Chapter 42: Hell Bound

Scarlet had found out that Gajeel was eavesdropping on her, she could smell him from where he was at. She smirked as she closed her eyes waiting to see if the dragon slayer would come into the room or not.

"Tch, damn it. She knows I'm here." Gajeel said. "I'm in no shape to fight her the way I am." He held a iron brick and took a bite out of it and smirks. "Now I got a fire in my belly, should be enough to beat her."

Scarlet kept her eyes closed as the Grimm girl sensed some more of Demigra's rifts open up. The smell of Grimm was strong as the surrounding area of what was once Raven Tail's HQ flooded with Grimm waste. Akame and Tatsumi walked out of the rifts with other Grimm as they howled. The Wyvern shrikes as the dragon flew over head, landing on a rock.

"A dragon?" Gajeel asked. "No... that's no dragon I've seen before, what the hell is it?" He finished eating the iron brick as he turned and walked into the room. "So just what the hell are you?"

Scarlet's eyes slowly opened as she grins. "I suppose I can give you enough credit to know that, you've been sneaky to not get caught right off hand, but I noticed after awhile." She stood up as her wings were folded. "I'm a creature of darkness, a Grimm."

"Grimm?" Gajeel asked. "What the hell is a Grimm?"

Scarlet walked past the iron dragon slayer. "Come see for yourself, unless you'd rather fight me?"

Gajeel clinched his fist. "Trust me, you're going to pay for what you've done to Erza. It may not be me who gives you the run for your money, but it certainly will be another dragon slayer. Goes by the name Natsu Dragneel."

Scarlet snickered as she looks down at the now flooded ground full of Grimm waste. "Is that so? I could give two shits about dragon slayers, everyone in this world is my prey." Her Nevermore wings unfolded as they flapped. "My brothers and sisters will make sure your world is a waste land, just like Ryuko's." She turns her head to the side and glares at Gajeel. "I let Erza live for two reasons. Unlike Raven Tail, Erza put up more of a fight than they did. I marked Titania as my prey, once we have our rematch. I'll make her nice and tender."

"You say that like a freak of nature, we'll stop you." Gajeel said as he got into battle stance. "But right now, this iron dragon slayer is going to teach you a lesson or two about messing with Fairy Tail."

Scarlet grins widely as she cracks her knuckles. "By all means, show me what a dragon slayer can do!"


"Iron dragon ROAR!" Gajeel blew iron breath at Scarlet as the Grimm girl fired a spiral of her magic at the end of Gajeel's attack.

"A fine power struggle." Scarlet said grinning widely. "So this is the power of a dragon slayer? Pathetic!"

Gajeel growls. "Iron dragon CLUB!" His arms turned into iron pillars as they stretched forward and hit Scarlet in the gut and head. "You talk too much."

Scarlet hissed, but had caught Gajeel's arm with her hand. She swung him around as she threw him down towards the horde of Grimm below. "Brothers and sisters, prepare for combat. This dragon slayer think he can stop us! Tear him to shreds and feast on his remains!"

Gajeel turned around facing downwards. "So she's having them take care of her left overs... Dragon slayer secret art. Iron God sword!" He clasped his hands together as both of his hands glowed as they formed a massive iron sword. "Eat this!" He swung his arms back and swung down at the Grimm below.

The ground below was cut in half from Gajeel's attack, but Scarlet flew down at him and kicked his back sending him down at a quick speed.

"Gahh, damn you." Gajeel said as he crashed down into the ground. "That hurt..."

Scarlet laughed as she shot another spiral of magic down at him. "So much for the mighty iron dragon slayer!"

Gajeel couldn't move as he was being held down by Grimm arms. "Oh....crap." He was shit hard with the spiral of magic that Scarlet had shot from her hand. "G...G..GAHHH!!!!"

Scarlet laughs loudly as she lands down next to Gajeel, smoke was coming off of him as she slams her foot down onto his chest. "Perhaps I should make you my next experiment, a dragon slayer Grimm hybrid. Just like I had done with Akame and Tatsumi, she put pressure down on Gajeel to make sure he was unconscious. "Hmph, you've proven worthy as well dragon slayer. But you'll be part of my army."

Scarlet glances over at the Akame. "Take him away, I'll make sure he joins us in due time."

Akame nods as she wraps her Grimm hands around Gajeel and flung him over her shoulder and walked off, Scarlet grins as she clinched her fist tightly. "Your magic is coming in hand mother. With this I can easily take down every foe who crosses my path."


Word of Scarlet's arrival and the feeling of her magical power had reached the Magic Council, the members of the council were talking among themselves about the situation and what to do to deal with her.

"It's obvious we need to fire the Etherion cannon." Wolfheim said. "There's no way she'd be able to survive an attack from the Etherion cannon."

Org sighs as he looks over to him. "You are aware that with a blast from Etherion it will wipe out the entire area correct? It's a good idea, but we also have to consider what's around the area."

"I say we fire it!" Gran Doma barked. "It will show her what we're made of!"

Org looks at him and closed his eye. "Last time we fired it, the tower of Haven didn't collapse. Jellal had us fire it, but firing it again will take time."

"I said fire the damn cannon!" Gran Doma yelled. "At this rate, that girl will end everyone's lives with out a single thought!"

Everyone mumbled as they agreed to firing the Etherion cannon on Scarlet, the magic circle of the Etherion cannon started to form over Scarlet's new place after she had killed Raven Tail's members and master Ivan, time was ticking for everyone as it would be awhile before Etherion was fired.

Etherion was powering up from under the spear as more of the magic circles formed, the light shined over the Grimm waste land as some of the Grimm noticed it when they looked up. Scarlet was unaware of what was going on as she sat in her chair. Her eyes glowing a blood red once more as she grins.

Within a matter of hours the Etherion cannon was ready to fire, it made a humming sound as it soon fired down. Right on top of Raven Tail's HQ, Scarlet didn't have time to react as everything came crashing down. The tower crumbled as pieces of it fell onto some of the Grimm and splashed into the Grimm waste. Smoke filled the air as there was no traces of Scarlet for the moment, the members of the council cheered victory was theirs.. Or so they thought. Scarlet's arm shot up from the rubble as she stood up, smoke flew off of her as steam came out of her mouth. "Now I'm pissed!"