As far as scattered tree leaves!

After a silent moment duration of a few seconds, Stallone laughed barely and said: "Ahahahah I was incredibly scary and funny at that time."

Jason and Fred looked at each other and laughed as well with a blank expression like they don't have any idea about what just happened.

Stallone laughed and interrogated: "Don't you believe me? Hahaha."

Jason nodded his head as yes or maybe no. He nodded his head in all four directions.

Stallone: "We are childhood buddies. Don't worry. I know I was horrific as a ghost."

Jason: "You shocked me to death by confessing that statement ."

Fred: "Stella became a ghost just now."

Stallone looked at Fred with a poker face.

Stallone: "Fred I hate you when you called me by this stupid name."

Fred (with a smiling expression on his face): "Okay I'll stop."

Jason looked at Fred while laughing.

Suddenly he (Jason) got a call on his phone. He saw his phone. Rocella was still calling him. He moved a bit apart from them (Stallone and Fred).

He received a call.

Rocella (with a teary tone): Jason, when are you coming back?"

Jason: "I'm coming don't worry, Row."

Jason ended up the call and looked at Stallone and Fred. He stepped towards them.

Jason: "I'm sorry Stell but I need to go back."

Stallone stood up and said: "Is everything okay?"

Jason nodded as yes and said: "My wife is waiting for me at the hotel."

Fred looked at Jason and stood up.

Stallone: "But you haven't eaten anything. Let me offer you dinner."

Jason: "My wife is crying and I have to console her."

Fred (while passing a smile at Stallone) said: "Next time Stella."

Stallone (with an annoying manner): "Please Fred leave this name."

Jason and Fred chuckled at Stallone.

Jason: "Okay then we'll leave now."

Stallone nodded as yes and walked them to the corridor to see them off.

Jason and Fred waved at Stallone.

Stallone: "See you soon."

Jason drove the car to head back while Fred sat in the passenger seat.

They reached the hotel after 45 minutes of traveling.

Jason headed to his room that was in front of Fred's room in the same hotel.

Jason knocked on the door of the room. Rocella opened the door from inside. Her eyes were swollen and she didn't look at Jason. Jason was noticing her. She walked towards the bed. Jason followed Rocella to the bed and sat beside her. She still didn't look at Jason.

Jason: "Don't worry Rocella."

Rocella: "Mommy will blame me."

Jason: "No she won't."

Rocella: "I want my daughter back Jason."

Jason: "I tried hard to give my child to Mark. You don't know how to protect our children. You can't take better care of our child."

Rocella looked at Jason and shouted (In the tearing sound with teary eyes): "What are you saying? I gave birth to her. She is my child and I am her mother. How could you tell me that I am careless?"

Jason: "Shhh, please Row you don't have to shout at me like this. I am not blaming you for anything and I promise you that mom would not blame you for anything."

Rocella cried. Jason put his hand on her shoulder and said, "It's okay Row."

Rocella: "Do you understand what I feel, Jason?"

Jason: "I feel the same or maybe I am depressed more than you. I didn't want to get rid of my child. No matter what is the gender. I always loved both Edina and Kevin equally."

Rocella: "When would we go back home?"

Jason took a deep breath and said, "I am hungry. I want to eat something first. I know the best continental restaurant near the hotel. Let's go there."

Jason stood up while holding Rocella's hand.

Rocella (while looking at the floor) responded (with a serious tone): "I'm not hungry."

Jason sat on the other side of a bed and said, "Okay then, I'm not eating anything."

Rocella: "You should go, you must be starving."

Jason: "Mark served the cake with tea. He baked a came by himself. He is such a great cook."

Rocella: Go and eat something."

Jason: "How could I eat when you are crying this scarcely and you haven't been eaten anything since tomorrow night."

Rocella got quiet. Jason got silent for two minutes as well. Only the sound of Rocella's sobbing was being heard. After two minutes Jason broke the silence.

Jason: "You know what Rocella When I said goodbye to Mark and went out of his house. I saw Mark on the balcony of his house. He was holding Edina in his arms and randomly playing with her. He seemed like he smiled for the first time in his life by his heart. Edina was also laughing. I noticed her take she hadn't laughed the moment when she lived with us. Her eyes were laughing as well. When Mark realized that I was looking at him while playing with Edina. He waved at me with Edina's hand. She was still smiling. I got tears in my eyes when I saw them happily."

Rocella: "I hope that Mark would be the best choice for taking care and protecting Edina."

Jason: "Certainly, you don't believe Mark but I am a hundred and ten percent sure that when you'll see him you'll feel relieved."

Rocella: "You must be very tired Jason. Get some sleep. I'll turn off the lights."

Jason laid on the bed and slept.

Rocella turned off th lights and laid on the bed and tried to sleep but she didn't sleep all night.

They spent the night.

Jason got a call from Lauren early in the morning.

Jason attended a call and said (in the sleepy sound): "Yes, who is it?"

Lauren: "It's me your mom."

Jason suddenly got startled and said: "Yea mom. Hello. How are you?"

Lauren: "I am fine. When are you coming back home dear son?"

Jason: "Mom, uhh! We uhh, we'll head back tomorrow."

Lauren: "What tomorrow. You went there for your business trip. Not to settle there."

Jason: "I know mom but I have to do a very important job today."

Lauren: "Get back here when your work would be done."

Jason: "Okay mom doesn't worry."

Lauren hung up the call.

Jason looked around for Rocella. But she was not in the room. Jason got worried and called her (Rocella's) name out.

Jason: "Row....."

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and Rocella appeared by coming out of the bathroom.

Jason looked at her and took a long deep breath as he felt relieved to see her.

But when he saw Rocella staggering he got worried he gave her support by his arms and let her sit on the bet. He held Rocella's chin with his hand and moved her face to look into her eyes. She moved his hand to the side. He sat on his knees in front of Rocella. He looked at Rocella's face. Her eyes were swollen and looked like bloodshot eyes.

He got shocked and got up and held his phone. He tried to call Fred. But Fred didn't attend his call. He hastily went out of the room. He moved to Fred's room. He knocked on the door for some seconds. Fred opened the door.

Jason got into his (Fred's) room rashly.

Fred closed the door and asked suspiciously, "What happened? Is everything okay?"

Jason: "Let's go to Mark's place."

Fred: "Why man?"

Jason: "Rocella can't bear any distance from Edina. I can't see her like this."

Fred: ", What happened to her?"

Jason: "She is not okay. She cried so much none stop and she had swollen bloodshot eyes."

Fred: "Think carefully. After so many hurdles, you finally gave your child to Mark."

Jason got quiet.

Fred: "Let her meet him."

Jason: "Who?"

Fred: "Let your wife see Mark."

Jason: "Mom is waiting for us at home."

Fred: "Make a promise to her that you'll let her see Edina another time."

Jason: "You are right."

Fred: "Now you better take her back home in this situation."

Jason: "But..."

Fred interrupted Jason's word and said, "In the same way, your mother will not be angry with her."

Jason: "You are right. Btw when are you leaving?"

Fred: "After one day."

Jason nodded as okay and left Fred's room.

Jason entered his room and picked a (small-sized) suitcase.

[He brought that suitcase while separating Edina's stuff in another suitcase.]

Jason: "Let's go, Row."

Rocella got up.

They both left the hotel and Jason drove the way to Mark's place.

{He (Jason) didn't tell his wife (Rocella) about visiting Edina but he called Mark and notify him about their visit.}

On the other side, Mark dressed Edina like a princess.

She looked like a bright and fresh baby princess. She was wearing a baby pink colored frock.

***After the drive of 30 minutes***

Jason stopped the car in the small town on the road in front of the building where Mark's apartment was situated. Rocella got confused and asked, "Where are we, Jason?"

Jason passed a smile towards Rocella and responded: "You'll know soon!"

She got suspicious.

Jason went out of the car and opened another door of the car for Rocella.

Rocella went out of the car.

She looked around with her swollen and bloodshot eyes.

Jason held her hand.

Jason: "Let's go."

He led the way to Mark's apartment. When they arrived, he knocked at the door. A gentleman appeared while opening the door. He permitted them to come in. When Rocella entered the house. She got shocked and said, "Where is your wife?"

Jason chuckled and said, "Row, This is Mr. Mark."

Rocella got shocked and said, "What? Where is Edina then?"

Mark passed a smile and gestured at the prom. In the baby prom, Edina was sitting and playing with the rattles. Rocella got happy and rushed towards Edina. She kissed her cheeks and hugged her while holding Edina in her arms. Edina cried.

Mark: "Ms. Jason. You are choking her."

Rocella sat on the couch (where Fred was sitting last time Jason and Fred visited Mark).

Rocella got happy. They had a good chat and Mark prepared lunch for them. So Rocella and Jason ate lunch happily. After having their lunch, They led the way back to their home.

Finally, they reached their home at night. Jason put the password and opened the corridor. Everyone slept in the house. They quietly moved towards their room. When they entered their room. Rocella looked happy and relieved to see Mark. Jason didn't disturb her and let her take a nap.

She changed her clothes and slept on the bed happily. At that time, her eyes felt relaxed.

At late night. Jason felt thirsty and he didn't want to disturb Rocella so he went to the kitchen by himself. While he was pouring some water into the jug from the dispenser. He heard the voice, "Sir! You are back."

That was Raina. He responded, "Yes!"

Raina: "Sir, do you need anything else?"

Jason: "No, it wanted water so I got this, Thank you."

After saying those words, he put the jug in the tray with a glass mug.

Raina noticed Jason for a while and took water from the kitchen and entered Lauren's room. Lauren was sitting on the bed with the support of their back. Raina sat on the couch near Lauren and said, "I saw Mr. Jason in the kitchen."

Lauren stopped drinking and asked, "When did he arrive?"

Raina: "I didn't ask him. But it seemed like they arrived more than one hour ago."

Lauren: "Oh okay."

Raina: "But..."

Lauren looked at Raina and asked, "What?"

Raina: "Mr. Jason was not in the good mood."

Lauren: "Maybe he is tired."

Raina: "I have never seen him like this. Okay, maybe he must be tired."

Lauren nodded her head as yes and laid on the bed by saying, "Turn off the lights. I am sleepy."

Raina turned off the lights and slept on the mattress as well.

They spent the night...

***Another morning***

Lauren was eating breakfast with Kevin.

Lauren stopped eating for a while and looked at the room of Jason of Rocella.

Lauren: "Jason and Rocella sleep yet."

Raina: "It seemed like they arrived late at night."

Lauren nodded her head and continued to eat.

When Lauren is her breakfast, Jason and Rocella appeared out of their room. They looked pale. Kevin smiled and ran towards his parents. They hugged him and Looked at Lauren.

Lauren: "When you came back?"

Rocella: "We just arrived at late night."

Lauren nodded and looked at the room.

Lauren: "Where is Edina?"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!