The inceptious milestone!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some words of depicted abuse, that might be upsetting for some readers.}

Nick looked at Doctor Brooklynn and said, "Mam, you are 15 minutes late."

[Brooklynn booked an appointment of the time but she got 15 minutes late. Nick waited for her for 15 minutes.]

Brooklynn passed a smile towards Nick and said, "Cone on Nikkie, You are free."

She (Brooklynn) stepped towards the seat in front of the mirror and sat on it.

Brooklynn looked at Eden and said, "Oh my...How adorable. Whose child is this?"

[Eden was sitting in the baby prom near Nick.]

Nick: "It's my friend's son."

Brooklynn: "Oh so you are baby sitter for today. Right?"

Nick: "Yes but uhh you know I promised my friend that would take care of his child."

Brooklynn: "Why I mean why did he ask you to take care of his child?"

Nick: "He's a teacher in an orphanage school and he went to a school camping trip as an in charge."

Brooklynn: "Where is his wife?"

Nick: "Come on Mam, lie me show you our new product. It is a hundred percent guaranteed product with real protein keratin formula. I hope you would like this after using it."

[To change the topic or to stop Brooklynn from doing more investigation. Before he speaks the truth with his mouth, He showed her a bottle and presented it to her.]

[The truth was Eden's gender and Mark's reality.]

Brooklynn: "If you keep advertising it, you can't apply that on my hair. So I trust what you said. And, Let me see the result."

Nick applied a hair serum (of Keratin and protein formula) on Brooklynn's hair and she kept playing with Eden and smiling at him (Eden) all the time.

Nick was happy by the behavior of Brooklynn.

While applying a hair mask, Nick asked Brooklynn. "Mam, what do you think about transgender I mean what are your reviews about people like me or transgenders."

Brooklynn: "What you mean Nikkie? Did someone talk bullshit to you?"

Nick: "No no one disgraced me. I mean what do think I mean you are a married lady. Suppose that you got pregnant and you will have a transgender baby. So what would you do?"

Brooklynn: "It's been eight years since I got married and I've never become a mother. I always have a wish to be a mother but I don't think this wish would be fulfilled. But if you ask me that transgenders are also human and they have an equal right to live with the society. No one has the authority to disgrace transgenders."

Nick: "You are right. Here you go, mam. You can wash your hair now. Let's go."

Nick helped Brooklynn in washing her hair and applying the conditioner. He dried her (Brooklynn's hair) and showed the result to her.

She (Brooklynn) was amazed and said, "Oh my God! Is this my hair?"

Nick: "What's wrong mam? Don't tell me you don't like that?"

Brooklynn made a poker face expression and said: "Yes, I don't like that."

Nick got shocked and said, "But did a tough....."

Brooklynn interrupted Nick's words and respond, "I love that. Liking? Oh my, it's a small word. I love this new look."

Nick: "You scared me. At a moment, I thought I lost my job but you..."

Brooklynn got a message. She checked her phone. It was from Ervin (Brooklynn's husband).

Brooklynn: "Okay then. My husband is waiting for me outside. I better leave. Here's my card swipe it for me."

Brooklynn gave a credit card to Nick.

She kissed Eden's hand and left after paying and getting the card from Nick.

*On the other side*

There was an award ceremony at Kevin's school.

They (Jason, Rocella, and Lauren) were sitting on the couches in the lounge. Kevin was asleep in his room. It was approximately 11:00 pm. They were watching a family tv serial.

Jason said to Lauren, "Mom, Will you go to Kevin's school tomorrow with me."

Lauren passed towards Rocella and said, "No. You better take Rocella with you tomorrow."

Jason nodded his head as yes, looked at Rocella, and asked, "Do you wanna go tomorrow?"

[Jason and Lauren were sitting on the same couch. While Rocella was sitting in front.]

Rocella looked at Lauren for a second and then moved her head to Jason and responded, "Hmm. Will you take me there."

Jason passed a smile and said, "Why not?"

Rocella: "Okay then. I'll go with you."

They didn't tell Kevin about that.

On the other day, Kevin was going to school with Jason. Suddenly rocella appeared from her room, she was ready to go.

Rocella did light makeup on her face. She wore dress pants with a tucked dress shirt (of silk).

She loosened her hair with mid-parting and loose curls.

[The color of her dress shirt was zinc. With skin-colored dress pants.]

Rocella was looking like a classy mother for the first time, she got ready for the special occasion of her son (Kevin).

Kevin got happy and rashly stepped and said, "Mommy! You are going with us?"

Rocella passed a smile and said, "Yes dear. Let's go."

They reached Kevin's school. They met Kevin's teachers and all the teachers praised Kevin. He got a prize and they enjoyed their day happily.

*Just like this three months passed*

Mark and Nick were walking in the alley at night. Mark was clenching Eden in his arms. When they arrived home. Mark lay Eden to sleep on his bed. When he stepped out of his room. He felt a bit of a headache. Nick was pouring water in the glass from the dispenser. When he (Nick) saw his (Mark's) with his hands on his (Mark's) head, he (Nick) got upset. Mark felt slightly dizzy. Mark closed his eyes. Nick observed Mark and stepped hurriedly towards him (Mark). Nick gave support to Mark and help him in sitting on the nearest seat. Nick stepped into the kitchen and helped a poured glass of water into his hands and gave the glass of water to Mark. Mark drank the water. Nick dragged another chair and sat on the chair. Nick: "What happened Mark? Are you okay? Or should I call the doctor?"

Mark: "It's okay Nick. Maybe I am tired that's why I just bothered you by my act."

Nick: "Shut up Mark. I felt stunned I mean you should get some rest."

Mark, "Hmm. You are right maybe I should get some rest in my room."

Nick held Mark's left arm.

Mark passed a smile and said, "I am alright. Trust me. You should get a good sleep as well."

Nick: "Are you sure?"

Mark nodded his head as yes. Nick released the grip of holding Mark's arm and let him (Mark) go.

*Two days later*

Jason was sitting in his office. Scott knocked at the door of Jason's office. Jason looked at Scott and said, "Come in."

Scott entered in and said, "Sir you got an order. It's a golden chance to make your company known."

Jason shrank his eyebrows and said, "What order?"

Scott: "It is the order of Five hundred thousand dollars."

Jason: "That is too expensive I can't afford it."

Scott: "Sir, please think about this offer one more time."

Jason: "But I really can't."

Scott: "Sir, it is the best chance to grow your business worldwide."

Jason: "Tell them I'll think about it."

Scott: "Okay sir. You must be tired I'll get a cup of coffee for you."

Jason: "Hmm."

Jason retired home after work. He (Jason)and Rocella were sitting in their room. Rocella noticed Jason.

Rocella: "What's wrong Jason."

Jason: "I got an order of five hundred thousand dollars."

Rocella: "Oh they much. So what are you worrying about?"

Jason: "I can't afford it."

Rocella: "Hmm. So maybe you should get a loan from a bank."

Jason looked at Rocella and said, "Is this a good idea."

Rocella: "Trust me. It's not a bad idea though."

Jason: "You are right."

*After some months*

Jason called a bank manager and tell him about the order and he asked the manager to give him so loan.

That's how Jason got a loan from the bank and book an order. The company was doing very well.

A person in the marketplace named Victor was Jealous of Jason.

By any chance, he (Victor) met Jason in the cafe. When Jason was sitting with Fred and playing chess with him (Fred).

Victor: "Mr. Jason."

Jason and Fred looked at Victor.

[Victor was a light pale brown colored man. He had a beard and middle short hair up to his neck of golden brown color. He was 6.6 feet in height.

Jason stood up and respond, "Hello Mr. Victor. What a coincidence."

Victor and Jason shook their hands.

Victor: "I found out that you have collaborated with a very well-known brand and you received an order of five hundred thousand dollars."

Victor gripped tightly with Jason's hand. Jason looked at their hands and said, "Yes and I wonder that you got to know very soon."

Victor: "You didn't have to tell me, so I thought I'd find out."

Jason: "Yes indeed. You might also know the reason for not announcing that news."

Victor: "I also know that your work is going very well and you will fulfill that order very soon."

Jason: "Oh so that much do you know. I wonder who is newsworthy or a reporter in my workplace."

Victor: "Yeah, you should find out soon."

Jason and Victor released their hands and Fred was continuously observing them. Victor looked at Fred and said, "Okay then. I think I should leave. My friends are waiting for me."

Jason: "..."

Victor moved away by noticing their (chess) game.

Fred looked at Victor and when Victor moved away, Fred said: "This man looks like a Hollywood villain."

Jason turned back to look at Victor and smiled at him (Victor). Victor also smiled at him (Jason): "You are wrong. He doesn't just look like a villain, he is the villain by himself."

Fred: "I can say that he is Jealous of you."

Jason: "I wonder who tells him everything related to my business."

Fred: "You should investigate and find out that person otherwise you might see a big loss in your business."

Jason: "Okay just ignore him and let's continue playing chess."

Fred and Jason continued playing chess.

*After two days*

It was 03:23 am, Everyone was asleep in their rooms. Jason and Rocella we're sleeping in their room.

Suddenly Jason's phone rang.

It was a call from Jason's assistant, Scott. Jason was sleepy. He received a call and put the phone in his ear. Jason was lying. Jason (with his yawning tone) said, "What is it, Scott?"

Scott was standing out of the building (Of Jason's office).

Scott: "Sir the factory is burnt due to a short circuit."

After hearing Scott's reply, Jason got shocked. His sleep is gone.

Jason sat and said: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Scott: "Sir I knew that you wouldn't believe me that's why I've already captured some pictures. I've sent you the pictures just now. Please come here hurry up."

Jason hung up the call and saw the pictures. He saw the burnt stuff on the first three floors of the building.

[The first floor was of packing section and shipping section.

The second floor was of finishing section and quality checking.

The third floor was of printing and embroidery section.

The fourth floor was of cutting and sewing section.

The fifth floor was of the fabric store and the offices of the company.]

[The fifth floor was the top floor. While the first floor was the ground floor.]

Jason got stunned and stood up. He changes his clothes in hurry. Rocella got woke up and asked, "What's wrong Jason? Why are you awake at this hour?"

Jason: "It's an emergency. I have to go to my office."

Rocella looked at the watch that was hanging on the wall (situated on the top of the bed) and said, "Jason, it's the middle of the night. Why do you have to go at this time? Is everything okay?"

Jason: "Maybe no, That's why Scott called me otherwise he never call me at this hour. But I have to go. And maybe I'll get late so you just don't worry and please don't tell mom about that. Okay? now get some sleep."

By saying that Jason left the room. He clutched the car's key from the hook near the corridor.

[The hook was fitted on the wall near the corridor. That was used to hand the keys.]

Jason hurriedly drove to his factory.

When he reached, he saw Scott while waiting for him (Jason).

Jason went out of the car and rashly stepped into the building.

Scott was following Jason.

Jason: "How's all this happened?"

Scott: "Sir it was maybe because of the short circuit."

Jason: "Maybe? What do you mean by maybe? Aren't you sure yet?"

Scott: "Sir The place has been burning for two hours. I called the fire brigade and the fire was brought under control, but all the equipment and stuff that was settled in the first three floors were completely burnt into the coal."

Jason: "Were there any casualties?"

Scott: "Two security guards and five workers were injured badly and three of them are in critical condition one of them is a guard and the other two are workers, and the remaining four got minor injuries."

Jason: "Oh so, are they in the hospital?"

Scott: "Yes boss. And the police are investigating them."

Jason: "Oh my God."

Scott gave support to Jason and helped him (Jason) to sit on the seat. Jason drank the water and said, "It's all my fault. I should have to take and book that order which I can't afford."

Scott: "It's okay boss."

Suddenly a policeman came near to Scott and asked, "Did you called the owner of this company. We got a suspicion in the CCTV."

Jason and Scott looked at each other and Jason stood up by saying, "I am the owner of this company."

A policeman: "Sir can you come with us? Our senior wants to record your views."

Jason and Scott went into the security room with that policeman.

Jason stopped in the corridor of the security room.

Jason: "Stallone?"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!