Insecurity of the Secret!

Mark passed a smile towards Jason and said: "Yes. Jason, I'm listening to you."

Jason took a deep breath and said: "I'm requesting you to never think that this child is an orphan. This child is not an orphan and it doesn't mean that I don't care about Edina. I just want my child to have a protected and better future."

Mark: "Yes, I already know Jason. Don't worry."

Jason: "If you need any financial help related to upbringing, Edina. Then I am still with you and you also have my number. I've put a picture of our family in the suitcase. If at any stage of her life, you find it necessary to tell her the truth and about her family so you can tell her that I am her father, Rocella is her mother and she has a grandma and her elder brother."

Mark: "Edina is safe. Don't worry about her and by the way, I can afford it to bring a child with a better future and I can fulfill every single need of this child. But, if I need any help with the financial states in her upbringing, I'll catch up with you and ask you to help me in that matter."

Jason nodded his head as yes and they became silent for a while.

Mark: "You don't have any problem if I upbring your child as a boy. I personally don't like transgender to be women or girls. It's insecure for them to act like a woman and a girl."

Jason: "I just want you to make her a better person no matter it's a girl or a boy."

Mark: "Okay thank you, Jason."

Jason smiled and said: "I am the....."

Suddenly his phone rang and the call interrupted his words.

He pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket. He saw four missed called from Rocella.

He stood up and looked at Mr. Mark and gestured to him(Mark) as an excuse.

Jason moved and headed towards the balcony.

[Balcony is a small area where the grill is fitted to look down. That place shows the view of outside the building. Jason reached to the balcony. He dialed Rocella's number but abruptly he (Jason) got a call from his mother.]

Jason received the call and said: "Hello mom, How are you?"

Lauren: "I'm fine son, where are you?"

Jason: "Mom. I'm out of town you know that."

Lauren: "Come back home hurry."

Jason: "Why mom? What happened? Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

Lauren: "Yes everything is okay. I'm perfectly fine as well. But 3 days have passed and I haven't seen Edina for three days. You know that I can't live without Edina for more than three days."

Jason: "Mom, I'm in the business meeting and I promise you we'll come back tomorrow."

Lauren: "Hmm okay."

Jason: "I'll call you when I'll get to the hotel."

Lauren: "Okay, I'll hang up the call currently, Bye."

Jason: "Bye mom, Take care."

Jason hung up the call and moved back to the lounge.

Mark and Fred, were talking happily and Edina was playing while sitting on Mark's lap.

When Jason looked at them and Edina happy. He passed a smile and whispered (to himself) while taking a deep breath, "Aahh, What a relief! I'm happy that I choose Mark."

He (Jason) went closer to the place where they were sitting and said, "Okay, Mr.Mark, Now allow me to go back. My wife must be waiting for me."

Mark and Fred stood up and looked at Jason with blank expressions.

(Mark was holding Edina in his arms by the support of his left shoulder.)

Mark: "Now what's your plan? I mean what will you tell everyone about this matter."

Jason took a deep breath and said, "I have a friend who is the cop. He will help me in that case."

Mark: "Which case?"

Jason: "I know it's hard to tell my mom and Kevin that Edina is lost but I have to inform them this and pronounce a lie."

Mark nodded his head as okay and said: "Hope that everything goes well."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said: "Okay then, I'll leave now, and feel free to contact me if you need any help. From now on, my child is your responsibility."

Mark nodded his head as approval and said: "Okay then, Goodbye."

Jason and Fred went out of Mark's apartment.

Jason stopped inform of the building (where Mark was living). He looked up at the balcony.

On that balcony, Mark was standing while holding Edina and randomly playing with her. Edina was laughing. Jason passed a smile. After some seconds, when Mark realized that Jason was looking at him and Edina. He passed a smile and gestured Edina's hand in a waving manner. He (with passing his smiling expressions) said loudly that Jason could easily hear.

Mark: "Bye Jason. You both must drive safely."

Jason passed a smile and waved his hand towards them (Mark and Edina).

Fred was standing and noticing the scene. He (Fred) waved his hand towards Mark and said: "You too. Take care of Edina and Yourself."

Fred looked at Jason. He noticed the tears were coming out of Jason's eyes. He (Fred) put his hand on Jason's shoulder (to console him) and said, "It's okay Jason. Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine."

Jason wiped his tears with his hands and said, "You know what Fred. When you told me about Mark. I asked you that I want to meet and see that person. Because I didn't believe you. But when I met him and got to know about his life experience like he saw so many different kinds of ups and downs in his entire life just to be a respectful person and known as a part of our society. People disgraced him very badly but now, he is happy. Look at them (Edina and Mark). They are happy with each other. Mark will better make my child a better person."

Fred smiled by looking up towards Mark and Edina and said: "You are right. Now you have eaten a bite of patience and you'll get a reward of that patience in the cover of your child's behavior and I am pretty sure that he is the best choice."

Fred was saying these words but suddenly, he got interrupted by a call from his cop friend named 'Stallone'.

Fred received the call and said: "Hey, hold up for a bit while. We are coming to your place."

He (Fred) hung up the call.

Fred looked at Jason and said, "Let's get going. Stella is waiting for us.

['Stella' was the abhorrent(Funny name that he doesn't like) of 'Stallone. He was the childhood friend of Jason and Fred since their school life.]

{:. Stallone was the only brother of three elder sisters that's why everyone called him 'Stella' in a funny tone.}

[Stallone was the senior and respective cop officer he was 't met Jason and Fred for more than three years because of their busy routine. He was married and blessed with a daughter.]

They both got in the car to lead the way towards Stallone's location.

Jason was driving Fred shared the map's screen from her phone to the car's screen.

After 20 minutes of traveling, They (Jason and Fred) arrived at the exact location.

They chose a place where no one could see them. They chose Stallone's home. His wife and daughter were out of town.

Fred gave a call to Stallone's number.

Stallone received a call.

Fred: " We are here. Come out."

The door was unlocked and the 6.3 feet man (with pale bright skin, in black hair very short hair, wearing a cream-colored loose T-Shirt with a blue trouser) went out of the house and looked at Jason and Fred by passing a smile to them.

He was Stallone.

Stallone: "You guys eventually arrived."

Fred turned his head to look around and said: "We are on the way."

Stallone chuckled: "Shut up Fred."

He hugged Jason and Fred together and said, "It's been a while when I last met you two."

Jason smiled and said: "You are such a busy person now."

Fred (in a teasing manner) took a deep breath and said, "Huh, busy people."

The three of them released each other from a friendship hug.

Stallone gestured at his house and said: "Come in."

Fred and Jason followed Stallone's footsteps and they entered the house.

Stallone offered two pairs of slippers to Jason and Fred. They both wore them and get in the house.

Fred: "Wow man. Your home is so wonderful. I like your place."

There was a hall like a lounge and there were three rooms and one drawing-room. The kitchen was amazing. There was a terrace where a small pool was settled.

There was an incredibly beautiful cat house made up of wood right in front of a corridor.

Fred looked at that and said, "Wow, you have a cat in your home."

Stallone passed a smile and said: "Yes, my daughter loves to have a cat."

Fred and Jason were amazed.

Jason: "So you have a daughter."

Stallone had a four years old daughter.

Fred: "Your daughter must be very pretty. I mean your wife is pretty and you are handsome as well."

Stallone gestured (by his hand) at a huge family picture.

[In that picture, Stallone and his wife were sitting on their knees and hugging their daughter. The little angel (Stallone's daughter)was holding a tiny baby kitten in her arms.]

Fred: "How adorable."

Stallone looked at Fred and asked, "Have you got married yet?"

Jason: "Yes."

Fred silently looked at Jason with a suspicious expression on his face.

Stallone: "What? When?"

Jason looked at Fred and said, "In our dreams."

{It means, Fred hasn't got married yet.}

Stallone and Jason laughed at Fred to tease him.

Fred (with a poker face) changed the topic by saying, "Aren't we allowed to sit anywhere?"

Stallone said, "Oh! Sorry, come in have a seat."

They headed to the drawing-room.

[Drawing room is especially used for outsiders (guests) to sit in.]

{There were two sets of luxury couches. With some decorated stuff. There was an elegant glass table in the mid of the couches.}

They sat on the couch and Stallone asked: "What would you guys like to eat or drink?"

Jason: "No nothing just sit there (he gestured by hand at a sofa in front of them). We have a very important topic to discuss with you and we need you to help in that case."

Stallone sat on the sofa located in front of them (Jason and Fred) and shrank his eyebrows with curiosity and asked, "What? By any chance, have you got rubies from somewhere?"

Jason smacked at his forehead.

Fred (while sitting with a back sport and looking at Stallone) asked: "Stella..."

Stall one interrupted Fred and said, "Stop it, Fred."

Jason: "Are you retarded?"

Stallone: "No."

Jason and Fred looked at each other. With a blank expression.

Stallone observed them suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jason: "I'll tell you a story but you better get silent and listen to me."

Stallone nodded his head and said, "Okay."

Jason looked at Fred and said, "I am trusting you. Please don't tell anyone else."

Stallone: "If you don't trust me then don't tell me."

Jason: "I trust you that's why I drove here."

Stallone got silent by looking at Jason.

Fred: "Jason."

Jason and Stallone looked at Fred with a sudden expression.

Jason: "uhh, Yes?"

Fred: "Shall I tell him a story?"

Jason nodded his head as yes.

Fred looked at Stallone.

Fred: "One and a half years ago. My old friend's wife got pregnant."

Stallone focused on Fred's words and mumbled: "Then what happened?"

Fred: "She gave birth to a child. That child was neither a boy nor a girl. That child was transgender. His family loved him and treat him as their daughter. His grandmother was getting extremely attached to that child. She didn't know the truth. The truth was hidden between the doctor(who served the delivery), My old friend, and his wife. His wife was so careless. She wouldn't take better care of that child. As we know that transgenders are disguised badly from the people of this earth. So that child needs more protection and care instead of girls or boys. So his father asked me to help him. I told him about my friend. My friend was also transgender. He molded himself into a gentleman. His name is Mark."

Stallone interrupted Fred and suspiciously asked, "Mark, the name of that father or a transgender?"

Fred: "The transgender."

Jason was quiet and looking at the floor.

Stallone: "Continue your words, Fred."

Fred: "Then, my friend who was the father of a transgender, asked me to take him to Mark. Then we visited Mark's place. Tha was his hometown. My friend was impressed by Mark. He requested Mark to take care of that child. He proposed to his wife to give their child to Mark. After so many hurdles they gave their child to Mark. They panned properly. He wanted you to help him. So I and my friend (whose child is transgender) are here to insist you help us."

Fred and Jason looked at each other. Stallone was still confused.

Stallone: "You are here with that friend but I can't see that friend I mean you and Jason. Wait, whaaatttt, so your old friend is Jason. And Jason's child is a transgender. Right?"

Jason looked at Stallone for a while and then he looked at the floor.

Stallone stood up with a shocking expression and gestured towards Jason with his index finger. His (Stallone's) mouth was opened with shock.

Fred nodded his head as yes.

Stallone sit back with a normal expression and asked, "So what kind I help that I can do?"

Jason took a deep breath and responded (by looking at Stallone): "As Fred told you in the story. My mom is very attached to my child and she is waiting for my child at home. So you just have to pretend that my child is lost from the hotel room and you are in charge of this case. So you have to come to my place once within a week to discuss the case."

Stallone nodded his head as if he agreed.

Stallone: "But why I mean why don't you tell everyone the truth?"

Jason: "My mom is a heart patient and she can't accept the truth and I have so many enemies in the marketplace who are still against my success as a businessman and they can't see me happy. So that's why I want to hide reality from everyone."

Stallone took a deep breath and passed an evil smile. He (Stallone) got back to sit comfortably with the support of the couch.

Stallone: "Why do you trust me then? I can also tell everyone about that and I shall reveal that truth."

Jason and Fred got shocked and looked at each other with shocking expressions on their faces.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!