A crucial acknowledgment!

Stallone got delighted to see Kevin and said, "Wow, such a gentleman."

Jason and Lauren passed a smile towards Kevin.

Jason: "Kevin, Say hi to your uncle."

Kevin: "Hello uncle."

Stallone held Kevin's hand and responded: "Hello. How are you?"

Kevin: "I'm fine. And you?"

[Kevin was constantly a confident boy. He treated everyone well and cheerfully.]

Stallone: "I am also fine."

Lauren: "It seems like a girl would be lucky who'll get married to you. I have some girls in my mind if you are interested then I can confront you to them."

[Stallone looked unmarried and young.]

Stallone chuckled and looked at Jason.

Jason passed an embarrassed smile to Stallone and said, "Mom, Stallone is married."

Lauren got startled and put her hand on her lips in shock by saying, "Wow, Really?"

Stallone (While laughing) looked at Lauren and replied: "Yes, I also have a daughter of Kevin's age."

Lauren snickered with guilt and said, "Oh that's great. Then you have to take your daughter and wife to our place sometime."

Stallone looked at Jason by saying, "He never invited me though. But if you insist me like that then it's hard for me to forbid you."

Jason: "You've never got free. Okay, then we'll invite you."

Stallone: "I was joking."

They (Lauren, Jason, and Stallone) chuckled.

After sometime (When Stallone left),

Jason went to his room. He saw Rocella while crying.

Jason got worried and asked, "What happened Row? Why are you crying?"

Rockwell looked at Jason with her teary eyes and replied: "I am missing Edina. It's been a whole week since we left her. Can you take me to Mark's place please?"

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Tomorrow is Sunday. I'll take you there tomorrow."

Rocella became happy and said, "Thank you, Jason."

Jason: "Come on Row. You were crying just for this little request. You can tell me anytime when you want to meet Edina. I would never stop you from meeting her. Because she is not only your daughter. I am her father as well. I also love my child and I also miss her."

Rocella: "Okay then, we'll take some toys for her."

Jason: "Okay. Now let's have dinner together. Mom might also be starving and waiting for us."

They are dinner together and went to their room to get some sleep.

After then Jason went into Lauren's room. He knocked on the door. Lauren was using her mobile phone. She looked at Jason and smiled by saying, "Why are you standing there? Come in."

Jason entered the room and sat on the bed right next to his mother (Lauren).

Lauren: "Now tell me how you thought of your mother?"

Jason: "Mom, I need your permission."

Lauren: "What permission?"

Jason: "I want to take Rocella to have lunch with me and to spend some time with me."

Lauren: "It's been a week, Last Monday, you lost your daughter in the hotel room. Just because of your careless wife."

[Rocella was listening and looking at Lauren and Jason's conversation. She was hidden behind the wall that is situated out of Lauren's room. She was barely crying in a silent manner. She was trying to control her sobbing sound by putting her left hand on her mouth.]

Jason: "Mom please when would you forgive her?"

Lauren: "Forgive her? Jason, you better note my words, Edina was your daughter not a part of your property or any asset. She was a girl, a baby who got lost. And now you are asking me to forgive your wife. Wow. So this is the father who doesn't even care about his daughter."

Jason: "Mom, please. Stallone would find her as soon as possible. And Rocella became mentally upset. She cries all the time to miss Edina since the day she lost her."

Lauren: "If you to go with your wife tomorrow just to have fun then you better leave Kevin home. I just care about that kid not my own son and his careless wife."

Jason: "Mom..."

Rocella suddenly appeared in the room by interrupting Jason's words.

Rocella: "Mommy!"

Lauren and Jason looked at Rocella.

Lauren didn't talk to Rocella since the day she (Rocella) lost Edina.

Lauren gazed at Rocella and in the second moment, she turned her face to avoid her (Rocella).

Rocella: "Mommy, I'm sorry."

Lauren laid on the bed in the opposite direction to Rocella (where Rocella was standing and Jason was sitting).

Lauren (while laying) mumbled, "Jason I am sleepy and tired. I want to have asleep. You just better go to your room and take her with you."

Jason looked at Rocella and said (to Lauren), "Okay mom, Good night."

Jason and Rocella moved out of the room. Jason closed the door of Lauren's room (from outside) and said to Rocella, "I am right here, All the best. Just persuade her. Believe that, she loves you, so she can't be furious with you for long.

Rocella: " But she can't even look at me so how could she listen to me?"

Jason: "Just go in, and sit with her on her bed and convince her by your emotional dialogues."

Rocella: "Hope that she would listen and forgive me."

Jason: "Go on, otherwise she might be asleep."

Rocella opened the door of Lauren's room silently and sat on the bed beside Lauren (Where Jason was sitting earlier).

Rocella: "I always remember the moment when you came to my home and insist my parents for my marriage with Jason. When I summoned you as 'aunt', You just interrupted and said that you are not my aunt, you are my mother. I am your daughter not daughter in law. When I got married to Jason, I came into this house to live with a new family. Where I found a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, and a husband.

All of you loved me and you had never considered me as your daughter in law, you always considered me your daughter. You loved me like a mother. When I lost my parents in the car accident, I thought I lost to someone to whom I called my mother, I lost someone to whom I called my father. But you and daddy (Jason's Father) loved me and told me that I have two loving souls who are my parents. You are my mom. You always became my mom but right now, you are being my mother-in-law. You are thinking like I am such a bad mother and you are right. You think I don't care about Edina. Ask yourself, what if you are in my position. It was by mistake. You can't imagine what I feel, I feel the pain, I feel like I parted my special organ from my body. Edina was my special organ. I didn't get any happiness instead of pain and crying. I am literary crying all day and night since she aparted from us. I feel worried and depressed all the time by thinking about Edina. I gave birth to her. I have suffered from pain for Edina since I got to know that I am pregnant not because of losing her But because if I don't worry about her, who will be then? Do you? I mean will you suffer the pain that I am suffering from? I can't even tell you that how and what kind of pain and crisis that I am going through. If you really think that I am a bad mother like I proved to be a bad mother, then just believe that I am a bad mother."

By saying that, Rocella cried loudly and shouted, "I lost my daughter. It is a sentence consist of four small words. But I know what is the feeling of these words. When I say this then I just want to die because of why I lost my child. How could I lost her how could I be such a careless mother?"

Rocella got quiet after saying that but Lauren sat on the bed with the back support and looked at Rocella.

Rocella was crying and looked at Lauren with her teary eyes.

Lauren: "You know what you are wrong. I didn't just treat you as my daughter in fact I also treated you as my friend. I love you as your mother and care for you as a friend."

Rocella: "Then why? Why did you said such a word and thought that I am careless?"

Lauren: "I got attached to Edina, I couldn't see anyone in her love and attachment."

Rocella: "Mommy, that was my fault I hope we'll find Edina one day."

Lauren: "Yes I hope so too."

Rocella: "Aren't you furious at me now?"

Lauren: "I wish that may she be happy and safe wherever she is."

Rocella: "Amen!"

[Amen is generally manipulated after a blessing, precept, or another legal statement. It is voiced to convey thoughtful ratification or are oval.]

Lauren passed a pitiful smile at Rocella and hugged her by saying, "What is the plan for tomorrow?"

They release the grip of hugging.

Rocella: "I don't know, I don't wanna go but Jason is still insisting I to spent a weekend with him."

Lauren: "You must obey your husband. So go with him and have fun."

Rocella nodded her head as yes.

Lauren: "What about Kevin? Do you want to take him with you?"

Rocella: "No mommy. I'm sorry, but I think he should stay at home."

Lauren: "Why? I mean you should take him with you, in fact, he is your son."

Rocella: "Yes he is my son but I want him to be with you and spent his weekend with you."

Lauren: "Okay, now don't worry dear. You better get some rest."

Rocella: "Thank you so much, mommy."

Then Rocella moved out of Lauren's room and found Jason suspiciously sitting in the lounge.

Jason looked at Rocella and stood up. Rocella moved ahead to him.

Jason: "What happened? What did my mom say to you?"

Rocella: "Everything is okay. She is pleaded now."

Jason: "Okay then let's go in and sleep."

They spend a peaceful night.

*On the next day*

{It was Sunday 09:00*}

Rocella was happy and excited to see her child. Jason was still sleeping to fulfill his doze.

Rocella made breakfast for everyone with the help of her maid (Raina).

After some time,

Lauren entered the kitchen, She saw Rocella during preparing and putting the breakfast on the dining table. Lauren silently noticed Rocella and passed a smile towards her.

Rocella turned back (to go out of the kitchen and summon everyone for eating breakfast) but she saw Lauren smiling towards her (Rocella).

Rocella: "Mommy? When you strived in here. I didn't realize that you were watching and noticing me."

Lauren: "Thank God, Row you look happy. I like it."

Rocella stepped towards the dining table and pulled a chair that was positioned on the head of the table typically used for elders to sit on.

Rocella giggled and said, "Please come in and sit here."

Lauren stepped in the direction of the dining table.

{The dining table was made of acrylic style. It was elegant to see and always looked luxurious.}

Lauren: "Where are Jason and Kevin."

Rocella looked at Raina (she was standing on the cooking counter) and said, "Serve the breakfast to mommy."

Rocella went to her room and awake Jason to have breakfast together.

After freshening up, Jason stepped into the kitchen and sat on the dining table beside his mother.

Jason: Wow, Amazing! Mom, you made so many dishes for breakfast. Wow! French toasts."

Jason moved his arm to pick a French toast to put on his plate.

Lauren: "I didn't prepare the breakfast."

Jason took a bite of a French toast.

Jason: "Mmm wow! If you didn't make the breakfast then who made it?"

Lauren looked at Rocella and said: "My daughter."

Jason looked at Rocella in shock and said, "Really?"

Lauren nodded and mumbled, "Hmm!"

Lauren: "Jason! Try these sandwiches, these are incredibly delicious."

Jason tasted the sandwiches and said, "Hmm wow I like it. I can't believe that Row made it."

Lauren: "Come on son, Don't tease my daughter."

Rocella was smiling and said, "I am happy that you guys like everything."

They ate breakfast cheerfully.

After some time, Jason and Rocella headed out of their room and looked at Lauren. Lauren was sitting in the lounge and watching the Tv.

Rocella: "Mommy."

Lauren looked at Rocella.

Lauren: "Yes dear. Are you heading put?"

Jason: "Yes. We'll get back after some hours."

Lauren smiled and replied: "Okay okay go have fun."

Kevin went out of his room and followed Jason and Rocella and said, "Daddy, Mommy. I also wanna hang out with you."

Rocella said in a rough tone: "You stay here at home with your grandma."

Jason: "Don't worry my son, we'll head back soon."

Kevin made a sad face and said, "I hate you both."

Rocella and Jason left the home.

They bought some girly clothes, and some (girly) other accessories and some girly toys like a dollhouse and teddy bear.

Then during the traveling, Rocella asked Jason: "Did you gave a call to Mark."

Jason: "I forgot to call him."

Rocella: "Are you sure that he would be at home? What if we couldn't find him at his home?"

Jason: " Don't worry Row, It's Sunday today."

They finally arrived at Mark's home. Jason rang a bell on the corridor of Mark's apartment.

After some seconds, Mark opened a door, and he (Mark) got shocked.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!