Transformation towards dignity!

Jason and Rocella looked at each other.

Jason looked at Raina and said: "Raina, Take Kevin to his room."

Raina took Kevin to his room.

Lauren was shocked and serious at the same time so she stood up and looked at Jason and Rocella.

Lauren: "You didn't answer my question. Where is Edina?"

Rocella (with her teary eyes): "I'm sorry Mommy."

Lauren: "What happened, dear? Why are you crying?"

Jason: "Mom, we lost her."

Lauren got confused and look at Jason by raising a question: " You lost whom?"

Jason looked at the floor.

Lauren: "Don't tell me that you lost Edina?"

Jason and Rocella looked at each other.

Jason nodded his head as yes.

Lauren: "What the hell are you talking about? You? How could you lose your daughter?"

Rocella and Jason looked at each other.

Lauren noticed them and asked, "What's with your gaze towards each other?"

Jason looked at Lauren and responded: "Sorry mom!"

Lauren looked at Rocella and said: "I told you not to take her with you. You can't even take care of your child. What kind of parents are you both?"

Rocella went towards her room hurriedly while rubbing out her tears with the help of her hands.

Lauren (while looking at Rocella) shouted: "How could she be such a careless mother. She even lost her daughter."

Rocella was in her room, sitting on the bed, listening to every single word spoken by her mother-in-law, and she was crying.

Jason interrupted her mother's statement and said: "Rocella was also very depressed about that and she even cried so hard. She got fainted because of the stress. I took her to the doctor. So please mom the doctor strictly recommended me not to make her cry and worry. She didn't eat anything since she lost Edina. There is nothing to worry about. My old friend is a cop and he is a senior police officer. He is dealing with this case."

Lauren raised a question with full of teary voice and eyes: "But how and when you lost her?"

Jason: "When you called me the day before tomorrow, then I was in my business meeting. Rocella was in the hotel room. She went to the bathroom to take shower and she didn't realize that the corridor (of the hotel room) was opened and Edina was sleeping on the bed. Someone entered the room in the absence of me and Rocella and took Edina and her stuff away. When Rocella got back from the bathroom, she didn't found Edina. Then she called me in a hurry and told me that Edina was not in the room. I rushed towards the hotel and left my meeting in the middle. I asked the hotel receptionists about my daughter but they couldn't found her. I called Fred and then he told me that Stallone is the cop and he is the senior police officer in that town. Then I told Fred a whole situation and asked him to come over to the hotel. Then I and Fred went to the police station and told Stallone that dilemma. Then he sealed the hotel and they are still finding Edina."

Lauren: "Oh my God. What have you both done?"

Jason: "Don't worry mom. I hope Stallone would find Edina soon."

Lauren sat on the chair near to her with the support of Jason's hand and held her chest.

She shouted with crying and hurt pitch: "Edina..."

Jason: "Mom, you better get some rest. Everything will be okay."

Lauren was crying.

Jason held Lauren's hand and support her by saying, "Mom let's go to your room."

Jason took Lauren to her room. After settling her (Lauren) on her bed. He (Jason) sat beside his mom.

Fred called him and he received the call.

Fred: "Hey, have you got home?"

Jason: " Yes."

Fred: "Did you tell your mom?"

Jason: "Yes I told her."

Fred: "What was her reaction?"

Jason (while holding his phone to his ear) looked at Lauren and asked (Fred), "Have you asked Stallone about the case?"

Fred: "Is she alright?"

Jason signaled to Fred, "Hmm."

Lauren looked at Jason and asked, "What did he say?"

Fred was listening to his mom's words on call.

Jason looked at Lauren and answered, "Stallone is still investigating the case. Don't worry mom."

[He proposed his mom to be patient.]

***On the other side***

When Jason and Fred left Mark's place after giving Edina to him (Mark).

Mark held the suitcase and dragged it into the room to unpack Edina's stuff.

When he unpacked the suitcase. He found the girly stuff. Then he remembered Jason told him that they love Edina as their daughter.

He didn't like any transgender to act like a girl. He has his neighbor who is also transgender but always acts like a girl.

He always called him by a boy's name.

He shrank his eyebrows and moved towards the wardrobe. He opened the locker in the wardrobe. There was an amount of his life savings. He took some amount of that savings.

He settled Edina in the baby prom and went out of his house. His neighbors were shocked to see him with a half year baby wearing a girly dress.

A group of Mark's neighbors interrupted Mark to find a taxi but one (person) of them called him loudly.

Neighbor: "Mark."

Mark looked at them with a smile and answered, "Yes."

He moved towards them.

They looked at the baby prom where Edina was settled and playing with her rattles.

Edina was wearing a pink-colored hat and wearing a yellow-colored jumpsuit.

Neighbor: "Whose child is this?"

Mark: "It's my cousin's child."

Neighbor: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Mark: "A boy."

Neighbor: "what's its name?"

Mark: "Eden."

[Mark kept the name of Edina as Edin.]

Neighbor: "It just looks like a girl. I think it's parents like him as a girl."

Mark got serious and said: "Yeah, but it's a boy."

Neighbor: "We didn't know that you have a cousin though."

Mark made a serious face again and responded: "Now you know!"

Neighbors rolled their eyes and looked in the opposite direction to avoided Mark.

Mark moved out from their gathering and thought by saying to himself, "It's okay Edin dear. We'll move out of here as soon as possible."

He took the taxi for going to the supermarket."

He went to the supermarket and bought some necessities for Edina.

He bought boyish clothes and other accessories.

Edina had middle light brown short baby hair.

She always had pony or hair clips on her head to bind her hair.

After buying all the stuff from the supermarket, he headed back to his house at night ( approximately 07:00 pm).

When he reached the third floor (where Mark's house was situated). He stopped in front of his corridor than he suddenly listened to the TV voice from the house in front of him (Mark) and passed a smile.

He entered his house and cooked something for himself and white sweet porridge for Eden.

{Author's note => From now on, You'll read Eden instead of Edina.}

First, he settled Eden on the baby feeding chair and settled a bib around Edin's neck. He sat on the chair in front of Eden and then started to feed Eden happily. Eden ate porridge cheerfully and after that Mark also ate his food and after that, he washed the dishes (used for dinner). He put Eden and himself to sleep.

That's how he (Mark) spent the first day with Eden.

On the other morning, Eden was crying (while sitting on the baby feeding chair). Mark was hurriedly trying to prepare a healthy breakfast of dipped coco flakes in the milk. When he (Mark) prepared the breakfast for Eden then he tied the bib around Eden's neck.

Mark (with a calm playing and cheering voice) "Here it is. Don't cry, Shhhhh! It's okay Eden."

Mark fed Eden the breakfast. He gave rattles to Eden and started to eat by himself. It was Sunday. Suddenly Mark's phone rang. His phone was lying on the table in the lounge. He got up and stepped there to receive the call. He saw his phone. There were two missed calls from Jason. He called Jason back while stepping back to the kitchen. Jason received the call and told him about his plan that Jason was coming to Mark's place with his wife (Rocella). Mark was agreed and looked at Eden.

It was the time to transform Eden back into Edina just for a little while.

He (Mark) bathed Eden and made him/her pretty by wearing a pink-colored frock. He (Mark) pinned Edina's hair like a Disney princess.

After 43 minutes, Mark heard a bell in his corridor.

He stepped towards the corridor and opened the door. He saw Jason and Rocella.

They were here to say goodbye to Edina. Her mother was crying, her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. But when they went out to head back, Rocella looked very happy.

When they (Jason and Rocella) led the way back to their home. Mark dressed Edina as a boy. He knocked on the door of his neighbor (whose house was in front of Mark's house).

A 5.8 feet high tan-colored girl (with having light brown colored long hair) wearing a jeans shirt appeared and smiled at Mark.

Her name is Nikkie.

{Author's note => A I wrote earlier that the neighbor of Mark who lived in front of his house was neither a girl nor a boy, but a transgender. He just acted like a girl.}

Mark: "Nick, I need your help?"

[:. Mark always summoned to 'Nikkie' as 'Nick'.]

Nick: "First of all you should answer me, Mark. Is there any child in your home?"

Mark got silent and asked, "Can you come over. I need to explain."

Nikkie followed Mark to his place.

Mark was clenching an adorable baby girl in his arms.

Nikkie got shocked and said, "What Is this Mark?"

Mark: "It's a child."

Nikkie: "I know it's a child but whose child is this?"

Mark: "It's my son."

Nikkie: "Your son? But it seems like a girl though and by the way, you are a transgender. So tell me, whose child is this?"

Mark: "It's a transgender and my friend gave me this child and requested me to upbring him."

Nikkie nodded his head as okay.

Nikkie suspiciously mumbled, "but it looks like a girl."

Mark: "That's why I summoned you."

Nikkie: "What do you mean by that?"

Mark: "I want you to cut his hair."

Nikkie looked at Eden and said, "What? Why? She looks pretty."

Mark: "No, I don't like this child being a girl. I want this child to be a guy."

Nikkie: "Okay then. You better follow me to my place."

Mark nodded and followed Nick to his house. Mark was holding Eden in his arms with the support of one of his shoulders.

Nikkie's place was decorated as a girl's house. They went to the makeup room of Nikkie. The room was tiny but filled with amazing makeup and cameras. Nikkie was a YouTube blogger and he is a celebrity hairstylist at a celebrity salon.

His (Nikkie's) apartment was so gorgeous but a little bit messy.

Then Nikkie cut Eden's hair and that's how they (Mark and Nick) transformed Edina into Eden.

After cutting Eden's hair, Mark and Nick sat on the lounge in Mark's home.

Mark: "Nick."

Nick: "Yes Mark."

Mark: "Look I know that both of us are completely aware of that."

Nick: "Aware of what?"

Mark: "Our neighbors. They are good at our faces but behind our back, they watch and notice us with adherence and in a disgraceful manner."

Nick: "Indeed, we also don't know that the people who are good in our presence might be worst in our absence."

Mark: "When I went out with Eden to buy some necessaries for Eden, they were observing us suspiciously and when they called me they just tried to ask me strange questions like I felt as if they wanted me to spit up the truth from my mouth. Then I felt like I should move this child away from them and shift ourselves somewhere else."

Nick nodded his head as if he understood.

Mark: "As you know I am living here on rent. I pay monthly for living in this house. And you are tired of this society. So what about we both find a new house that would be near to our workplaces."

Nick: "Hmm, You are absolutely right. I shall find out some houses near our workplace and you also should keep up finding a new place as well.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!