."

Salem manifested from the black mist as she looked at Scarlet angrily, her red eyes glowing. "You worthless child. You have no idea the hell you've put me through." She shot a wave of magic from her hands at Scarlet sending her flying back. "I should've had mutated you into a Grimm from the moment you BORN!" She kept sending wave after wave of magic at Scarlet. "You call yourself my child, yet you've failed to remember that love is nothing more than a stab in the heart and a shattered soul."

Scarlet tried to move out of the way, but each time she tried. Salem would get closer to her, she didn't have any breathing room to use her semblance. A red magic circle formed under Salem as both of them looked down at it.

"EXPLOSION!" Megumin yelled as the magic circle sparked and exploded sending a shock wave through the filed and knocked Scarlet back, but engulfed Salem. Megumin passed out from using her explosion magic as Kazuma caught her petite girl.

"You got her!" Aqua cheered as she jumps up and down.

Scarlet stumbled as she coughed up blood. "....Don't celebrate just yet..." She spat up more blood as she glances at the smoke, she saw her mother's red piercing eyes glowing through the smoke. "She's immortal...just like me."

Aqua yelps as she gulps. "I-Immortal?"


"Go!" Scarlet barked. "You three won't last long in a fight with her." Hearing this, Salem growled as she lunges out of the smoke and grabs Scarlet by the neck and strangles her. Kazuma and the others watched as Darkness wiggled around in place blushing as she watched.

"We have to help her." Aqua said. "Kazuma, go help her."

"" Kazuma said. "Useless Goddess."

Scarlet's eyes glowed as she snapped her own neck and slithered out from her mother's grasp. She popped her neck back in place as she stood up. "That hurt."

"You've gotten soft Scarlet, warning those're a disgrace." Salem said as she glares at her.

Scarlet dashed towards her and swung her scythe at her mother, cutting her dress. "I'm a disgrace? Please, I've been killing people after I thought I killed you."

Salem grabs Scarlet by the hair and slammed her down. "Worthless child! How dare you strike your own mother!"

Scarlet growled and headbutts her hard. "You're no longer my mother Salem! You've said it yourself I have no right to call myself your child!" Her headbutt was so hard, she knocked Salem over onto her back. "I'll kill you again if I need to."

"That won't be necessary." Verdia said as he appeared behind the Grimm girl, his massive great sword loomed over her as he swung the blade down at Scarlet. "The Demon King needs her alive, and you won't stop our plans for world domination!"

Scarlet glared at Verdia as she caught the blade of his sword with her hands, trying to push it away. Salem slithered away from them as she was gone, Scarlet had noticed as she smirked and looked at Verdia. "You've made the wrong choice pal." Her Grimm strength over threw Verdia as she flipped him over onto his back and cracked his sword. "Letting my mother work with you and your demon king. You have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into."

"Whoa, did she just?" Kazuma asked.

"She did." Darkness said squirming and wiggling in place. "I want her to toss me around like that."

Aqua looked at her and sighs. "Now is not the time for that Darkness."


Scarlet had shattered Verdia's armor as she stood over him, glaring down at him. She reached down and grabs his head from his body. "Listen to me you mother will stab you and your demon king in the back and take over. Do you understand me? Or do you not get what I'm saying?"

Verdia was silent for a moment. "O-Of course, I understand..just please spare me."

The Grimm girl scoffed as she threw Verdia's head. Verdia's body stood up and chased after his head, Kazuma and the other three stood there silently as Scarlet turned to face them. They shook in fear, expect for Darkness as she blushed and wiggled in place.

"Please be hard on me, I want it." Darkness said as she watched Scarlet approach them. "Oh yes, come, punish me hard!"

Scarlet stops as she looked at Kazuma. "You all should leave now."

"Why leave? We can help you." Aqua said. "...Kinda..."

Scarlet glared at the goddess as she walked closer to her. "I said...leave." She turned around as she sniffed the air. "The Grimm are coming, my mother is holding a grudge against me. I have to kill her." She turned her head. "I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart, I don't really care what happens to you all. I could careless, but this is war that will happen is between me and my mother." She gripped Black Rose as she was silent for the rest of the time.

Megumin looked at the others as she nods her head a little, they would leave Scarlet alone in the field as Grimm could be heard howling and roaring. Kazuma looked back as he saw the black mist of Grimm coming towards Scarlet.

"Guys, this may sound off...but I say we gather every party member in the town and come back to help her with this war.." Kazuma said.

Aqua didn't deny it but nods her head a little. "You're right, we should do that. She might need our help, if she likes it or not. A Family feud, something we shouldn't get ourselves involved with. But this will pay us good money though."

By the time the Grimm had arrived, they surrounded Scarlet as they seemed different, they were black and green rather than black and white. Another Grimm came into the picture as it looked at Scarlet, standing on it's back legs it pointed at her. "Get....the girl...." Scarlet grins widely as she spun Black Rose around. "Alright...come get me assholes."