The vital affection!

Rocella: "Not only I know, but Jason also knows that where she is."

Angeline: "Tell me where is she now."

Rocella: "She is with Mark."

Angeline: "Why did you do that, I mean why did you give your daughter to someone else?"

Rocella: "She is neither my daughter, not my son. She is my child but she is a transgender."

Angeline: "Oh my God what are you talking about?"

Rocella: "I know it's hard to realize but we sent her to the best place."

Angeline: "Does my aunt know about it?"

Rocella: "No, We didn't tell her that we know where she is or who is taking care of her."

Angeline: "Rocella are you serious?"

The tears started to burst out from Rocella's eyes.

Rocella: "She is not our Edina now, she is Eden; Their Eden."

Angeline: "Okay I claimed that Edina is safe or Eden is safe so you don't have to worry about her or him. But think about Kevin. Have you ever realized that you always talked about Edina but you never talked about Kevin? How's his life going or how is he or what is he up to etcetera..."

Rocella: "So what, When I was pregnant with him (Kevin), I always wished to have a daughter, but I got a son and then a transgender. And I got a chance to treat my transgender child. I never have any special love for him (Kevin). I don't know why all those feelings happened but I don't just want Kevin. I want Edina. Then I hired a maid to take care of him and Mommy (Lauren) always gave him special attention since the beginning. When Edina parted from me then I thought I lost a special organ from my body. That was the reason for my living. But after meeting and seeing Mark, I often think that maybe I couldn't give her the protection and love she is getting today."

Angeline: "Row, Edina has her people now. You are right. Transgenders need more attention and affection instead of boys or girls and as being honest to you, I would tell you that transgender better takes care of the people that belong to them. So don't worry. Edina has people who love him but Kevin. He wants your love and affection. Just like Jason. Aunt Lauren loved Jason very much and now he tells his wife I mean you to take care of his mother and love his mother. If you don't love Kevin in time, then you won't be able to be honored by his wife or him. Before that, you regret it in the hands of time, so Give him love and attraction."

Rocella got quiet after listening to Angeline's words.

*In the Evening*

Rocella and Lauren we're sitting together and watching Tv.

Lauren looked at the red-colored pendulum watch that was hanging on the wall located on the top of the tv screen.

Lauren: "I wonder Kevin didn't come back home."

Rocella: "I called Jason Kevin is with him. Don't worry."

Lauren: "You called Jason? Just to ask about Kevin?"

Rocella: "Uhh yes."

Lauren passed a smile towards Rocella and She (Lauren) understood that Angeline interpreted (her) Rocella's mind.

Suddenly Jason arrived home.

"Hello ladies", Jason greeted his mother (Lauren) and his wife (Rocella) in the lounge.

Lauren and Rocella stood up with starting expressions on their faces.

Jason was holding Kevin in his arms with a support of his shoulders. Kevin was injured. He was bandaged on his (Kevin's) knees, his ankle and he allows.

Lauren: " What happened dear?"

Jason: "He fell on the playground while playing volleyball."

Lauren: "Oh dear."

Rocella was looking horribly with her shrank eyebrows towards Kevin.

Kevin: "I want to get some rest."

Jason: "I'll put Kevin on his bed in his room."

Lauren: "Okay I'll make a juice for him."

Jason went to Kevin's room.

Rocella was looking at them (Jason and Kevin).

Lauren noticed Rocella for a while and stepped towards the kitchen. Rocella followed Lauren to the kitchen.

Rocella: "Mommy."

Lauren turned back at Rocella and responded, "Yes."

Rocella: "You go to Kevin's room, I'll bring the juice in the room."

Lauren passed a smile and asked, "Are you sure?"

Rocella smiled and nodded her head as yes.

Lauren: "Okay dear."

Rocella headed to the counter and thought, that Kevin didn't eat anything.

She had a thought in her mind and looked at Raina.

Raina was standing with Rocella in the kitchen.

Rocella: "Do you know how mommy cooks Kevin's favorite sandwiches?"

Raina: "Yes mam."

Rocella cooked two sandwiches for Kevin with the receipt given by Raina.

She (Rocella) also made a juice.

She put the stuff on the tray and headed towards Kevin's room.

The door of Kevin's room was opened Rocella entered the room.

Lauren was sitting on Kevin's bed with him.

Jason was standing near them. They both looked at Rocella.

"Wow, Kevin look your mom made juice for you", Lauren mumbled.

Kevin looked at Rocella. On the second moment, he (Kevin) turned his face in the opposite direction to ignore Rocella by responding, " I'm not hungry."

Jason and Rocella looked at each other.

Lauren: "Jason, I forgot to tell you that I have to show you a very important thing. Come with me."

(She signaled Jason to head out of the room. So that Rocella would talk to Kevin.)

Jason and Lauren stepped out of the room and closed the door from outside. They could listen to their conversation by the door.

*In the room*

Rocella sat on the bed near Kevin. He still turned his face in the opposite direction. Rocella held a glass of juice in front of her son.

Kevin: "I won't drink it. You're spoiling your time with my drama."

Rocella: "No you are wrong. I am not pointing your time. I made this juice for my son."

Kevin: "No I'm not your son. I'm daddy's son."

Rocella: "If my son wouldn't drink this then who will drink this."

Kevin: "Go and miss your daughter. You always love Edina. You never loved me."

Rocella: "I love my son. Because my son is very intelligent and he is a good kid. I hope he would obey me. So drink this."

Kevin: "you always scold me. I think daddy or Grandma told you to give me this."

Rocella: "No dear. I make it for my son. But if my son rejects to eat and drink it then who would eat this? Hmmm mommy doesn't like sandwiches. Jason never eats sandwiches made by my hand. Raina, I am not sure about Raina.

Kevin looked at Rocella and said, "Promise me first that you will never scold me again. But..."

Rocella: "But... What?"

Kevin: "What if If Edina got back to you guys and you forget me again?"

Rocella passed a smile at Kevin and said, "Who's Edina?"

Kevin: "She is your daughter. Just because of her you scolded me."

Rocella: "I promise you I will never scold you. Okay? Now sip juice and then finish these sandwiches."

Kevin: "I hate Edina."

Rocella got furious put the glass in the tray furiously and loudly mumbled told you I would never scold you then why are you discussing Edina and comparing yourself with her."

Kevin: "Look?? You are scolding me again."

Rocella: "I'm uh..."

Kevin: "Daddy..."

Jason opened the door and stared at Rocella furiously and said, "Go to your room Rocella."

Rocella started crying and said: "I'm sorry Kevin. I didn't wanna do this."

Kevin got surprised and scared at the same time. Rocella stood up and Kevin hugged Jason tightly.

Jason: "Go Rocella."

Rocella was saying, "I'm sorry Kevin. I'm sorry Jason."

Kevin: "Daddy, Only you and Grandma love me otherwise she (Rocella) doesn't love me. She just loves Edina. I hate mommy. Mommy can never be changed."

Jason: "It's okay dear. If she hates you then i

I hate her too."

Lauren: "Shut up Jason."

*On the next day*

Kevin was sitting in his class. Some of his classmates said, "Hey, do you know two days later our award ceremony would happen."

A student sat next to Kevin said, "Ues our parents would come to the ceremony."

Another kid asked Kevin, "Kevin! Your mother has never shown up. Is she gonna be there?"

Kevin: "I don't know."

Kevin was waiting for a driver to take him back to his home. He saw his mother drove to his school.

Kevin looked at his mother (Rocella) and asked, "Why are you here. Where is the driver?"

Rocella: "I am here to pick you up and take you shopping with me."

Kevin: "I don't wanna go with you."

Rocella: "Where is your teacher?"

Kevin: "He is not here. Let's go."

Kevin sat in the passenger seat and Rocella drove the car in front of a subway (restaurant).

Kevin: "Why are we here now?"

Rocella: "Because I am hungry. You must be starving too. So let's eat subway."

Kevin: "I'm not hungry."

Rocella: "Okay then, you wait here in the car and I'll get my sandwich."

Rocella entered the shop and called text Jason and asked about Kevin's favorite ingredients. Jason texted her (Rocella) the list of ingredients.

Rocella ordered and took the food in the car with a chocolate and strawberry milkshake, two sandwiches, and two cookies."

Kevin was looking at Rocella with his narrowed eyes. Kevin was sitting with the support of the backside of the sear. He crossed his arms.

He looked at Rocella. Rocella was eating cheerfully. She was teasing him with her eating.

Rocella: "Hhmm mmm wow it tastes so good. Wow, the fresh veggies. Wow, the sauce is perfect."

Kevin looked at the paper bag and pulled out his sandwich from the paper bag.

Rocella looked at Kevin with her narrow expressions.

Kevin passed a smile at Rocella and are the sandwich.

They both ate together.

Rocella and Kevin bought so many toys, clothes, and other accessories for Kevin. They played so many VR games at the play area of the Mall.

That's how Rocella started loving her son.

***On the other side***

Mark was going out of town for two days because of his school trip. The school staff was taking the students for camping. Mark was in charge of that trip.

Nick was cooking for them (Mark and Eden).

Eden was playing with his toys while sitting on the floor.

Mark headed to the kitchen.

Mark said, "Nick, I need your help."

Nick turned back to see Mark and said, "Yes Mark. What is it?"

Mark: "My school is taking the students on the camping trip and I am in charge of the whole tour. So, I can't take Eden with me there. I want you to take care of yourself, my son."

Nick: "Is that the only help you want from me. For how much time see you going?"

Mark: "It's a two days tour."

Nick headed his head as if he (Nick) understood.

Nick: "Don't worry. You can go anywhere you want without Eden and I can better take care of your son without you."

Mark: "Thank you, Nick."

Nick: "Okay then the food is ready. Let's dig in."

They finished the food. After that mark fed Eden with his hands.

They walked out together as their daily routine. Eden was sitting in the baby prom. They couldn't leave Eden alone at home. So they rook him (Eden) with them.

[Going for a walk every day after having their dinner is their (of Mark and Nick) scheduled day-to-day routine.]

After coming back home from a walk and putting Eden to sleep. They (Mark and Nick) watched a funny family tv serial.

*On the other day*

[It was Saturday.]

Nick took Eden with him to his salon.

Eden was playing while sitting in the baby prom. Nick was taking good care of him

Suddenly a lady appeared in Nick's salon and said, "Hello everyone."

That was Doctor Brooklynn.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!