Unmasked fact!

Lauren said in a tearful pitch: "Oh son. I had no idea what stage my son was going through. If you had told me all that you are telling me now, perhaps I would not have been in such a bad situation of my health because of the heart attack and you and your wife (Rocella) would not have to bear the expense of my heart surgery. As far as mortgages with the bank are concerned, I used to live in this house. This house and your burnt factory are our assets. Now it depends on you how to use these assets. There is no doubt that this house was built by your father with his hard work and I decorated every corner of this house by myself. Otherwise, we were not the richest people since our ancestors in their old ages. Your father did hard work and my son also did hard work. But always remember my words, my dear, We don't know what time is the future in life. Even no one dares to know that what's going to be in the next stage of life. But yes, this is your test. First came the test of wealth in which you proudly learned a lesson, Indeed, the head of pride is inadequate. And now it begins your poverty test. Now it all depends on you, If you would do an overwhelming chore without being disappointed, you can do it yourself by being steadfast and see the results for yourself. Just believe in yourself so that you can do everything. Your father and I made this house, not for ourselves, it was all for you. We have lived our lives. Your father had died and now it's time for me to die. I have no idea that if I were alive here today, I might not be alive tomorrow."

Jason started tearing from his eyes and interrupted his mother's words by saying, "Mom, please don't say that. I feel alone when I appear to think of it."

Lauren: "No son, you have your family. You are not alone. You have two kids of which we lost one but we'll find her otherwise your wife (Rocella) and son (Kevin) loves you. You should take care of them too. Now listen to me and ask the bankers to auction this house and factory. I have some Jewelry though, So we'll sell out that jewelry and one of your cars (that is driven by a driver), and look for a small house for rent. We would remove the driver and the rest of the servants."

Suddenly, the door of Rocella's room knocked. It was Rocella.

Rocella stepped in while holding a tray in which a bowl of chicken stew and a bowl of grain porridge were fitted.

Rocella (Passed a smile on her face): "Look mommy I made a delicious stew and a porridge for you. It is good for your health."

When she realized both of them (Lauren and Jason) having teary eyes, she got stunned and said, "Oh my God, what made sad to both of you."

Lauren: "Rocella, Come here."

Jason moved and sat on the couch.

Rocella put the tray on the side table of the bed while saying, "Yes mommy."

Rocella sat on the bed near Lauren (where Jason was sitting earlier).

Lauren held Rocella's hands and said, "Thank you so much, My daughter."

Rocella got stunned and said, "For what."

Lauren: "You cooperated with my son in this difficult time."

Rocella: "Come on mommy. I am his (Jason's) wife though."

Lauren: "You two go tomorrow and see a nice house for rent to live in."

Rocella looked at Jason and said, "You told mommy all the matter?"

Jason looked at Rocella and nodded his head as yes.

Rocella looked at Lauren and grabbed the tray from the side table and said, "You must be starving, I made these for you."

She (Rocella) fed Lauren by her hand.

*On the next day*

Jason and Rocella looked for the house but they didn't find any (house).

While driving back to the home, Jason got a call. He connected his phone with the car. It was Stallone's call.

Jason: "Hello Stallone."

Stallone: "Jason let's meet up in the restaurant near the police station."

Jason looked at Rocella and responded, "Okay. Give me some time to from my wife home."

Stallone said, "Okay, I'm waiting."

Jason dropped Rocella at home and drove towards the restaurant.

Jason entered the restaurant and saw Fred.

A squared shape table was located on the left side and that was surrounded by four chairs. Stallone and Fred were sitting in two chairs.

Jason stepped near to their table.

Fred looked at Jason and stood up while smiling.

Jason looked at Fred and said, "What's with your smile? It doesn't seem like a happy smile."

Fred hugged Jason by saying, "I am relieved that you are alive."

Jason hugged Fred for a while and then they released their hug by sitting on their chairs.

Jason: "So how was your tour back to your hometown?"

Fred: "Hmm, My mother introduced me to so many girls but no one liked me but when I heard the news of your factory on the internet I wanted to come then my sister was getting married so it was not possible for me to come here. I was worried that you might be worried and you needed your friends in that problem but. I am sorry."

Jason passed a smile to Fred and said: "I didn't ask any explanation to you. Stallone was with me all the time. Thank you so much for your concern by the way."

Fred nodded his head as play and said, "Hey Jason, you look pale I mean tan and the eye bags under your eyes are telling me that you haven't slept for so many nights and maybe you started smoking."

Stallone: "It's not maybe Fred. He started smoking."

Fred looked at Jason and said, "Oh my..."

Suddenly Fred's words were interrupted by someone's voice.

"Hello everyone,"

They (Fred, Stallone, and Jason) looked at that person, it was Victor.

Fred stood up and looked at Victor with his shocking expressions.

Stallone: "You are here, Come and sit."

Fred was unaware of the whole situation.

Fred whispered in Jason's ear: "Why is that villain here?"

Victor and Stallone, we're noticing them (Jason and Fred).

Jason passed a smile towards Fred's act and said, "He helped me in all that crises."

Fed inquired loudly: "How?"

Jason: "I'll tell you later."

Victor: "So, how's everything going Mr. Jason?"

Jason: "Nothing but I have to leave my place and moved to another."

Stallone: "There are many houses are available for rent in my society."

Jason: "I don't need any Villa, I just need a small house of two rooms."

Stallone: "No problem Jason. So many of them are small. You have to see."

Victor: "Can I help you?"

Jason: "No please you already helped me a lot."

Victor: "You are my good friend though."

Jason: "Thank you so much, Mr. Victor."

Victor: "No need to be formal to your friend Jason. Just call me by my name."

Fred was still confused and said, "If it was not Mr. Victor then who was the real culprit?"

Stallone: "It was Jason's private assistant."

Fred got stunned and looked at Jason by saying, "Man, you got a sleeve snake."

Victor: "Indeed."


Jason: "I told my mom everything about the whole scenario."

Stallone: "What was her reaction?"

Jason: "She consoled me."

Stallone: "That's good."

Jason: "Mom was asking about Edina."

Stallone: "Then what did you tell her?"

Jason: "I couldn't dare to tell her anything about Edina."

Stallone: "It's okay Jason."

Victor: "You don't worry about your child. Your child is safe with Mark."

Jason, Fred, and Stallone looked at Victor with their shocked expressions.

Fred: "How do you know about it?"

Victor took a deep breath and admitted, " A year ago, I saw Jason and his wife were cutting a cake in the restaurant. And when Jason and his wife (Rocella) left the restaurant, they reached Mark's place. They gave that child to Mark. Then I took a guess and asked Nikkie, she told me that your child was transgender and you gave your child to Mark to protect your child."

Stallone: "Well, How do you know about Mark?"

Victor: "I am a trustee in the school where he is a teacher. I know him very well, he is a good man though. And as far as I'm concerned, your child is happy with him (Mark), I visited that school last week. I saw Mark while holding the hand of Eden. He (Eden) just looks like you. Everyone loves him."

Fred: "So you have the worst hobby to explore the private lives of people."

Jason chuckled a bit and said, "Did you tell anyone about my child? That he is a transgender or he is with a transgender."

Victor: "I don't like gossiping in the absence of people. So I didn't tell anyone about that."

Jason: "Thank you."

Victor: "It's okay Jason."

They ordered some food.

After having the food and paying the bill, Stallone received a call from the police station. He headed to the police station rashly. Fred led the way back to his home.

Jason and Victor, we're still in the restaurant. Victor: "I have something to tell you."

Jason: "Yes."

Victor: "First of all, I am sorry to stalk you. And second..."

Victor pulled out an envelope from the inner pocket of his coat. Victor gave that envelope to Jason (In his hands).

Jason: "What is it, Victor?"

Victor: "It's your profit."

Jason got confused and asked, "Profit? What profit?"

Victor passed a smile and replied, "You got a 50℅ of profit in the order."

Jason chuckled and said, "No please you better keep this money."

Victor: "Shut up Jason. You also helped me a lot."

Jason: "No, I didn't. Please take your money back."

Victor shouted: "Shut up Jason it's your money man."

Jason looked around and said, "Okay it's my money. Thank you."

Victor passed a smile and they stepped out of the restaurant.

Jason reached his home.

He called the bank manager and asked the manager to set the specific date of the house's auction.

[Jason's house was like a villa.]

*On the next day*

Jason and Stallone looked for the house and they finally found the house for rent in Stallone's society.

Jason entered his house and showed them pictures of the new house to Rocella and Lauren. They were sitting in Lauren's room.

Jason: "I have discharged our driver and What about Raina."

Raina was standing outside of the room. She was listening to a whole conversation.

Rocella: "I'll discharge her."

Raina entered the room without knocking and she was crying. Raina sat on the floor on her knees and bind her hands as a request in front of them by saying, "Please, don't leave me alone. I have no place to live. I am homeless. I want to live with you. Please, sir. Please mam please."

Rocella put her right hand on Raina's shoulder and help her (Raina) to stood up.

Raina said, "Mam, please. I don't wanna live you alone."

Rocella looked at Lauren and Jason.

Lauren: "Ok Raina you can live with us."

Raina giggled while wiping her tears from her hand's backside.

Raina: "Thank you, mam."

They were prepared for living in the new house.

*On the day of auction*

Rocella and Lauren were looking at the lawn from the window of the lounge.

They were crying.

There were so many chaired fitted in the lawn and the house was sold out in an auction.

*After two days*

They (Jason, Lauren, Kavin, Raina, and Rocella) moved to their new house. That house was too short as compared to Jason's old villa.


One day, Rocella received a call from Kevin's school.

It was Kevin's teacher (Professor Harrison).

Rocella: "Hello."

Harrison, "Hello. Is there ms? Jason speaking?"

Rocella: "Yes."

Harrison: "Mam, I am the principal of Kevin's school."

Rocella: "Oh yes professor."

Harrison: "This month is coming to an end and there is no fee submitted for your child (Kevin)."

Rocella: "Oh I'll talk to his father about that. Don't worry professor."

Harrison: "It's okay mam, but be sure to submit his fee as soon as possible."

Rocella: "Okay professor, thank you for your cooperation."

*After some time*

Jason and Rocella we're sitting in their room. [Their room was small as compared to the old one.]

Rocella: "Jason."

Jason: "Yes Row."

Rocella: "I got a call from Kevin's professor."

Jason: "What was he saying?"

Rocella: "He said that Kevin's school fee isn:'t submitted yet."

Jason: "I can not afford to pay for Kevin's school fee."

Roella: "We discard him (Kevin) from this school and put him (Kevin) in a cheaper school with lower fees."

Jason: "I would ask my friend (Stallone) about a school he must know."

*On the next day*

It was Sunday. Stallone was at home.

Jason called Stallone and he (Stallone) received the call.

Jason: "Can you come over to my place?"

Stallone: "What happened Jason? Is everything alright?"

Jason: "Yes everything is okay. Please give me some time if you are free."

Stallone: "Okay give me some time."

[Rocella was sitting near Jason, she whispered, "Jason ask him to take his family. And let's have lunch together. Jason gestured a thumb's up to Rocella.]

Jason: "Okay are you home. I mean is your family there."

Stallone: "Yes."

Jason: "Then take your wife and daughter with yourself and Let's have a good lunch together."

Stallone: "Okay then. See you at your place."

After some time,

Stallone brought his wife and daughter Jason home.

[The name of Stallone's daughter was Christine. She had folder brown hair long with a fair and bright skin tone. She was at the age of Kevin. She was wearing a pink-colored tee shirt with a mini skirt. Her long and loose hair makes her pretty.]

[The name of Stallone's wife was Olivia. She had a fair bright-colored skin complexion just like her daughter. She had long black hair with grey eyes. She looked gorgeous with a long fork up to her knees.]

Christine was gripping a cat of the breed name, "Turkish Angora".

Jason, Lauren, and Kevin were sitting in the lounge.

A bell on the corridor rang, Jason opened the door. He saw Stallone with his wife and daughter.

Stallone: " Hello."

Jason: "You are here. Come in, come in please."

Jason bowed his head to greet in front of Olivia and said, "Aww, so cute. What's your name, little missy?"

Christine: "Christine."

Stallone, his wife (Olivia), and his daughter (Christine) stepped into Jason's home.

"Look mom we have some guests," Jason mumbled.

Lauren was sitting in the wheelchair, Kevin was playing on the couch.

Lauren met Stallone and his wife happily.

Stallone: "Hello aunt Lauren. How is your condition now?"

Lauren: "I am fine thank you. What are the names of this beautiful lady and little missy?"

Stallone gestured towards Olivia and said, "This is my wife, Olivia."

Olivia met Lauren and Rocella happily.

Stallone gestured towards Christine and said, "She is my daughter."

Lauren looked at Kevin and said: "Look, Kevin. You were complaining that you do have a y friend, and now you can have a friend. Met her."

Lauren looked at Christine and summoned her by saying, "Come here. What is your Cat's name missy?"

Christine: "Kattie."

Rocella, Raina, Lauren, and Olivia were sitting in the lounge and chatting happily.

Jason and Stallone were sitting in the chairs on the terrace. Jason said, "Do you know the school with a low fee system?"

Stallone: "Just enroll him (Kevin) at my daughter's school."

Jason: "Are you sure?"

Stallone: "Yes."

Jason nodded his head and said, "You are right."

Kevin and Christine were sitting on the side of the lounge. Kevin gestured at Kattie (Christine's cat).

Kevin: "What is his name?"

Christine: "It's a girl."

Kevin: "Okay. What is her name?"

Christine: "Kattie."

*Kavin and Christine became good friends.*

They spent a good day together.

Jason enrolled Kevin in Christine's school.

Kevin was a little bit upset because of the new place but Stallone's family met Jason's family every weekend. Lauren was gotten attached to Christine. Kevin and Christine became good friends.

That's how one year passed.

*On the other side*

Mark gave Eden every aspect of comfort. Nick got deeply attached to Eden.

Eden became three years old.

One day,

Nick was performing the hair treatment of Brooklynn. Brooklynn said, "Nikkie?"

Nick: " Yes madam."

Brooklynn: "How is that child?"

Nick: "Which child?"

Brooklynn: "The child, The one I once met here is the one you took with you."

Nick: "Are you talking about Eden? My friend's child!"

Brooklynn: "Yes. It's been a while since I met him. I wish I would see him as a grown-up child."

Nick: "Do you like him that much?"

Brooklynn: "Yes, He was cute though."

Unexpectedly, three years old child ran towards Nick and held Nick's apron by saying, "Nick."

Nick stopped for a while and looked at this child.

It was Eden.

[Having fair skin with dark brown hair.]

Nick passed a smile towards Eden and said, "Look madam, you were talking about him. Your wish came true."

Doctor Brooklynn got happy and said, "Aww. How adorable."

Mark stepped into the salon and said, "Eden was so excited to see you at your workplace. So he released my hand to ran towards you."

Brooklynn looked at Mark and said, "So this little angel is your child, am I right?"

Mark passed a smile and replied: "Yes."

Mark sat on th chair.

Nick: "So how did you (Mark) and your son (Eden) miss me?"

Mark: "I was getting bored in my house. I thought to take you to a good restaurant to have a barbeque together."

Nick: "Why all of the sudden?"

Mark: "It's our Eden's birthday today."

Nick and Brooklynn looked at Eden.

Brooklynn: "So you are gonna cut the cake today, Aww."

Eden looked at Brooklynn and chuckled.

Nick said, "Hmm so how's our Eden gonna celebrate his birthday?"

Eden started clapping with his happy expressions and said, "It's my birthday."

[Mark and Nick celebrate Eden's birthday on the date when Eden arrived at Mark's place. Mark noted that date.]

Nick finished performing Brooklynn's hair treatment. Brooklynn kissed Eden's cheek and went out of the salon.

They (Mark and Nick) went to an open-air restaurant to celebrate Eden's birthday. They ordered a cake and enjoyed it together.

But not only this;

Jason's family and Stallone's family were also there but they didn't notice each other.

Lauren was still sitting in the wheelchair.

Lauren was unaware and gazed at Eden.

She (Lauren) quietly noticed them.

Eden was wearing a birthday hat. Eden was sitting in Mark's lap. They were clapping together.

Lauren remembered Edina's face.

Lauren stood up while looking at Eden and said, "Oh my God Edina."

Jason, Stallone, and Rocella got shocked. They looked at Mark.

Jason: "No mom. That is a boy it's not our Edina."

Lauren walked lamely towards them and said, "Edina."

Mark and Nick stood up while looking at Lauren.

Lauren shouted: "Stallone, arrest them. They kidnapped our Edina."

Everyone at that place got stunned by Lauren's act.

Jason said: "Mom she is not our Edina. He is their Eden."

Lauren got shocked and said, "What do you mean?"

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!