The pathetic doubt!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some words of depicted abuse, that might be upsetting for some readers.}

Stallone looked at Jason and said, "So this is your company right?"

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Thank God you are here."

Stalin's stepped near to Jason, put his (Stallone's) hand on Jason's shoulder, and said, "Let's go to your office. I'll talk to you there."

Jason nodded his head as yes and they (Stallone and Jason) headed to Jason's office that was situated on the top/Fifth floor of the building.

[The fifth and the fourth floor were the safest floors of the whole building that didn't get burnt.]

Stallone and Jason were sitting in Jason's office.

Stallone said, "Jason, I'll ask you some questions to verify as if this incident was planned or it was just a coincidence."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Yes, you just ask me anything about this case but let me tell you I just arrived here 45 minutes ago so I don't know the whole scenario about this incident."

Stallone said, "Do you have I doubt about someone because we saw two people industry CCTV Camera and those two people were wearing black jumpsuits with Black hats on their heads. At the last time, they shot the CCTV cameras but we couldn't saw their faces clearly because they were also wearing black masks on their faces. So so if you have any doubt about someone that anyone who talked to you about your business in a strange way."

Jason looked at the floor and replied, "Can you give me some minutes to Think?

Stallone nodded his head as yes and said, "You have my time just take your time in thinking and tell me when you realize that's someone weird or you think that someone was included because as an experienced police officer I can tell you that by seeing this incident I assumed my experience like this is planned short circuit. Someone might be jealous of you in the business field because you are a successful and brilliant businessman and no one compares you so you must have your enemies."

Jason asked, "Why do you think that I am a successful and brilliant businessman, I mean how do you know?"

Stallone laughed a little and said, "Jason you forgot that you told me earlier when you came to my house for the case of Edina and you said that you are the youngest successful businessman and I thought that you might have some jealous people like your enemies in the marketplace so that's how I took a guess."

Jason nodded his head as yes and stood up and stepped towards the window. The window was made of acrylic glass.

Stallone looked at Jason all the time and said, "Jason do…"

Suddenly the door of Jason's office knocked. Stallone got quiet.

Jason and Stallone looked at the door. Jason said, "Come in."

Scott opened the door and appeared by saying, Mr. Jason

Jason asked in a rough tone, "Yes, Scott! What is it now?"

Scott pointed his phone towards Jason and responded, "Sir, you have a call."

Jason and Stallone looked at each other suspiciously.

Jason furiously looked at don't and said in a loud tone, "So What, are you waiting for me to come there and snatch a phone from your hands?"

Scott got afraid and stepped on rashly and gave the phone to Jason.

Jason: "Who is it?"

Scott: "Mr. Victor."

Jason looked at Stallone. Jason put the phone in his ear.

Jason said on the phone, "Hello, Mr. Victor."

Victor Responded Hello, "Mr. Jason."

Jason asked, "Mr victor is everything OK why did you call me at this hour?"

Victor replied, "Yes everything is fine but I was watching the news channel and I just watched your company burnt I mean your building burned so how did that happened?"

Jason looked down the road outside the building from the window. He peeked at news reporters and said, "Oh! the news I, see there…there is nothing to worry about. You may get some rest to thank you for asking, Bye."

Victor interrupted and said to Mr. Jason, "Do you have any doubt on someone else, I mean are you investigating the incident?"

Jason responded, "Yes."

Victor said, "If you need any help, in that case, feel, free to ask me. Remember that, I'll be there for you."

Jason responded, "Mr. Victor I am telling you the second time you don't have to worry about anything the cops are investigating as to their best. Thank you so much for your offer but I'm busy right now so, I'll hang up the call."

After saying that Jason hung up the call and look at Scott and asked, "Did you call the reporters?"

Scott nodded his head as no and said, "No Sir, I didn't tell anyone about that even I got so many calls from the reporters but I didn't receive any call."

Jason said, "Good, you also shouldn't receive any call and move the reporters out of here right now. I don't want any gossip about my business."

Jason stepped back to the couch next to Stallone.

Jason looked at Scott and asked, "Are you waiting for me to ask you to get out of here."

Scott bent his head down in front of Jason like an apology and stepped out of his house.

Jason sat on the couch.

Stallone: "Jason, I have doubted this person since the beginning."

Jason: "No I can't doubt him. He is trustworthy."

Stallone: "By the way who's that Victor?"

Jason: "That, Oh! yeah, I realized I doubt him."

Stallone: "Why I mean how?"

Jason: "Two days ago I was sitting in the nearest cafe outside with fred and playing chess. He appeared and asked me some questions about my business."

Stallone: "What type of questions did he ask you, Can you let me know?"

Jason: "He asked me about my new order."

Stallone: "I'll send some cops as the paparazzi to him. That paparazzi would help me to stalk him and scrutinize him."

Jason nodded his head as okay.

Jason: "Thank you so much, Stallone."

Stallone: "Come on Man. I'm not doing your help as a friend here, it's my duty as a cop officer."

Jason: "I don't know how to tell my mom and Rocella about that."

Stallone: "Go and Get some sleep. It's okay don't worry."

Jason: "Huh, sleep. My sleep has flown out."

Stallone: "Go to your home otherwise your wife and your mom would be worried."

Jason: "Okay. Thank you so much once again."

*Jason went to his house*

Rocella was sitting alone in the lounge.

Rocella whispered: "Oh! thank God, you are okay, Jason."

Jason was depressed and said, "I lost everything."

Rocella: "What happened?"

Jason: "I lost five million dollars in an incident. Everything got burnt."

Rocella: "Oh my God! Jason. "

Jason: "I got no words Rocella."

Rocella: "I have some Jewelry of Gold and Diamond. I'll buy that."

Jason: "I don't know."

That's how Jason got worried financially.

On the other side, Stallone investigated Victor.

Stallone sent a detective to paparazzi Victor. He (detective ) analyzed the routine and activities Victor. He didn't get any proof.

*On the next morning*

Rocella was making breakfast in the kitchen.

Kevin came near Rocella and said, "Mommy, I want sandwiches."

Rocella passed a smile and said, "Okay my dear."

Kevin sat at the dining table.

Rocella looked at Raina and said, "Call mommy to come over to have some breakfast together."

Raina went to Lauren's room to call her.

Lauren entered the kitchen and sat at the dining table.

Lauren: "I think Jason went early in his office."

Rocella: "No, He's asleep in the room."

Lauren: "As much as I know today is Wednesday. So why is he at home yet?"

Rocella: "He got feverish last night so I didn't wake him up."

Lauren: "Should we call the doctor?"

Rocella: "No mommy. He will be okay after some more sleep."

Lauren nodded her head as yes and said, "Yes, You are right."

They ate breakfast together.

*On the other side*

Victor was sitting in the cafè near Victor's home in a bossy style. His (Victor's) assistant was standing near Victor.

Suddenly a man appeared and sat on the seat located in front of Victor's seat.

Victor was smoking and that man sat in a low-grade employee style.

The paparazzi took some photographs of that scene between Victor and the person. The paparazzi took a clear picture of that person while sitting in front of Victor.

In the end, Victor's assistant put two heavy bundles of money on the table, and the man (who was sitting next to Victor) received the money and hides the bundles in his bag.

The paparazzi captured the moment and stepped on the side by pulling his phone out of his pocket.

The paparazzi called Stallone while putting the phone on his ear and said, "Hello officer I have something to show you are you in your office."

By saying that he (the paparazzi) went away.

[It means the paparazzi called Stallone to tell him about the scenario.]

*On the other side*

Jason was sitting on the lawn of his house. He was smoking Suddenly Rocella appeared and saw her husband (Jason) while smoking, But she was not alone this time she was with Lauren.

Lauren looked at Rosella and said, "I've never seen my son while smoking before.

I think he is upset because of something."

Rosella looked at Lauren and said, "No mommy, don't worry you have misunderstood something, it's OK everything is fine."

Lauren mumbled, "I hope that everything would be fine as you said."

By saying that Lauren sat beside Jason and said, "Son what are you doing, you're smoking? Why?"

Jason quit smoking and threw his cigarette in the ashtray and said, "Mom, you are here and I'm just smoking for having some changes In myself, it's nothing like that you think."

Lauren said, "You were smoking and I have never watched you smoking like this before you must be very depressed about something. Does there anything that bothers you?"

Jason: "No, mom. I'm fine trust me."

Lauren: "Bu.."

Unexpectedly, Lauren's statement got interrupted by the ringing of Jason's phone.

Jason looked at the phone and stood up. Jason moved a bit apart from his mother.

[Rocella was in Kevin's room, helping him (Kevin) in doing his homework.]

Jason put the phone in his ear and said, "Yes, .... Okay I'm coming."

Jason stepped to the wooden table (that was surrounded by four wooden chairs on the lawn) and grabbed his car keys.

Lauren, "Who was that?"

Jason: "Uhh it was Stallone."

Lauren: "What, did he find out anything about our Edina's case?"

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Maybe."

Jason drove to the police station.

He met Stallone in his office.

Stallone: "Guess what?"

Jason: "You found a clue about Victor."

Stallone snapped with his fingers towards Jason and said, "Exactly. You got my point."

Stallone showed some photos to Jason and mumbled, "That jerk got captured while giving a bribe to that unknown person."

Jason took one of those photos from Stallone's hands and said, "I think, I know that man sitting next to the jerk Victor."

Stallone looked at Jason and raised a question, "Really? Ok then tell me who's that man?"

Jason: "He is Mr. Aundrens."

Stallone: "Don't tell me that he is one of your special employees."

Jason: "He is the only man who took care of that order. But what I mean is why is he with that jerk Victor?"

Stallone: "Should I ask them?"

Jason looked at Stallone with his curious expressions and asked, "How?"

Stallone: "Look man, we have proof. Based on this proof, we can easily investigate them. I would call them to the police station otherwise if they rejected my investigating invitation, then I'll arrest them because of their behavior."

Jason: "Hmm. Okay then let's do that."

*On the other side*

Jason was sitting on the lawn of his house. He was smoking Suddenly Rocella appeared and saw her husband (Jason) while smoking, But she was not alone this time she was with Lauren.

Lauren looked at Rosella and said, "I've never seen my son while smoking before.

I think he is upset because of something."

Rosella looked at Lauren and said, "No mommy, don't worry you have misunderstood something, it's OK everything is fine."

Lauren mumbled, "I hope that everything would be fine as you said."

By saying that Lauren sat beside Jason and said, "Son what are you doing, you're smoking? Why?"

Jason quit smoking and threw his cigarette in the ashtray and said, "Mom, you are here and I'm just smoking for having some changes In myself, it's nothing like that you think."

Lauren said, "You were smoking and I have never watched you smoking like this before you must be very depressed about something. Does there anything that bothers you?"

Jason: "No, mom. I'm fine trust me."

Lauren: "Bu.."

Unexpectedly, Lauren's statement got interrupted by the ringing of Jason's phone.

Jason looked at the phone and stood up. Jason moved a bit apart from his mother.

[Rocella was in Kevin's room, helping him (Kevin) in doing his homework.]

Jason put the phone in his ear and said, "Yes, .... Okay I'm coming."

Jason stepped to the wooden table (that was surrounded by four wooden chairs on the lawn) and grabbed his car keys.

Lauren, "Who was that?"

Jason: "Uhh it was Stallone."

Lauren: "What, did he find out anything about our Edina's case?"

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "Maybe."

Jason drove to the police station.

He met Stallone in his office.

Stallone: "Guess what?"

Jason: "You found a clue about Victor."

Stallone snapped with his fingers towards Jason and said, "Exactly. You got my point."

Stallone showed some photos to Jason and mumbled, "That jerk got captured while giving a bribe to that unknown person."

Jason took one of those photos from Stallone's hands and said, "I think, I know that man sitting next to the jerk Victor."

Stallone looked at Jason and raised a question, "Really? Ok then tell me who's that man?"

Jason: "He is Mr. Aundrens."

Stallone: "Don't tell me that he is one of your special employees."

Jason: "He is the only man who took care of that order. But what I mean is why is he with that jerk Victor?"

Stallone: "Should I ask them?"

Jason looked at Stallone with his curious expressions and asked, "How?"

Stallone: "Look man, we have proof. Based on this proof, we can easily investigate them. I would call them to the police station otherwise if they rejected my investigating invitation, then I'll arrest them because of their behavior."

Jason: "Hmm. Okay then let's do that."

Aundrens: "Yes officer I know, That's why I am here on my own."

Stallone: "Now tell me what did Mr. Victor ordered you I mean why did he give you such a big amount of money?"

Aundrens got confused that how Stallone knew about that and he (Aundrens) looked on the floor while playing with his hands (in the nervous situation).

Stallone lifted his eyebrows towards Aundrens in a questioning manner.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!