Chapter 34: Belly of the Beast

Grimm surrounded Scarlet they appeared to be different, they were black and green rather then black and white. They moved out of the way as another one came into view snarling at Scarlet, as it got on it's back legs.

"Now we're talking...come get me assholes." Scarlet said as she grips Black Rose tightly. "Judging by your smell, you're a new type Grimm...The Hound, am I right?"

The Hound pointed at Scarlet as it snarls. "....Get the girl...."

"Hell yeah, I knew it." Scarlet said as she snickered and licked her lips. "Come brothers and sisters, why don't we see who's the true Grimm of the pack?" She scanned around as she noticed how the Grimm charged towards her all at once.

The Hound stood there as it watched, Scarlet jumped over each Grimm and sliced them in half as she grinned wickedly. Grimm blood splattered all over her, and on the ground as she sliced through them like they were nothing but cheese. The Hound got angry as it charged in and rammed it's shoulder at Scarlet's chest knocking her back, once she fell over onto the ground. The Hound stepped on her and leaned down growling at her.

Scarlet growled back as she grinned. "Easy there Cujo, you're not winning just yet." She twisted her spine and slithered out from under The Hound's foot as she snapped her spine back into place. "Now I'm ready for round two. Come on ugly!"

The Grimm that were killed by Scarlet evaporated into ash, but that didn't stop the Grimm girl from licking her arm of the blood from the Grimm she killed. Her tongue slithered out of her mouth as she licked her arm as she snickered. "Tasty."


Megumin ran out of the adventure's guild and through the streets of Axel, she was going to go help Scarlet fight. But didn't listen to Kazuma on getting back up, she hard a fire burning in her belly as the Arch Wizard was wanting to get her explosion magic strong enough to blow up a field or two of giant frogs.

"Megumin wait!" Kazuma called out. "You can't go alone on this!"

The Arch Wizard was already far too gone from ear view to hear Kazuma as she dashed out of Axel and went searching for Scarlet. The fire in her belly grew hotter and bigger as Megumin grins with glee. "I can feel something inside me, wanting to be let out."

"And she's gone." Aqua said as she sighs. "We need more help, or we can kiss the town of Axel goodbye if those creatures show up here."

"Don't be silly." Kazuma said. "There's no way any would be able to get in without getting slaughtered."

Screaming could be heard in the distance as the town's people came running past them. Darkness swung her sword forward as she looked ahead, she was calm and quiet. Well until a Uzra grabbed her and slammed her into the guild.

"You were saying?!" Aqua asked.

"Me and my big mouth." Kazuma said.

Darkness pushed the Grimm back as it was sent flying off of her, she stood up and panted as she blushed. "Oh come on, the fun was just getting started!"

"Darkness, can we leave this to you and the others?" Kazuma asked.

Darkness smiled with glee and had the look of lust in her eyes. "YES!" She watched the Urza stand up as she rushed towards it holding her sword tightly.

Kazuma nods as he grabs Aqua's hand and dashes out of Axel to catch up with Megumin, Aqua yelps as the Goddess almost fell on her face. Yunyun had followed the two to help them out and get Megumin back, if she liked it or not.


The Hound had Scarlet by the head as it squeezed tightly, trying to crush her skull. Scarlet gritted her teeth as she struggled to break free from the Grimm's grasp.

A familiar magic circle appeared underneath them as Scarlet knew what it was, she pushed her legs against The Hound's body. The Hound hadn't noticed as it looked down at the magic circle, confused by what was going to happen. Scarlet successfully ripped away from it's grasp taking it's arm with her.

"EXPLOSION!" Megumin yelled as she nearly fell over. She watched as The Hound was engulfed by her explosion magic, as that fire she had burning within her belly was now put out as the petite arch wizard fell over. "Score one for the Explosion master, zero for them..."

Scarlet scoffed as she knew that wouldn't keep The Hound at bay, she slurps its arm up as she smirks. "I'd say thanks for the help, but I had it under control." She glared at the smoke as The Hound lunged at Scarlet, the Grimm girl dodged and rolled out of the way as she stabbed Black Rose into the Grimm's lower belly and flung it around.

The Hound whimpered as he was flung around, Scarlet would then send it flying off of Black Rose. She dashed towards where the Grimm was going to land at as she grabbed it by it's upper and lower jaw and started to tear it open. "Come on, say ah."

The Hound try to fight back but felt it's jaw getting pulled opened, Scarlet's strength was much more than the Grimm had. Then there was silence, followed by a snap and a crack. The Hound's jaw was snapped wide open as blood spilled out from it's maw, Scarlet stood over it as she saw a person inside. A Faunus with silver eyes, she reached down and grabbed the Faunus listening as it mumbled. "Get....the...girl..."

Scarlet knew what Salem had done, which gave her a brilliant idea. She still had Akame and Tatsumi in their capsules, she planned on mutating them into a creature of Grimm just like The Hound. Not showing any mercy to the Sliver eyed Faunus within the body of The Hound, she took both of her thumbs and rammed them into the Faunus' eyes stabbing her thumbs deep pooping their eyes out and split their head open.

"Scarlet wins...Fatality." Scarlet said with a grin, she knelt down and started to eat at the dead corpse. "There we go...not a trace of a dead Grimm in sight for any guild travelers. Now then, I think it's time I go finish what I started." She sprouted her Nevermore wings and few into the air and sniffed for a moment to see if she could pick up Salem's scent. "There you are!"

Salem stood in the castle looking out with her arms crossed, she sensed Scarlet coming as she turned around away from the window. "Yes...come to me, you'll soon fall by my hands...and be turned into my puppet." Her red eyes glowed as she started to laugh.