Life is a hazardous time!

The doctor said, "It's a minor heart attack but we have to operate on her heart. So you better prepare yourself for the surgery."

After saying that, the doctor moved away.

Jason sat on the chair by putting both of his hands on his head.

"I don't have any money to pay the hospital dues," Jason mumbled.

Rocella sat beside the seat next to Jason.

Have" I have a diamond jewelry set that you bought me last time for our anniversary's ceremony so we can sell that jewelry set", Rocella mumbled.

Jason responded, "I've never thought about selling your jewelry. I can't do this."

Rocella said, "We need to take care of mommy and her health is more important than any other jewelry, She is the most precious thing for me than any jewelry, I don't want anything bad to happen to her health. Please Jason please do that I will, I will sell the jewelry set and we have to do this."

Jason got worried and said, "I don't know Rocella, why does everything happen to me like this. I've never wished anything happened bad to others so why is it with me my mom got a heart attack because of me, because of my situation she couldn't bear, then how could she bear that notice of bankruptcy that is gonna, be handed over to us what do I do? I have just no choice."

Rocella said, "It's OK Jason when we'll reach home and mommy (Lauren) would get better soon and you should tell her about everything later, but now you have to do this you have to you have to bear this cruel thing because this is our fate we can't do any change in our fate."

Jason nodded his head as yes and said, "I think you are right this fate is gone maybe for a little time or alwa...."

Rocella interrupted Jason's word by mumbling, "Shut up Jason, it's not gonna be always, you have to face this time with patience."

Rocella sold her Jewelry and Jason paid the hospital dues for the surgery of his mother (Lauren).

The doctor was going to operate in the operation room. He saw Jason and Rocella worried and said, "You don't have to worry, everything is gonna be fine."

Jason said, "Thank you doctor for your concern."

The doctor stepped into the operation theater.

After the surgery, the doctor moved out of the operation theater.

Jason and Rocella stood up in front of the corridor of the operation theater.

Jason asked the doctor, "Is my mother alright?"

The doctor respond, "The surgery went well but you should take good care of her. She can't stand and walk by herself."

Jason and Rocella nodded their heads in a calming tone.

Jason looked at the floor and said, "Thank you, doctor."

Lauren was moved to the patient's room in an unconscious condition.

*On the next day*

Stallone, Victor, and Aundrens made a proper plan to expose Scott in front of Jason.

Victor and Stallone were sitting and drinking the green tea in Stallone's office.

"So we are gonna do this, Right?" Victor mumbled.

Stallone replied, "Don't your want to help my best friend?"

Victor said, "He is a good man and I don't expect to harm him so I just want to help him, that's why I'm here. By the way, Jason is my good competitor so I want my competitor to be the best man I am and otherwise I don know your best friend either."

Stallone: "So you know that what we did tomorrow and today it's maybe or may not be a time to meet Scott. Because he gave you the time of tomorrow. Am I right?"

Victor nodded his head as yes and said, "Mr. Officer, that is the only reason for my presence here. I'm going to go there and you are getting on to help me, You'll give me a voice recorder and a hidden camera recorder to make a proper proof Against him (Scott)."

Stallone gave a mini recorder and a camera to Victor.

Victor headed to the café where Scott was waiting for him (Victor).

"So you are waiting for me?" Victor mumbled (while sitting on the chair next to Scott).

"Yes I am here and waiting for you but why isn't your assistant here?" Scott asked suspiciously (while looking around).

"Yeah, I am alone today. I gotta doubt on him that he also might do that bad thing to me maybe I mean just like you, you were also the private assistant of Jason and you did the worst thing to him like a sleeve snake," Victor replied.

[Victor made a serious note on his face while saying that.]

Scott replied, "So you mean I am a sleeve snake."

Victor chuckled a bit, "haha" by saying, "I have something important to tell you, let's get to the point."

Scott replied, "Yes that's why I'm here."

Victor replied, "I want to destroy Jason but I can't do this alone. I need a person who is like a slave snake to him."

Scott: "I destroyed him already I fired up his whole industry that was me you know that how much would we destroy him (Jason) than that I mean he is already destroyed, he's no use."

Victor asked suspiciously, "Why did you do that, I mean how, I mean what was the reason for doing the worst act to him (Jason)? You know that you have ruined his whole life."

Scott replied, "I hate Jason, he is so proud man, I don't like a proud man like him(Jason). I hate him when he scolded me I hate him when he scolded anyone else in the industry he thinks that he is the one who can scold us but he doesn't think the time is going to be changed and he will be a slave and now I hate him."

Victor asked, "Why do you hate him I mean What has he done to you that you hate so much?"

Scott replied, "I don't know I just hate him from the beginning of my job."

Victor Nodded his head as yes.

Scott asked suspiciously, "Why do you want to destroy him?"

Victor said, "So you want to question me why are you investigating me like a police?"

"Come on Mr. Victor you were the one who investigated me before and now, you are saying that I am investigating you? Wow!", Scott announced.

Victor replied, "I'm just jealous of him and nothing else."

That's how Victor got solid proof against Scott.

Victor reached his home and gave a call to Stallone and Stallone answered the call.

Victor: "Let's have dinner together. Me. Officer. I got proof. I'll send you the location of my place."

Stallone: "Okay."

*After some time*

Stallone reached Victor's home for the first time.

Stallone bought a bottle of beer to cheer up for getting a proof against Scott the bottle of beer was wrapped in a box and the box was settled in the paper (shopping) bag."

Stallone rang the bell of the corridor of victor's home.

Victor opened the door of his house from inside and looked at Stallone by saying, "Hello Mr. officer you are here."

Suddenly Victor looked at Stallone's right hand, he was holding a paper bag.

Victor said, "And you bought me a little gift."

Stallone replied, "It's not a little gift it's a reward for your success today and a beer is the best thing for celebration."

Victor moved on the side of the corridor and gave the way to Stallone to come in and said, "Come in please."

Stallone entered Victor's home, that place was gorgeous, and an amazing luxurious house has so many antique decoration pieces.

Stallone nodded his head as he was amazed by Victor's home and said, "Goodman, do you live here alone? You have made your home a luxurious place. Wow, I like it."

Victor said, "Yes sometimes my son visits me so That's why my home is well furnished and luxurious because my son likes luxury homes."

Stallone chuckled a bit and said, "haha, so you are a father of a son, your son might have a specific choice like my daughter."

[They had a good time together for the celebration of getting solid proof against Scott.]

*On the next day*

Jason's mom Lauren got discharged from the hospital but she couldn't walk and she couldn't stand up so she was sitting in the wheelchair and Jason and Rocella took her (Lauren) to her room for getting some rest.

Rocella went to the kitchen to get some water for Lauren in her room. While she was in the kitchen and pouring some water in the jug, Raina appeared and said, "Ma'am, I got this envelope tomorrow evening at the house. I called you but your phone was at home."

Rocella clenched the envelope from Raina's hand and said, "Thank you, Raina."

Rocella opened the envelope and pulled a page from that and that page was from the bank it was a notice of bankruptcy.

Rocella looked at Raina and asked, "Did you open that?"

Raina nodded her head as no and said," No ma'am, I don't dare to."

Rocella said, "Good you shouldn't."

Rocella held a paper in one of her hands and moved to her room by ordering Raina.

"Raina please take this tray to Mom's room", Rocella mumbled.

Rocella cried to see the notice of bankruptcy that she haven't seen any in her entire life.

After some time, Jason entered his room. He saw Rocella crying and got worried.

Jason: "What happened Row?"

Rocella: "Jason we became bankrupt."

Jason: "Let me see."

Jason grabbed the envelope from the bed and read the whole page of the notice.

He got worried after seeing the whole notice from the bank.

Jason sat on the chair and held his head with his hand in depression. Rocella said, "Don't worry Jason. We'll find a relevant way to get out of this conflict.

Jason: "You are right, Row."

Suddenly Jason's phone rang. He (Jason) picked his phone from the dressing table. It was Stallone's call.

Jason attend the call and said, "Stallone, did you found out any proof against Victor."

*On the other side*

Stallone was sitting with Victor and Aundrens in his office.

His (Stallone's) phone was on the speaker. After hearing Jason's statement, Victor passed a smile towards Stallone and Stallone said, "Can you come over to my office right now?"

Jason: "Okay give me some time."

While saying that, Jason stepped out of his room. He (Jason) headed to the police station in a hurry by his car.

*After some time*

Jason arrived at the police station. He opened the door of Stallone's office. He got shocked after seeing Victor and Aundrens.

Stallone was passing a smile towards them.

Stallone (while smiling) said, "Oh! Finally, you are here."

Jason suspiciously asked, "So you got these culprits. By the way, why are you here Mr. Victor?"

Victor said, "I am here to see my competitor."

Jason got furious and loudly said, "Competitor? Huh! That competitor, whose life and career you have already ruined."

Victor: "I don't care what you think about me. But I do care what I think about you."

After a bit of silence, Victor mumbled, "Do you remember the day of our business party you invited me to which. I told you to never show your happiness in front of anyone. But I think you forgot or maybe you misunderstood. And now you can see the result of showing your happiness there."

Victor gestured with one of his arms towards the computer system that was settled on the table.

Jason looked at the table and stepped forward to the table and saw a video.

The video of Scott while saying, "I hate Jason. I always hated him. I already fired up his industry and now he is of no use."

Jason got shocked and looked at Stallone and said, "Oh no I can't believe this."

Jason: "No, I trusted him the most. What about Mr. Victor."

Stallone: "Calm down Jason. No wonder that you got a sleeve snake. Now you have learned the lesson not to blindly trust anyone."

Jason got shocked and tears popped out of his eyes with stress and he said, "You are right. But what do I do now? I lost my factory even my house. I go bankrupt."

Aundrens: "Don't worry Mr. Jason. Everything is gonna be fine, the time in life is not always the same."

"What? Fine? No man nothing is gonna be fine I lost everything," Jason shouted worriedly.

Victor gave support of his arm to Jason and helped (Jason) to sit and he (Victor) offered a glass of chilled water to Jason while saying, "You don't have to worry about the order. I have submitted that order by your name."

Jason looked at Victor and said: "I am embarrassed I am so sorry."

Victor: "You know what Mr. Jason, I didn't want any of my opponents to be in trouble."

That's how Jason faced the reality and Scott went the prison.

*After some weeks*

It was a Sunday,

Eden started to speak some months ago.

While having breakfast, Eden stopped eating for a while and said, "Mark!"

Mark and Nick looked at Eden with loving eyes.

Mark responded: "Yes, my dear!"

Eden (in an innocent tone) said: "It's been a while since we have gone to the picnic. I want you both to go with me on the picnic today."

Mark looked at Nick and Nick passed a pitiful smile and said, "Aww, sweet. Mark, I think he is right!"

Mark said: "So you both want to enjoy the picnic today. Then let's go today. We'll head to the beach site."

Eden got happy and hugged Nick by saying, "Thank you, Nick."

Eden hugged Mark by saying, "Thank you, Mark."

They prepared some sandwiches, cookies, fresh juice and pasta for their picnic. They (Mark, Nick, and Eden) were enjoying their lives happily.

The more Eden was happy with Mark and Nick, The more were Jason, Rocella, and Lauren were worried.

[There was a deadline on the notice of bankruptcy. It was for five weeks.]

*Three of those five weeks had passed*

Jason knocked on the door of his mother's room. Raina opened the door from inside.

Jason stepped into the room and sat beside Lauren.

[Lauren didn't talk to Jason about his factory. After her heart attack.]

Jason: "How's your health?"

Lauren: "I'm fine."

Jason nodded their head and said, "What about your medicines, mom? Are you taking your medicines properly?"

Lauren noticed Jason and said, "You started smoking. Your father never smoke. Even you n3ver smoke. Look at yourself in the mirror and comparison yourself. You got a tanned pale complexion on your skin. It seems like just like your factory burnt so did your blood burnt also?"

Jason got quiet and made a depressed expression.

"It's not like you think mom", Jason responded.

Lauren asked, " If it's not like I think then how's this? Do you know, Maybe I wouldn't be so upset if you told me by yourself. But you hid this bad tragedy from me and hid your sorrow. And I got a heart attack just to know and realize that my son hide something from me. The reason I suddenly got a heart attack was not that your factory fired up but because I found out from social media that the factory of my son was burnt. You never hid any matter from me then why was that scenario hidden from me."

Jason: "I am sorry mom. When I got that news I didn't want to upset you. But when you found out the news about my factory you got a heart attack. My business was of no use. My career as a successful businessman was ruined. Just because of my pride. I got success by hard work but I became proud of myself. When we went to the hospital and the doctor told us about your surgery expenses. I had no money but Rocella helped me. She told me that she is your daughter and she had to do that to save her mother's life. She told me that you are her jewelry. I got an offer from a global textile brand. It was the best offer for me. I didn't have any savings to invest in that offer and I took a loan from a bank of five hundred thousand dollars. The duration of that loan was six months. It is the fifth month. We have a week free to see a new place to live. Because in straight words, I go bankrupt."

Lauren looked at Jason with shock and started crying.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!