Leaves fetched farther!

***On the next day***

Mark took Eden with him to the orphanage school. Mark was holding a baby prom with his smiling expression on his face stepping towards the staff room. Every single student and even the teachers and the principal of that school was staring at Mark with shock.

When Mark entered the staff room while holding a baby prom said, "Hi everyone."

The staff of teachers was shocked by Mark's action. Mark seemed happy as he was living his life in freedom for the first time.

He waved at everyone cheerfully.

A teacher who was looking at Eden continuously spoke up and asked: "Who's this cute little angel?"

That teacher was a woman. She was older than Mark. She was 49 years old. She was wearing a printer flowered long frock just six inches below her knees. Her hair was short and grey. She often wore spectacles.

She was always nice to Mr. Mark and other people. Her name was Mary.

Mark happily looked at Marry and said: "Oh, hi Mary."

Mary: "Mr. Mark, whose child is this?"

Mark: "It's my cousin's child."

Mary: "Aww so adorable. What is the name of this Superman?"

Mark chuckled a bit and responded, "Eden. Its name is Eden."

Mary: "So you must be babysitting. Do you have any experience with that?"

Mark: "I hope I would give this child a better and happy time."

Suddenly the bell of starting the lecture rang.

Mary: "Ok then Mr. Mark, Allow me to take this child with me. If you don't mind."

Mark (hesitated), "Uhhh. I'm..."

Mary: "You hesitated."

Mark: "Oh no I mean.."

Mary: "Don't worry professor Mark."

Mark: "Please don't mind. I just want this child to stay in front of my eyes. Because I promised his parents to take care of him by myself."

Mary: "But why would his parents give you a child who hasn't been a year old yet."

Mark: "...."

{It means, Mark stayed quiet.}

***One week passed***

The next weekend,

Mark and Nick, were enjoying the weekend by watching the baseball match at Mark's place.

Someone'phone rang. It was Nick's phone that was lying on the table.

Nick got a call from an unknown number, He picked up his phone and said, "Hello who's this?"

A person on the phone: "Is this Miss Nikkie speaking?"

Nick: "Yes."

Caller: "Did you published a post on social media that you want a house in that location?"

[:. Three days ago Nick was sitting in his room and using his phone. He randomly published a post on social media that he needs a house on monthly rent. He also shared his desired location.]

Nick: "Yes I want to get a house on rent."

Caller: "Okay then Mam, can you come over to have a look at our house. I mean I want to rent my house to someone based on monthly payment."

Nick: "You better send me the location then I'll come over to visit the place."

Mark was looking at Nick.

Caller: "Yes Mam, I'll send you the location on this number."

Nick: "Okay thank you for sharing such an important update with me."

After saying that, Nick hung up the call.

Mark: "What happened?"

Nick: "We got an offer to live in a place on monthly rent."

Mark: "Oh wow. So when should we visit that place?"

Nick: "What about tomorrow?"

Mark: "Perfect."

They continued to watch the Tv.

*Another day*

Jason dressed Eden up like a baby boy as usual. He was getting ready to visit the place to live with Nick.

Suddenly the corridor of Mark's house knocked.

Mark opened the door by saying, "Wait Nick."

[Because Mark was waiting for Nick to pick him and Eden from Mark's place so that they both could go together and visit the place to live.] He got stunned for a while to see Jason and Rocella in the corridor.

He passed an unexpected smile and said, "Hello Mr. And Ms. Jason!"

Jason: "Hello Mark."

Jason looked at Mark from head to toe and interrogated, "Were you by any chance going where else?"

Mark chuckled a bit and responded: "Yes. I and My friend planned to go out with Eden."

Rocella (while looking around) interrupted Mark's statement and investigated, "Eden? Who's Eden Mr. Mark?"

Mark looked back towards Edina and said: "Please, Come in Mr. And Ms. Jason!"

He moved on the side to give a direction towards Mr. And Ms. Jason.

When he moved on the side Rocella got shocked and crashed towards Eden.

Rocella: "Edina my daughter."

Jason got shocked and looked at Mark by interrogating.

Jason: "Is this our daughter?"

Mark nodded his head as yes.

Jason and Rocella hugged Eden.

Rocella got furious at Mark and turned towards him.

Rocella: "What the hell have you done to my daughter?"

Unexpectedly, A voice came, "Mind your words."

behind Mark.

Mark moved back to the corridor, it was Nick.

Rocella got shocked and said: "Who are you?"

Nick: "I am the one who insisted Mark transform your child into a boy."

Rocella: "Why did you do that. You don't have the right to do that."

Mark: "Ms. Jason please calm down and listen to me."

Rocella: "What is left here to get listen...."

Jason cut off Rocella's words and said: "Rocella."

Rocella stopped talking and looked at Jason.

Jason: "I permitted him to do that!"

Rocella: "But why Jason?"

Rocella was crying continuously.

Jason pointed towards Mark and Nick and asked, "Did you saw them? They were going out with our child. They are taking better care of our child and you know what, Edina doesn't need us anymore. So please stop creating the drama here and let's go back."

Jason held Rocella's hand furiously and stepped towards the corridor. He stopped in the corridor and looked at Mark and Nick.

Jason: "I am so sorry for the interruption and spoiling your plan Mr. Mark."

Jason (to Nick): "I'm so sorry Mam."

Nick went near to Jason and said, "Teach your wife to behave well."

By saying that Nick closed the door and looked at Mark.

Nick: "I hate this kind of stupid lady."

Mark passed a smile towards Nick by the reaction of Nick because Nick had never interrupted in the other's matter but that time, He (Nick) spoke up for Mark.

Mark: "Let's go!"

Nick was standing at the balcony and said, "Look that, they are creating the scene."

Mark stepped to the balcony and looked down. He saw Jason and Rocella arguing with each other.

Mark: "Did I accomplish something wrong?"

Nick: "No, you are always right."

Mark: "But..."

Nick interrupted Mark's word and said, "We should move away from this place as soon as possible."

Mark looked at Nick and asked, "Why?"

Nick: "This society and our neighbors disgraced us very badly. But now, I don't want this society to disgrace Eden too!"

Mark passed a smile and said, "So you finally care for Eden."

Nick looked at Mark and responded, "I can't blame this child for any bad thing that would happen to anyone else. I mean yes I care for him and always remember my words, I am always with you to upbring Eden. From now on, Eden is also my responsibility. If you'll become his father then I would become his mother."

Mark: "Thank you so much, Nick."

Nick looked down.

Nick: "Look! His parents have finally left after creating melodrama.

Mark looked down and said: "Yes, let's get going the dealer must be waiting for us."

Nick: "Okay."

Nick held the baby prom (where Eden was sitting).

Mark was holding a door to direct the way to Nick."

They went to the dealer.

They liked the place. It was a beautiful and peaceful place and the most amazing thing was that they don't have to live in the building.

[The house had three rooms, with attached bathrooms, A kitchen, A living area. The interior of a whole house was elegant but it still needed to be renovated and well prepared.]

That house was also very closed to the orphanage school and Nick's Salon.

They booked the deal to take the house on rent. They were certified to pay the rent monthly.

Mark and Nick were very satisfied with the house so they tried hard to pack up their stuff and leave their apartments.

It took approximately two months two pack up and move their stuff.

[They both were busy just on the weekend so every weekend they visit the house and move their stuff.]

Eden nearly became nine months old.

After moving their stuff, Mark and Nick told the landlord (of their new living place) that they (Nick and Mark) were transgenders. If the landlord had any problem with their (Nick and Mark) gender so they can better get back.

But the landlord said, "I just want the tenants it doesn't matter for me as if it's a boy or a girl or a transgender. So you guys don't have to worry about that. I am not that narrow-minded and by the way, you both look sensible and well-read people what are your jobs?"

Nick: "He (Mark) is a teacher at an orphanage school (Nick pointed towards Mark with the help of his hand in a presenting manner) and I am a celebrity, hairstylist at a salon near to this place."

Landlord: "So you both have good jobs. Hope you guys would like this place.

After living there they collect some money to renovate that house. So they bought some accessories for renovating like a brush or a mob or cleaning stuff and some wallpapers.

They only got the free time of the weekend so they renovated the place by themselves just on the weekend. After renovation, they completed the settlement of the house after 3 months of living.

Eden grew up as a year old baby.

They were enjoying their lives happily.

***On the other side***

Lauren and Jason were sitting in Lauren's room.

She (Lauren) mumbled: " Jason, what happened about Edina's case. Did the police found any clue related to the case?"

Jason: "Mom, Stallone told me that he would come here and visit us and he didn't discuss finding any clue."

Lauren: "It's been a week that you lost your daughter just because of the carelessness of your wife."

Jason: "It's okay Mom."

When Jason went out of Lauren's room, he gave a call to Stallone and ask him to visit his house and discuss the case.

After two hours, (Jason, Rocella, Lauren, and Kevin were having lunch together)

The bell on the door rang. Lauren asked Raina to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw a policeman wearing his uniform appeared. She asked Stallone to wait in the lounge.

Stallone visited Jason's house. Jason asked Raina to let that policeman sit in the lounge. Raina stepped towards the corridor and led Stallone the way to the lounge. Stallone met Lauren. Lauren missed Edina every single day. Not only Lauren, but also Rocella cried hard for Edina. But as Rocella knew that her crying or her tears weren't worth getting her daughter back. So she got quiet.

Stallone sat on the sofa of the lounge and looked at Lauren by saying, "It's so pitying you lost your dearest family member. But don't be depressed I hope I would find her and I promise you all that I'll find her as soon as possible."

Lauren: "Have you checked the CCTV cameras in the hotel."

Stallone: "Yes Mam, we checked all the CCTV cameras but all of them were broken."

Lauren: What does it mean?"

Stallone: "We have sealed that hotel and we are strictly peeking on the activities of the hotel staff. My team is doing a hard try to find out your granddaughter."

Jason: "Thank you so much, Stallone. What do you want to drink or eat?"

Stallone: "I just want to drink a cup of coffee."

Lauren looked at Jason and Stallone and stood up by saying, "I'll ask Raina to make a coffee for you both."

She headed towards the kitchen.

Jason: "You are such a pretty good liar."

Stallone: "Shut up. I tried my best to do that!"

After some minutes, Lauren entered the lounge with Raina (holding a tray with two cups of coffee and a brownie).

Rocella was still in her room.

Stallone (while looking around): "Where is your son?"

Jason: "He is playing in his room!"

Lauren looked at Raina and ordered her to take Kevin in the lounge.

Raina went to Kevin's room and called him out and took him (Kevin) with her into the lounge (where Stallone, Jason, and Lauren were sitting).

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!