Chapter 41: Life Fiber Synchronize

Scarlet stood under a waterfall, as she had her eyes closed. A string of red life fiber was attached to her clothing as she hadn't noticed it, movement could be heard from a few inches from her as Nullpudding and Flare were approaching her. It turned out Scarlet was on the outskirts of Raven Tail's HQ.

"Well well, look what we got ourselves here." Flare said as she grins widely tilting her head to the side with those lifeless eyes locked onto Scarlet.

Nullpudding chuckles. "A naked chick, right under a waterfall, That so happens to be on the outskirts of our HQ." He stood there and grins. "Say Flare, what do we do to intruders who trespass on our grounds?"

"We kill them." Flare said as she laughs a little. "This is going to be a fun battle!"

Scarlet slowly opened her eyes as she could hear the two talking, a sinister grin appeared on the Grimm girls face. She slowly stepped out from under the waterfall still naked as she hadn't no need to put her clothes on to deal with these two. "Last I checked, I can do what the hell I want. So if you two pigs in human clothing want to be my neat meal, I suggest you go back to your master and tell him I'm going to kill each and every last one of you."

"Big words coming from a twig like you." Nullpudding said. "And would it hurt you to put some clothes on while talking to us? Jeez, you're in your birthday suit."

Scarlet didn't stop as she walked through the river that flowed around her. Without any warning, Scarlet lunges forward quickly and laughed insanely.


Wendy and Ryuko stood near the Fairy Tail guild hall as Ryuko got into battle stance and pulled the pin off of Seki-Tekko as her blood flows through Senketsu . "Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!" Senketsu's sailor uniform on Ryuko changed to be more revealing and skimpy as it wasn't nothing new for Ryuko, since she had gotten over the face she'd be revealing more skin.

"Whoa, still cool even to this very day." Wendy said as she smirks. "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ryuko said spinning her scissor blade around to the font. "Give me all you've got sky dragon slayer."

Wendy nods her head a little. "Alright, I'll try to go all out then Ryuko." She leans back as her cheeks puffed up. "Sky dragon ROAR!" She threw her body forward as she blew a powerful gust of wind from her mouth at Ryuko.

Ryuko slams her foot down onto the ground and stabs her scissor blade into the ground as well, trying to hold on without being blown away. "Come on Ryuko, you can do this.... You need to get on level ground and get stronger."

Gray and the other guild members watched as Elfman was pumped up throwing his fist in the air. "That's what we call a real man yeah!"

"Are you even hearing yourself right now?" Mirajane asked with a small smile. "But I guess you could say something similar to that. Ryuko is so high in hopes with getting revenge on this Scarlet character.."

Makarov sat on the bar with his arms crossed and eyes closed. "Revenge will only lead her down a dark path... Yet, we've been lucky for the most part on not finding out who Scarlet is. That is until she struck down Erza and slayed Twilight Ogre." He opens his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. "She will pay dearly for hurting one of my children, but right now we can't rush into combat with her. Not until we're certain on her location."

Gray glanced back at him and scoffs. "Which is why Gajeel isn't here right? To go look for her?"

"Indeed." Makarov said. "Natsu is up in flames about the situation Erza is in, and he went off to train with Happy. And now Ryuko is training with Wendy outside the guild to get stronger herself." He stood up as looked at everyone. "I know we have just gotten back from Tenrou island. But I suggest you all get your gears turning and train as well, this new foe seems to be keeping us on our toes. We can not worry about anything else that goes on in the world... Not until this monster pays for what she's done."

"Hell yeah, now you're talking." Cana said who was surprisingly sober instead of a little drunk

Elfman nods his head a little and smirks. "Spoken like a real man!"

Back outside Ryuko dashed forward towards Wendy and swung her scissor blade at her, Wendy blocked with her sky dragon wing attack. She knocked Ryuko back as Matoi skidded on the ground, Wendy stopped any further attacks as she ran over to Ryuko.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Wendy said getting on her knees. "Are you alright?"

Ryuko growled as she slammed her fist into the grass and clinched a good chunk of it with her other hand. "Dammit!..... Dammit! I'm not strong enough! Where did all of my experience go too after our last seven years!?" Her blood was boiling as Senketsu could feel her boiling blood.

"Ryuko calm down." Senketsu said. "You're blood is getting too hot for me to feed off of. "If you don't, we'll both go berserk."

Ryuko sat up as she lets out a sigh, Senketsu stayed in his kamui form as he could feel Ryuko's blood cool down, Wendy seemed upset knowing she almost knocked Ryuko out. The young dragon slayer felt bad, but felt a hand rubbing the top of her head. She glanced at Ryuko as she saw that it was her hand rubbing her head.

"Hey, it's okay." Ryuko said. "Let's keep going kay?" She stood up and did some stretches. "Man, my body was starting to ache there for a moment."

Wendy smiled a little as she nods her head. "Alright, but if you want us to stop at any point..... Don't be afraid to tell me."


Black Snake was sent flying back into the wall of Raven Tail HQ, as Scarlet walked through the dust and smoke. Her Grimm eyes glowing a blood red as she tossed Nullpudding and Flare's heads into the room, the other members of Raven Tail were as well as master Ivan. "You pigs in human clothing really do know how to piss me off. My magic is far powerful than your pitiful shit shot of colors."

"Who are you?" Black Snake asked as he appeared in front of her seeming unharmed, Obra was just standing there in his puppet form. As for Master Ivan, he didn't seemed pleased with the intrusion.

Scarlet was quiet as she decided to crack a joke or two. "Jeez, I know you're a puppet over there, but cut me some slack. You're not the brightest, and you certainly don't shine with the shining. Or are you trying to be a dancing clown?" She shrugs her shoulders a little. "I guess this dark tower isn't much for simpletons like you and your wanna be Pennywise looking ass. So why don't you go run off and play finders keepers with a cat's eye jewel?"

"I asked you a question!" Black Snake asked rushing towards the Grimm girl.

Scarlet noticed as she kicked him so hard that her foot went straight through him. "I was talking..." She threw Black Snake's body towards Obra as she grins. "Let this fire starter be your last warning."

Confused by what she meant, Obra's puppet grabbed Black Snake as there was a dust bomb strapped to his body. Once contact had happened, the dust bomb exploded obliterating Black Snake and both Obra and Obra's puppet. Ivan stood up from his seat and glared at Scarlet.

"Stop this at once! Do you know who you're dealing with!? We are Raven Tail a dark guild!" Ivan said in a angry tone.

Scarlet snickered as she glares back at him with dagger like eyes. "I could give two shits about you and your fucking guild." She slowly walked towards him and noticed Ivan was about to get ready to attack her with his magic. "I don't think so." She stopped time as she moved quickly towards Ivan and stabbed her hand through his chest, she blinks as time resumed. "Look down, see what I've got."

Ivan slowly looks down as he saw his beating heart, he spat up blood as he turns his head. "H-How? When the magic council finds out.... You'll be nothing but dust in the wind..."

"How?" Scarlet asked. "I'm quicker and smarter, unlike you filthy pig." She crushed Ivan's heart as she pulled her hand out. "And this will become your grave. And the birthplace of my kind., and let the council find out, I don't give a rats ass... what they can't kill will be their doom."

Gajeel watched from the door way as he had glanced inside, he did this every once and while hoping Scarlet hadn't seen him. "Shit's going down hard here... she just killed another guild. I need to let Makarov know about this."

Ivan's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed onto the ground, Scarlet sniffed the air as she could smell Gajeel's scent. A grin spreads across her face as she walked towards Ivan's chair and sat down, she crossed her right leg over her left leg. "I can smell you..... Dragon boy.." She noticed the life fiber on her outfit as she pulled it off and smirks. "So Ryuko thought leaving evidence on me would help her track me? Such a fool."

Gajeel's eyes widen as he grits his teeth. "I've been found out? She can't be a dragon slayer can she? No impossible... she doesn't smell like one... she reeks of murder and death... just what the hell is she?" He grabbed an iron brick and chomped down on it. "Seems I need to get my hands dirty... Now that I've got a fire in my belly."