Throughout cluelessness!


{Author's Note => This chapter contains some conditions of depicted violence and health issues that might be upsetting for some readers.}

***{ In any case of emergency, Call the destinated ambulance to make the situation of health's disaster stable. }***

Aundrens tried to answer the interrogation of Stallone and stammered, "I-uh-oo-fi-cer-i-cc-can-tuh-tu-te-l-lly-you-o"

Stallone said: "So are you saying that you can't tell me the reason for getting those two heavy bundles of money from Mr. Victor?"

Aundrens: "Yes sir. I am sorry."

Stallone took a deep breath by leaning back towards the chair and said, "So I also simply because I am sorry to have to arrest you for this matter."

Aundrens got shocked and said, "I'm sorry Sir, but is there any other solution except for arresting me."

Stallone nodded his head as no and said, "No man you lost the chance to be forgiven but now we have more doubt on you than before."

Stallone looked at the police officer who was standing next to Aundrens and said, "Take him to the prison." Aundrens got shocked and said, "What if I tell you everything about that scenario in the cafe after you call Mr. Victor and asked by himself then promised me you would release me after getting his statement because I know that I am not the real culprit."

Stallone nodded his head as yes and said, "We'll see."

After saying this, Stallone headed out and called Mr. Victor.

Victor attend the call and said, "Who's this?"

Stallone: "It's me. The police officer."

Victor, "Oh the officer. Why and how did the cops miss me?"

Stallone: "We need you in the police station right now."

Victor: "What if I reject your invitation."

Stallone: "Hmm sounds interesting, to arrest you in the public."

Victor: "Why arrest me, officer."

Stallone: "Can you come over. I don't have much credit in my sim."

Stallone hung up the call.

After some time, Victor arrived with his assistant, at the police station.

Stallone was sitting in his office while drinking the coffee. Suddenly someone knocked on the door of Stallone's office.

Stallone said, "Come in."

A policeman entered Stallone's office and said, "Sir, Mr. Victor is here."

Stallone passed a smile and respond, "Take him to the investigation room."

The policeman led the way to the investigation room with the victor.

After entering the room, Victor sat on the chair by saying, "Where is your officer who dared to call me here?"

The policeman replied, "Sir he is coming, in his way."

After a few seconds Stallone arrived at the investigation room and sat on the chair next to Victor.

"I'm sorry Sir for keeping you wait and I have to thank you do not reject my invitation", Stallone mumbled.

Victor passed ask smiled and said, "You know what, Mr. officer no one ever dared to call me in any police station in any police station earlier before."

Stallone passed a smile and said, "So it is my honor to see you here right?"

Victor chuckled a little bit and said about, "Now let's get to the point why did you call me here Sir?"

Stallone pulled out some pictures From the envelope that he was holding in one of his hands.

And put it on the table and said, "Mr. Victor here's a little gift for you please accept this."

Victor got confused and he shrank his eyebrows with confusion.

Victor picked up the pictures that were taken by the paparazzi during the scene in the cafeteria between Victor and Mr. Aundrens.

Victor said, "Oh so you stalked me right?"

Stallone nodded his head as yes and said, "Sometimes, it is important to do so can you please explain that what was that moment? I mean, I know that man who was sitting in front of you and your assistant gave two heavy bundles of a big amount of money to him so let me know why did you do that? I mean that person is not an ordinary man he is one of the best employees in Jason's company."

Victor nodded his head as yes and said, "So you want to listen to the truth right and you might invite that person to the police station before, right?"

Stallone said, "Sir, he is in the prison just because of not telling me anything when I asked you the reason for doing that the reason for your presence there in that café he got to quit and became completely silent to speak up the truth. I know you told him not to tell anyone about the real issue. And as being straightforward forward Jason doubts you when he just told me that you are jealous of him."

Victor laughed and said, Haha you, I mean Jason, why would I be jealous of him I know, I speak harshly to him and he is harshly more to me, but honestly saying I am not interested in destroying someone's business like this so you better find the real culprit instead of doubting me."

Stallone got confused and interrogated, "A real culprit? I doubt you and now I am doubting you."

Victor said, "Sir, I know you doubt me but you shouldn't because you would be very embarrassed after knowing the truth."

Stallone said, "OK then just tell me. What is the truth? why did you forbid Mr. Aundrens to speak up the truth?"

Victor said, "I was trying to Mr. Jason. I didn't want to tell him about the help that I want to do when I hear that Jason company has been fired up then I got stunned for a moment and I said to myself that this man might be harsh to me but this man is not bad and he has the family though. I saw Jason with his family but after seeing them I got emotional and I thought I shouldn't do anything. But yes! I wanted to do anything bad to Mr. Jason but not like this after knowing that he has a happy family; he has a mother, he has a wife, and he has a beautiful kid. So I got emotional and I didn't do that and I know the real one I hope you would catch him."

Stallone, "So can you tell me who is that?"

Victor said, "I can tell you about that person his assistant."

Stallone said, "What you mean assistant why did why could he do that?"

Victor said, "I don't know the main reason for doing that to Jason's company but he is a real man I know that."

Stallone said, "Are you sure about that!"

Victor nodded his head as yes and said, "I'm a hundred percent sure."

Stallone asked, "So why are you so sure."

Victor passed a smile and said, "When Jason got an offer and he got an order of $5 million then his assistant called me and told me about the scene without any reason. I asked him that why do you want to tell me but he just ignored my words and hung up. When Jason's company fired up then his assistant was the only one who told me about that and I asked him that did you do that he passed a bit chuckle and said, "So who could be that one? I dare to do that!" I got stunned and I do want to help Jason for that matter but not by the means of his assistant so I took the support of Mr. Aundrens and I told him the main reason and I asked him about the whole situation."

Stallone looked at the policeman (who was standing next to Stallone) and said, "Take Mr. Aundrens here."

The policeman bowed his head towards Stallone and stepped out of the room.

After some, "Aundrens entered the investigation room and looked at Mr. Victor. Me. Aundrens was shocked and afraid to see Victor in the police station.

[He (Aundrens) was afraid to see Victor in the police station because Victor strictly prohibited Aundrens to speak up in front of anyone.]

" Please have a seat Mr. Aundrens." Stallone looked at Aundrens and gestured towards the seat that was located beside Mr. Victor.

Aundrens sat on the chair and said (to Mr. Victor), "Sir, I didn't tell anyone. I am sorry that you are here."

Victor passed a smile and said, "it's okay Mr. Aundrens. You don't have to be sorry to me. I just came here to have a good talk. But did you tell the officer about the scene in the café shop?"

Stallone responded, "No, that's why I called him."

Victor, "Tell him the truth Mr. Aundrens."

Aundrens, "Mr. Victor called me in the café shop because he wanted to gather the information. He told me not to tell anyone that he (Mr. Victor) was trying to help Mr. Jason. That's why I didn't let you know the truth but now I told you the truth."

Stallone understood and recorded the statements of Victor and Aundrens.

Stallone, "Hmm. So Mr. Victor also told me about the real culprit of that incident in Jason's company. Do you know that person?"

Aundrens looked at Victor.

Victor closed his eyes and nodded his head to console Aundrens and to sign him to tell everything about the real culprit.

Aundtens got relieved after seeing the calm reaction of Victor and said, "Yes. It's Mr. Jason's private Assistant named Scott."

Stallone: "How do you know that? I mean do you have any proof or statement that indicates his reality."

Aundrens: "Whenever Mr. Jason shouted at Scott. Then Scott got furious and tried to control his anger in front of Mr. Jason but when he moved alone or moved separately from Mr. Jason. Then he always called him (Mr. Jason) a bad and proud man. One day when I was stepping in front of the kitchen, I heard a voice. Like someone was saying, "I will punish that proud Jerk for his behavior. I will burn his factory. He always talked badly to all the employees. I hate him." Then I guessed that Scott is not fair for Jason."

Stallone: "So why didn't you told Jason about that?"

Aundrens: "Mr. Jason trusted Scott so much. He's never listened to any bad about Scott from someone. He (Mr. Jason) always thought that Scott is good and fair to him."

Stallone: "So we need proof to trap Scott in the specific plan to perceive his reality and then we'll tell Jason about Scott with solid proof. But I need both of your help with exposing the reality of Scott."

Victor: "Yes I agree with you. I am here to help you. Tell me what do I have to do?"

Stallone: "You just call Scott. And tell him (Scott) that you want to meet him."

Victor dialed Scott's number that was saved as "Jason's P.A" (PA => Private Assistant).

Scott received the call.

Victor said, "I want to meet you in the café that is located next to my office."

Scott: "Okay I'll be there tomorrow."

Victor hung up the call and looked at Stallone by raising the question, "What's the next step officer?"

Stallone passed a smile and said, "No you go there. We'll give you a voice recorder device and a hidden pen of camera."

Victor: "What about your paparazzi? Just tell him or her to capture some good pictures of us."

Stallone said, "Hmm Good idea. We can work on it. Oh, I forgot to offer both of you to drink coffee."

*On the other side*

Jason was sitting in the lounge and watching the TV and unexpectedly Rocella appeared rashly and said (in a crying tone), "Jason mommy needs to go to the hospital."

Jason recklessly stood up with shock and said, "Where is she?"

Rocella pointed towards the lawn and stalled, "Sh-sh-i-is i-ii-n t-th-the laa-laaaww-nn."

Jason ran in the direction of the lawn and saw Lauren. Lauren was sitting on the chair and she was putting her hands on her chest. *(She is a heart patient)*

Jason called the ambulance and they (Jason, Rocella, and Lauren) reach the hospital in a hurry.

Jason was standing leaning back against the wall and Rocella was sitting on the berths situated and fitted outside the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) ward.

Jason was crying silently and said (in a teary/sad tone): "What happened all of the sudden."

Rocella was also crying while sitting impatiently on the seat.

Rocella looked at Jason and said, "She was using the social media on her phone. Suddenly she saw the article about the incident in our industry. She just said, " Why did Jason hid from me?" and then fainted while putting her hands on her left chest.

{Putting hands-on the left-sided chest indicates the situation of heart attack}

I got worried and I summoned you.

Suddenly the doctor came while moving his mark from his face.

Jason and Rocella got stunned and curious to know Lauren's situation.

Rocella, "Doctor, how's my mom?"

The doctor rendered a serious note on his face and looked at Jason and Rocella.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!